Cities: Skylines
Modular Parked Jetliner
10 коментара
sag032 23 дек. 2016 в 11:20 
I just ignore the errors and plop down a prop of my choice ;)
jonathan_on 24 февр. 2016 в 3:37 
The In-Game thumbnail doesn't show correctly for this one :(
Zaunpfahl42 3 май 2015 в 7:27 
No, currently this is the only one of your planes I've tried. I only found this in a crash-log, ingame it looks okay like on the pictures here, but also without the props visible. Not saying this caused the crash, propably it's having too many workshop assets which caused it ;)
kurtus_mob  [автор] 3 май 2015 в 5:26 
That's weird, I've never heard of this issue before. Have you tried other assets (like the jumbo jet or the small jet) ?
Zaunpfahl42 3 май 2015 в 4:33 
I've subscribed to both props, but still get a lot of errors in the logfile from this building:

Loading custom asset Parked Jetliner from 'Jetliner-parked' [CustomAssetMetaData, 796bb80cfe9a65a845a5038f3c09fade, in package ''428460791' [C:\Spiele\Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\255710\428460791\Jetliner-parked.crp]' (7738866, 2048)] [Modding]

Unknown prefab: lugcart.Luggage carts_Data [Serialization]

Unknown prefab: planestairs.Plane stairs_Data [Serialization]

Unsupported type for deserialization: [SpawnPoint]

No base generated: 428460791.Parked Jetliner_Data [Core]
awfulant 25 апр. 2015 в 20:12 
thank you, good stuff
Invader 25 апр. 2015 в 12:19 
Looks like a 777. Very good job! I hope you can make some more :)
kurtus_mob  [автор] 19 апр. 2015 в 10:08 
@Iceman Yeah, I'm still workin on it, at this time the texture are really bad when zoomed in, I'm trying to fix that. Soon...

@Ferdinand : thx !
Iceman-460° 19 апр. 2015 в 9:57 
awesome love your work. were you still going to release the parking stalls with the yellow parking spaces hopefully one without a plane and one with a plane on it.Thanks again
Ajuba 19 апр. 2015 в 9:48 
Very nice. Just what i needed:)