Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Palisade Fence (Ploppable Anywhere)
16 comentário(s)
rik4000  [autor(a)] 22/out./2017 às 0:08 
@Agamemnicon - When i first made this asset (2.5 years ago) there were no mods available to allow you to plop down props in game so this was the only way to do it back then.
Agamemnicon 21/out./2017 às 17:25 
Thank you for working on this, I appreciate more fence options in this game.. however.. any reason you didn't make this as a prop? It messes with terrain slope when you plop it, and even more importantly, it doesn't work with PLT (prop line tool), so drawing a long line of this fence is a laborious process.

I like the way it looks, but cannot use it as is.
craig.stanway 24/set./2015 às 11:51 
love your work rik thanks keep em coming .....
[CS]ThorSummoner 12/set./2015 às 21:32 
I'd prefer to place stetches of fence like a road/path
rik4000  [autor(a)] 15/mai./2015 às 0:20 
@The Professor The only way i know of to kill the seagulls is to use this mod >>
꧁[The Final Atlas]꧂ 14/mai./2015 às 15:09 
Please, please, PLEASE kill those annoying, terrible, loud seagulls for this fence. I tried making a realistic fenced off airport but I ended up reliving Alfred Hitchcock's 1963 film "The Birds". It's absolutely awful.
malepilot 28/abr./2015 às 8:45 
Thank you!
rik4000  [autor(a)] 27/abr./2015 às 23:48 
@malepilot I created this fence in 3ds Max and then import it into the editor.

Follow this helpful guide to be able to place assets anywhere >>

malepilot 27/abr./2015 às 1:21 
Did you created this fence with the Asset Editor ?
Or you are suing some other app to create this and import it to the Asset Editor ?
I am trying to create another type of fences that can be placed anywhere but it always need a road to plot/snap to it :-(
rik4000  [autor(a)] 21/abr./2015 às 23:51 
TheMightyCthulhu 21/abr./2015 às 18:16 
This is a good asset to add near water. Anywhere else, and you have flocks of seagulls flying around it due to the base.
Chloro 12/abr./2015 às 22:30 
Now you can rebuild a suburb in South Africa!
Djelle 12/abr./2015 às 15:08 
Oh. So sorry. I didn't notice that. So yes u are right.
rik4000  [autor(a)] 12/abr./2015 às 15:00 
@Djelle This is a ploppable anywhere asset thats why i think it comes in at 6mb. ive recently finished a circular hay bale which was under 100 tris and that still came in at 5.8mb. Ive also made some footy posts which were just over 500 tris but this was only 0.7mb as it was saved as a prop.
Djelle 12/abr./2015 às 14:47 
@GordonDry That is only needed with plopables. In this case rik4000 must have overdone the details. Hint hint.

A prop is normall around 0.5 MB. Especially a simple fence like this.
GordonDry 12/abr./2015 às 13:43 
It's a pity that we have to use any other asset as a base and to rescale it to 0.001 to make it invisible and set our own thing above it - waste of space.
I mean, under "normal" circumstances an asset like this (and so many others) wouldn't use over 6 MB...