Cities: Skylines
Beach Tools - Design Your Own Beach - Collection
31 σχόλια
Lord Rato  [Δημιουργός] 17 Μαϊ 2020, 15:10 
Disclaimer: These mods/models are severely out of date. I lost the files a long time ago and cant support it anymore. However, if anyone can find a way to use these assets/props on your mods, please feel free to do so.
Harry 14 Μαρ 2019, 8:32 
No one wants to use the things even I directly put them beside the road. please have a check, thx.
@Lord Rato
BOT Rip 16 Ιουλ 2018, 18:01 
i subscribed to all !!!!!! Beach baby
Bobbystrahler 11 Φεβ 2017, 2:49 
No one is using the beach. is this normal?
Lord Rato  [Δημιουργός] 3 Αυγ 2015, 8:34 
3k? Pretty sure they dont, when i modeled them they had around 800~1k, if i recall correctly.
boformer 3 Αυγ 2015, 6:37 
It is possible to extract the original models with mod tools, but I think it might be easier to remodel them. Your models have 3000 polys, too much for pavilions.
Lord Rato  [Δημιουργός] 3 Αυγ 2015, 6:30 
Ohm, i dont think i can anymore, i formated my Windows for Windows 10, and did not save any of those models, so i think i cant. If you know of any other way to do it, tell me and i will try it.
boformer 2 Αυγ 2015, 17:42 
If possible a low-poly version...
boformer 2 Αυγ 2015, 17:39 
Hey. Can you publish the pavilions as props? I would like to use them in my asset.
Lord Rato  [Δημιουργός] 9 Ιουν 2015, 20:25 
Yeah. That would be awesome.
SBGaming 8 Ιουν 2015, 4:34 
When I select most of these items and prepare to place them down, all I see on the tool overlay are either the tents or umbrellas without any other details to let me know if I've properly orientated them in the direction I want them to face. What ends up happening is I have to throw down atleast one to check if I got it facing the direction I want them facing.

The only thing that would make this collection better is if you were able to create a custom sub menu within Parks and Decorations to contain all the beach assets, so that they are easy to find and get to. The current menus are attrocious for anyone who has spent any amount of time in the workshop.
Mr. Meeseeks 7 Ιουν 2015, 8:13 
How do you get people to visit these? Even putting one right beside a road doesn't seem to work for me, nevermind having them spread out on a beach front
Mako 30 Μαϊ 2015, 6:53 
I've seen a lot of people wishing that the dirt texture wouldn't appear under the beach assets. While I can agree with that sentiment, I also kind of think it looks kind of okay, like the sand has a lot of footprints from people being at the beach. No real point to this, just hoping I helped some people out with dirt-texture-induced-hypertension. Otherwise, great work mod author!
eat ass 12 Μαϊ 2015, 6:11 
Lol this would actually be great if people actually did something other then stand around with stupid toolboxes ON THE BEACH!
There are no animations for any of the thousands of assets on here and it's lame.
It's not your fault and this stuff is real nice but proper usage by peds would just finalize it and everything else on the workshop.
Lord Rato  [Δημιουργός] 20 Απρ 2015, 18:05 
@Monsieur Connard Its impossible to define that in the asset itself, there is a mod that shuts them down, i really recomend that, its one of the ARIS mod modules.

Yes, the docks need the road for cars to access it, it also has a small 4 car park in front of it.
Erei 20 Απρ 2015, 17:58 
Very nice stuff, but if I can make a minor complain : can you tune down the seagull ? It seems pretty much every assets add a seagull, making the beach very annoying because of all the screeching sound. Perhaps have only a handful of assets adding a seagul ?

Also, do the fisherman docks need access to a road, for garbage/public service, or pedestrian only is fine ? I saw you had a road included with it, made me wonder.
Lord Rato  [Δημιουργός] 18 Απρ 2015, 8:33 
Thanks guys.
Arjee 17 Απρ 2015, 22:59 
You're amazing man! Kep it up
Tomas13TO 17 Απρ 2015, 15:15 
excellent work with this pack. I like the idea ploppable anywhere. keep it up
76561198079110836 11 Απρ 2015, 4:54 
You have made my beaches look amazing, sir. I was wondering if you'd make more kites. They're not just good for beaches, but they look awesome in my parks.
Lord Rato  [Δημιουργός] 7 Απρ 2015, 13:12 
Thanks guys, i am working on more assets for other kinds of beaches. :)
pdelmo 7 Απρ 2015, 1:54 
This is Great
[BLA]Unmortal 3 Απρ 2015, 8:23 
i like the beach idea gone use it for sure
Lord Rato  [Δημιουργός] 2 Απρ 2015, 18:33 
@PortalGunner Thanks for replying, i am modeling other stuff right now, i just have to learn a thing or two about texturing. I will see about that mod you mentioned, see if i can ask HyperDrive how he did it.

If i get rid of this texture error i will be delivering another big update, with a lot of new stuff, but until then, theres nothing much i can do, gotta learn.
Inqie 2 Απρ 2015, 18:11 
@Lord Rato @Scotland Tom
The 'No Tree Dirt' mod by hyperdrive_engage gets rid of the dirt around the base of trees. If you can do it with trees I don't doubt you can find out how to do it with assets. Maybe ask hyperdrive_engage how he did it?

Anyhow, good collection - subscribed and hope to see some more such as:
Deck chairs by themselves; beach towels; plain sand texture path/park so that people can walk/stand around on the 'beach' without having to make dirt paths or provide parks.
Maybe some icons for them as well so they are easier to find in the menu (especially considering that they are many parts of a larger collection)
𝓕𝔁 31 Μαρ 2015, 12:15 
Awesome stuff, thanks ;)
Jesper107 31 Μαρ 2015, 8:48 
Never mind, I found the button. Sorry for my blindness!
Jesper107 31 Μαρ 2015, 8:47 
Make sure you enable "subscribe to all" by checking the "this collection is best used together"-thingy. Thanks!
Lord Rato  [Δημιουργός] 31 Μαρ 2015, 8:06 
Thanks @Scotland Tom, you LUT matches it perfectly in my Opinion.

@Breeze As Scotland said, i have seem nothing in the files that i can work with related to that dirt beneath the assets, the game sets up that automatically. For now, i will take that as wet sand, lol. But if i find any other solution, i will update all the assets with it. :)
Scotland Tom 31 Μαρ 2015, 7:23 
@Breeze - If I'm correct I think the ground texture is something that automatically changes whenever you place a prop. It's just something the game does, not something that's part of the props themselves. Nothing to be done about it.

@Lord Rato - Pretty sweet looking collection! I'm glad Clear and Bright could be part of it!
Breeze 31 Μαρ 2015, 2:55 
Please remove the dirt on the floor.