Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Sunshine Valley
23 件のコメント
Benny Beanpicker (NL) 2015年5月12日 23時51分 
with the 81 tile unlock you can even get to the island to the left , nice map
BumpaNiggl  [作成者] 2015年4月19日 11時46分 
Thanks for the kind remark, Selizia. Awesome to hear it worked out for someone. :] Enjoy.
Selizia 2015年4月19日 7時37分 
A very nice video and a great map. The first song was beautiful. I felt right at home.
BumpaNiggl  [作成者] 2015年4月15日 2時15分 
Map has been redone. :)
BumpaNiggl  [作成者] 2015年4月2日 6時47分 
Still haven't gotten around to start building a city on the map myself so I'm pretty unknowledged to the behaviour. Therefore thank you very much for the advice; I'll definitely look into the issues and update the map; just give me a bit of time. :) Cheers mate.
Nole 2015年4月1日 18時41分 
Man I keep coming back to this map. I have a lot of maps installed and I load them all up to look at which ones I want to seriously play. This map is beautful. But the waterflow is almost none in the starting zone, then I unlock all the tiles and low flow everywhere. Need a place or two for dams, and the poo has to go somewhere..
BumpaNiggl  [作成者] 2015年3月27日 9時46分 
Found some time and redid the streams. Now the water is flowing from the lake with the island in the "middle" of the map to the outside of the map.
BumpaNiggl  [作成者] 2015年3月27日 7時40分 
I'll look into it, but actually the lake with the island in the map is at sea level. Only the mountain rivers have a downstream. I'll try to create some kind of stream for the ground level lake which goes through the map but don't think I will get to it until next Monday. Anyhow; thank you very much for letting me know about the issues the map has. Cheers. :)
Wormwood 2015年3月27日 6時46分 
I have very little water flow in the starting square. I'm not sure what that will impact outside of early game water treatment, but I'm rolling with it.
BumpaNiggl  [作成者] 2015年3月27日 5時05分 
That's weird: Does anybody else have similar issues? If so please let me know since it works fine here if I download it from steam. :( Sorry for the inconvenience, mate.
Nole 2015年3月26日 19時25分 
No water flow at all in any direction for me. Map base is nice. Have all the sub assets.
BumpaNiggl  [作成者] 2015年3月26日 9時16分 
Just tried to set it up so it would match good old SuperNintendo SimCity building standards. :D On top of that add as muc stuff as could be needed a priori since it would save money. ^^ But nice to hear my "intentions" worked out for someone in this new world of landscape simulations. :) Please let me know if it also worked for you. Until then; enjoy. =] Cheers.
Wormwood 2015年3月26日 7時13分 
I'm not to familiar with the map building, but I wish I could make edits outside of my ownership square.

A lot of these custom maps have no on/off ramp access and you don't get a lot of options early game.

Yours hits the sweet spot of road functionality and geographical layout.
BumpaNiggl  [作成者] 2015年3月26日 6時20分 
Thanks: I've stuffed about 15 to 20 hours into this map. And I had the same plan for tonight. Therefore thanks for giving me that hint with the roads. Would of annoyed me if I sat down to start my long prepared map and first thing to find out is that the road corrections weren't saved. Cheers. :)
Wormwood 2015年3月26日 5時52分 
I'll try it when I get home. This is by far the most aesthetically pleasing map I've seen.
BumpaNiggl  [作成者] 2015年3月26日 3時37分 
Downloaded the map myself to double check and it seemed to work.
BumpaNiggl  [作成者] 2015年3月26日 3時37分 
Ey StephanBerger. Ay; I have corrected them. Should work just fine now. :)
Steph4 2015年3月25日 23時58分 
the map seems great. Did you correct the messed up highways (like MelancholyOcelot said) ?
BumpaNiggl  [作成者] 2015年3月25日 18時20分 
That's something I'll use for the description; fits great for the "paradise" in the title. Thanks Tomas. =]
roberto tomás 2015年3月25日 18時11分 
not trying to be too crass but it just reminded me of that song "Take me down to sunshine city, where the grass is green and the girls .." — Bumpaniggl
BumpaNiggl  [作成者] 2015年3月25日 17時41分 
Roads should work fine now. Redid every single one on the whole map. :)
BumpaNiggl  [作成者] 2015年3月25日 16時34分 
Thanks for the hint, MelancholyOcelot; am looking into it right now. Seems it hadn't saved the road and waterway corrections. Sorry for that. :[
Wormwood 2015年3月25日 15時00分 
I tried loading this, but the highways are very messed up. Many are going the wrong way.

I'm not even sure if this is playable yet.