Legend of Grimrock 2

Legend of Grimrock 2

Grimrock Unlimited
206 commentaires
Rascal07 10 nov. 2023 à 15h01 
Did anyone figure out how to fix the Import Characters bug? I'm getting the bug too.
AllYourToothbrushAreBelongToUs 29 aout 2023 à 5h04 
Importing Characters, however, does not work."

Pretty sure you found a bug then. When I played this like 7 years ago I went through the whole dungeon like 4-5 times with the same characters.
ManlyMachoke 26 aout 2023 à 15h04 
Honestly, it's very well done. Haven't had any bugs happen to me yet.

However, it's namesake is a bit misleading. While this does indeed randomly generate dungeons, it is NOT unlimited and will eventually end; depending on how many floors you want, up to a maximum of about 14 floors. Which is a real shame, because I would like the dungeon to be truly endless and generate an unlimited amount of floors.

Because there is no Post Game to Grimrock 2, this mod is a very good way to make it re-playable. But again, the runs can end and are not truly unlimited.

Importing Characters, however, does not work.
So if you don't want to keep making your parties over and over again, make sure to SAVE in the Lobby where you first spawn in.

Overall, I give this mod a 7/10.

Polished, Well done, Practically Bugless... but is NOT truly unlimited.
Sorry Ratling Cheese/Farmer Class, no Min/Maxing for you in this~ :(
Layla Spellwind 24 aout 2022 à 14h39 
This needs to be renamed to "Grimrock Unbalanced".
I thought that when I got to the end, it would send me to the entrance with the same party so I could keep running them through more and more. I thought that was why the enemies were so powerful.

Nope... This starts hard, ends disappointingly.
The randomised aspect of it is a massive downer too, get 3 pieces of the crystal set, one piece of the meteor set, a crossbow but no bolts.... It's entirely RNG. You have to be lucky.
CupCupBaconBox 31 mai 2022 à 8h15 
I'm glad this is updated so frequently and will be 1.0 any moment.
Toni-technaclaw 19 janv. 2022 à 12h51 
I wish This had a Puzzle guide. the Wizard Sun puzzle is Confusing me.
telgalad 19 janv. 2022 à 4h52 
Anyone have a copy of the source code for this? I wanted to take a crack at improving it.
Mazarooskie 30 aout 2021 à 8h59 
theres a lot of floating items on stairs :)
malcolmdale 5 aout 2021 à 1h41 
Thanks for this mod. I just finished floor 16 and enjoyed it . I think I'll start again in a couple of weeks so it will be fresher.
The Last Roman 24 juil. 2021 à 13h56 
*Stares wistfully at the 'coming soon' sign from 2014*
Corrin 30 mars 2021 à 15h08 

It doesn't scale well. It's really easy at first, but after a while the enemies start to get way more powerful than the player. Perhaps some exp tweaking would be useful?

The rng is brutal, I found 5 crossbows and only 1 crossbow bolt in the first 5 floors. I found 3 slings but my first rock was from a golem on floor 6. Maybe that's just extremely unlucky, but there should be weights on the items (espeically ammo) rather than all being equal. Also lockpicks for chests, PLEASE.

There's no puzzles or secrets of any kind, so the game is all combat. Not to say that's particularly bad, but I definitely love grimrock for the mixing of the two. I understand puzzles might be hard to generate in a procedural fashion, but having doors to secret rooms with a switch x tiles away would be easy to implement.
Corrin 30 mars 2021 à 15h08 
Summary: great idea, needs more implementation and some tweaking.


I like the addition of grimrock 1 enemies and items, that added some great variety.

The obvious, this game was in desperate need of a more replayable variant so thank you for filling that void.

Cool bosses and boss enemy swarms that are genuinely adrenaline-inducing.

Sans 11 mars 2021 à 2h21 
Awsome mod.The only one you really need.
!??! 28 oct. 2020 à 9h16 
The source code upload is gone .-.
gugnihr 25 aout 2020 à 0h59 
Great idea, very good mod!
WhispersOfTheWind 7 juin 2020 à 15h33 
pS. It would be cool if we could traverse back to previous levels, now the gates close :(
WhispersOfTheWind 7 juin 2020 à 14h28 
Re, in regard to boss fights, I just encountered 2 so that's really cool that it's implemented.
WhispersOfTheWind 7 juin 2020 à 14h25 
Hey what a brilliant mod. I was kind of stuck in the main game on the 4th or 5th island so this came as a nice surprise.

I hope you work on it and maybe introduce some bosses at the end or in between, maybe some different tile sets maybe?

I really like the random nature of the mod, this is so great.

In any case, good luck and thanks for releasing this gem.
Palandus 20 avr. 2020 à 22h26 
Question: Are there actual secret areas? I ask because I've noticed that some enemies appear to be outside of the explorable map, and thus in a secret area, but yet, haven't seen a single secret button.
Palandus 18 avr. 2020 à 19h59 
With a bit of fiddling, testing and the like, I've released Grimrock Unlimited+, on the workshop, which takes this mod further. As Scotty points out, the map generation is quite rough to read and follow along. Might be able to figure out how to do longer runs, but GU+ is quite a bit more challenging as it is, so some groups may find it sufficiently tough as it is.
Palandus 18 avr. 2020 à 1h07 
Thank you very much for releasing the source.
Scotty  [créateur] 18 avr. 2020 à 0h32 
Hey guys! I've uploaded the complete source for the mod here:

Consider this my public domain licence: have at it! Do with it what you will! Feel free use it as a reference or take chunks or continue development and upload to Steam workshop or anywhere else.

I won't be able to provide anyone with assistance however, mainly because I don't remember anything about it (and I just a gander at the map_generation.lua file, goddamn I don't envy anyone who wants to try and decode that mess :P).
Palandus 16 avr. 2020 à 18h08 
6. Often times the standard enemies are harder to kill than bosses. On floor 13 I encountered a green slime with roughly 5x the HP as the boss on the floor... and I had to kill 6 slimes to get to them.
7. I think having a locked gate to get to the next level is a waste. Rather change it so that you get a standard key + 2 chests, as a reward and make it optional fight for those that want more loot.
8. Some of the puzzle combination locks are impossible to do. I found one for the cloak and daggers and couldn't get in because I had 1 cloak and 1 dagger.

And a whole heap of other feedback. But, not much point in mentioning it if you aren't interested in continued dev or releasing source.
Palandus 16 avr. 2020 à 18h08 
A great mod. Sure wish it was still being developed or the source released, so that someone else could continue it or modify it to their personal preferences.

Personal notes:
1. Enemies scale heavily in difficulty... faster than the player does, the deeper you go.
2. Very hard to gain XP later on, as XP doesn't scale.
3. Locked chests isn't a good mechanic. I for one save my keys for the locked room with 6 item generated. I've managed to get far better items more reliably by doing this. No guarantee the chest will have good loot in them if locked.
4. Despite there being scarcer food, I've never actually run out in my runs. Even on the 16 floor runs.
5. Guns are nigh useless. You just don't find enough ammo or cannonballs to make them useful. In one run, I had a cannon, but only found 3 cannon balls total. In another run I had the 6-shot revolver, but only ever found 22 bullets.
Emma 5 févr. 2020 à 3h34 
i know you might not see this and if you dont want to develop this anymore i resepect that
but the spiders ruin my experience and it feels like when im playing im just waiting for a spider to come out and end my run its not because they are that hard but they spook me so much i feel like i cant keep playing if you could add a leaver to turn of spiders that would be greatly appreciated :)
Lord Strode 7 janv. 2019 à 18h07 
Could we get an endless version? In the old days, a game would just wrap when you beat it. You would play all the same enemies, but they would be harder. Would it be too difficult to just set up a formula in the code so the branch I get on my fifth run does 10M damage but the twig blight has 50M health?
Adamjack 21 juil. 2018 à 12h54 
Also, the bosses seemed pretty random as well, with most of them being far too easy. There were single rooms on several floors that were harder than the bosses on those floors. Got Viper Roots twice and he died in two seconds for both of them. Liked the forest one with the wargs, the rat king, and the skeleton brothers. Found an easy way to cheese the skeleton brothers though, if you rush straight forward then the right one which usually summons the zombies will turn and attack you instead, and will not summon them until you move out of range.
Quick tip to people having trouble with the Spell puzzles, the spell does not face towards the sign, but towards the chest.
Adamjack 21 juil. 2018 à 12h48 
Great mod. A few complaints though:
-Iron keys are way too scarce for the amount of locked chests and item rooms. The "only the keymaster may enter" setpiece (which I'm assuming requires 3 iron keys) seems almost impossible to enter unless you haven't used any iron keys up to that point.
-Items can spawn on exit stairs. This happened 3 times to me, with an iron key (which I couldn't reach), and a mudwort and box (which I could reach)
-Seems far too random, would like to see at least some equipment scaling. On the second floor I got the best light weapon and second best heavy weapon I got all game.
-Abundance of Rogue items, which is helpful but also seems wrong as there is meant to be only one set. There also seems to be an abundance of potions (energy potions in particular) and food, ended with an abundance of both of those.
Armageddon Potato 18 mars 2018 à 18h13 
It's a great mod, but man is it short! Woud love to see an option for 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 floors! (100 floors?!)

I mean I don't know what that would take, but it'd be pretty epic and have inifinte replay value.
CurryCatastrophe 17 mars 2018 à 20h52 
Really enjoying this mod so far! Looking for some help with one of the 9x pressure plate rooms though..the hint says "They fell from the skies and forged a great hammer"
I tried placing items on the plates to make the Meteor Storm spell (I assume the hint is referring to the Meteor Hammer item, being that's the only thing that can fall from the sky), but it won't open up the doors to the nearby treasure. Am I wrong or is this puzzle possibly bugged?

I went ahead and tried literally every spell combination by putting items on the plates and none of them worked..
Wir3dup 7 janv. 2018 à 7h12 
I like the randomness of the monsters, layout, and items but sometimes I feel like I load in but then find items that only 2 people could use. Would it be possible to have everything still be random, but that the characters start out in a room with items that could be used by level one players from the get go?

ie: Like a light weapon, a heavy weapon, a thrown weapon, a missle weapon, ammo, a gun, some bullets, a mortar and pestle, and then everything else be random?
Shaken Coffee 6 déc. 2017 à 13h46 
ok this is kinda bs... https://i.imgur.com/ITs034l.jpg
egraynn 6 déc. 2017 à 13h10 

I'm the author of the Magic of Grimrock mod and it has been some time I was thinking it would be cool to have the spells pack in your procedural generated mod. Recently a player reminded me about it, so here I am, asking you if you would be interested.

I am not asking you to work on anything of course, but if you are okay with this idea, let me know. If you send me your editor files for Grimrock unlimited, I'll gladly add the spells, items and xp/monsters scaling systems to it. Then It could be published as a new mod (on Steam I guess it's the only possibility), and/or as an optional download on both our pages (on the nexus).

What do you think?
Weaver 26 sept. 2017 à 22h48 
Here's a strange item placement, was this supposed to happen? https://i.imgur.com/urJXA2t.jpg
VLW 16 aout 2017 à 13h03 
Better than the Binding of Isaac. It would be awesome if a single play had more floors. But still, most fun I had in a long time.
Batman 18 juil. 2017 à 0h06 
Hey, does this custom map have any "story" (at the level of grimrock2 which some might consider no story) or is this a rogue-like type map.
[FR]axxa 12 juil. 2017 à 2h34 
this feeling when in one of the last floor you face the viper root boss with a team of 4 battle mage

Love this mod but there are still some bug: for example a sack that spawn on the stair or the "choose wisely" room that empty for no reason ( when i open the gate)
Evisicrator 7 mars 2017 à 22h26 
If anyone could remake this mod that would be great, I've played this mod over and over and it really is fun. Yet it's missing something, new levels, some new design layouts, something. I've played this so much that I have seen every single tile set there is, every kind of room that can be created etc. etc. I wish I had the know how of creating these kind of mods so I can just take this idea and remake it and update it. ;-;
Pepo 6 janv. 2017 à 17h43 
makes me wanna play the game again
truz 5 janv. 2017 à 15h39 
I'd kill for this mod to get updated.
Wild Salmon 9 déc. 2016 à 17h42 
Good mod. Thanks for breathing new life into the game.
folvenson 26 nov. 2016 à 9h52 
my first game with this was amazing, the only criticizm I have is that I run into so many locked chests. You gave us a key at the start, but I think that a lockpick or two would be nice as well.
Nexus 6 aout 2016 à 4h54 
9 plate puzzle is either tiles light up from the holes above when pressed (requires high graphics mode) or the tiles represent the magical runes.
AllYourToothbrushAreBelongToUs 18 juin 2016 à 14h31 
Haven´t been able to solve any of the 9 plate puzzles. :P What are you supposed to do? Scotty hinted at using "fireball" for the one with the pass like a sun reference. Shot fireballs all over that room. On the highlighted plates, on the other plates. at the plaque at the walls. At the locked door. Someone?
Brittle 17 mai 2016 à 7h49 
This still a thing?
ookami007 21 avr. 2016 à 6h24 
Is this mod still being updated/expanded?
Riflas 5 mars 2016 à 18h45 
This mod keeps me playing ty sir
Geekoid 5 mars 2016 à 13h16 
This is fantastic. I had a great time. Thanks!
KERNBOOM 31 janv. 2016 à 14h45 
Thanks for making this, dont let all the critique stop you from working on this mod or newer mods or whatever - u did great :)
Zu 18 oct. 2015 à 13h13 
It's a shame this mod was discontinued. It has potential. As it stands though, it's a bit too random.

Floor 4 boss: A single Viper Root. Floor 3 boss: One of the cemetery bros with all the undead summoning jazz. A world of difference.

All this random loot lying about too. Five Orbs of Radiance? A skill level 4 Saber on floor 1? The bloody Wizard's Virge!? Wat.

The one thing though that felt really odd to me was just how much damage enemies were able to take after a certain point. I mean, maxed offense skills aside from accuracy and non-dagger backstab, good weapons including the Meteor Hammer, and you're telling me it still takes like 15 hits to kill one of dem snakemen on Normal? That can't be right. Am I fooling myself? They sure didn't feel that spongy in my vanilla playthrough on Hard.

If someone were to refine this, add more room diversity, categorize the loot based on floor level, and remove all those pointless corner barrels, I could see myself playing this more often.