Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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5 commenti
CrowDough  [autore] 20 nov, ore 20:38 
my apologies, its not very clear as little of the green part is showing! One is camo the other is not.
Yakuza Merkitzi 20 nov, ore 18:59 
I'm gonna guess that one style paints the hat, and the other style paints the fur.
caw-caw-robinjay (she/her) 18 nov, ore 19:54 
may i ask what the difference between styles 3 and 4 are ?
caw-caw-robinjay (she/her) 18 nov, ore 19:54 
this rules, love it :D
Unfunny 18 nov, ore 13:32 
Style with no shells then its perfect