Crusader Kings III

Crusader Kings III

Statues Of CK3
214 comentário(s)
bevierschevier 9 de mar. às 5:37 
Is it possible to have the player character be the sculptor themselves?
HunkHerrmann 8 de mar. às 7:12 
Does this mod change body type?
Ēarendel 15 de fev. às 1:17 
Only support vanilla throne rooms not modded ones
arthurmastelarovb 14 de fev. às 17:39 
yeah, the mod sometimes in other than the defalt throne room doesent see to work, and i dont have change throne room
Stormtroper 11 de fev. às 18:39 
It shows the statue, but saddly only on the "default throne room". @Lazzisol
Lazzisol 9 de fev. às 8:11 
So, when i use the Change throne room mod, the statues turn invisible. love the mod, and would love a compatibility mod between the mods.
Ēarendel 7 de fev. às 15:48 
Depending on your setup barbershop can lock in customizing for dead NPC's. It's best to edit when the statue reference is alive, although for me it allows to edit hair even afterwards.
Beast the Final Boss 7 de fev. às 13:12 
Hmm, I followed the exact steps in your "Custom Clothing Tab", but cannot change any clothes or hair styles.
Restricted Uncle 30 de jan. às 7:17 
is there a compatibility patch with the choose throne room mod ?
Musty 24 de jan. às 20:57 
the statue just does the default A-Pose. Any ideas how to fix it?
Baelenar 17 de jan. às 6:09 
I’ve had the same issue, can someone make a comparability mod for the two?
Fallen King 12 de jan. às 12:52 
Perhaps it's the Change your Court room mod? it's last on the list.
Fallen King 12 de jan. às 11:38 
Well, all I see is the pedestal... I guess I'm missing the cfp patch?
samuraiv19 4 de jan. às 21:26 
Dumb question, but is this mod compatible with The Fallen Eagle?
GG Terran  [autor(a)] 1 de jan. às 5:28 
@Jaztin looks like a mod conflict.
Jaztin 30/dez./2024 às 0:08 
i dont understand why, but anytime i comission a statue, i cant see any of the poses. I ignored the bug at first but then when the sculptor finished the statue, it was blank as well. Why could that be?
GG Terran  [autor(a)] 18/dez./2024 às 9:17 
@763327845 click fig leaf icon
763327845 16/dez./2024 às 21:45 
why can't most cultures show the statues except the bottom parts of the statues? I already opened the nudity setting.
DarthCobra 12/dez./2024 às 3:45 
ty man, great mod with a great dev
GG Terran  [autor(a)] 11/dez./2024 às 18:23 
@DarthCobra change clothes, hair, beards before the pose selection event chain ends. Or if the statue is already created, you pin the character to the outliner, head to barbershop's 2nd tab - all pinned characters are there, edit and save
DarthCobra 11/dez./2024 às 15:45 
how do i even add the custom clothing
GG Terran  [autor(a)] 9/dez./2024 às 18:29 
@Csirke yeah, let me know if you need to access the mod page.
Csirke 9/dez./2024 às 14:10 
Hi @GG Terran, Is it ok if I try to make the AGOT statue comp patch up to date based on your previous comp patch?
GG Terran  [autor(a)] 2/dez./2024 às 18:54 
@Latte_Cattie not sure but I guess Color Picker mod has custom shaders which are not compatible with the statue shader.
想吃但丁的但和丁 2/dez./2024 às 17:41 
hello! it's such a wonderful mod but if my problem is not a coincidence, it seems like this mod would make all the role's portraits disappeared when Better Barbershop was used. i love this mod very much so i was wondering if you can fix this pls:)
hamletsdead 30/nov./2024 às 12:10 
If you use CBO, there's a CBO-Statues-CFP patch on LL.
|Warden| 30/nov./2024 às 2:18 
It would be great if someone made a AGOT patch
BlueTh4nus 29/nov./2024 às 9:13 
As of now, this mod is incompatible with better barbershop color changer mod, not sure if you have the ability to fix it
Vargas 23/nov./2024 às 6:18 
Need that CFP Patch :D
anke 16/nov./2024 às 7:45 
@ALPHARIUS ✠ I didn't have the Elf Destiny.And i do got a CFP+CBO+statue patch.It may be the BA not work with this mod.Still,thanks for you information.
Forget Name 16/nov./2024 às 2:23 
@OGProtiny color picker for better barbershop do that bug in my mod setup
GG Terran  [autor(a)] 15/nov./2024 às 21:36 
Patch for CFP will be available on my Ko-fi page either next week or the next
DCR | PIKALOV 13/nov./2024 às 12:55 
@anke I found the reason why this was happening. I have the Elf Destiny installed. It should be higher in the order of loading. And there is a separate patch for it. And the patch for the statues should be at the very bottom of the loading order. and it should be a CFP+CBO+statue patch. It was recently released. Also on the Loverslab
anke 11/nov./2024 às 1:16 
@ALPHARIUS ✠ same.
SummeDummkopf 9/nov./2024 às 23:54 
@OGProtiny you ever figure it out?
ZerefMetatron 9/nov./2024 às 22:00 
2 Statues aren't enough. Is it possible to make it a pedestal too? That will become six.
OGProtiny 9/nov./2024 às 6:49 
The characters fully turn invisible for me with this mod on, is this a loadorder issue or something? Or is it incompatible with mods like "congenital beauty", "Beautiful portraits", "fair Lords", "Fair Ladies", "Viking Tattoos" etc? Should I place this mod below those or what could be a potential fix?
megalemoncola 8/nov./2024 às 15:20 
@ALPHARIUS ✠ @Tåni Blær There's a CFP+Statues CBO Patch on the CFP-CBO Patch page and there's a recommended load order. I haven't tried it out yet because my old setup works fine on the latest 1.14
DCR | PIKALOV 8/nov./2024 às 13:51 
My CBO patch is not working yet. The characters turn into skeletons. Either I'm installing it the wrong way, or the fact is that it was updated at the end of October.
Tåni Blær 8/nov./2024 às 13:17 
@megalemoncola I found CFP+Statues CBO CS patch 1.2.1 on the old dowloadable files on the mod page. Only issue is, statue is moving back and forth like a living person, and certain animations ain't working. I am just using CBO Base and CFP patch with it.
megalemoncola 8/nov./2024 às 12:07 
@Tåni Blær It's in one of the downloads of the main CBO Unofficial mod. Look for 'Statues CBO Patch 1.0.7z'
Tåni Blær 8/nov./2024 às 10:45 
@megalemoncola where is the link to the Statues Compatch? I've found the main mod, and CFP compatch, can't find the link to the statues compatch.
megalemoncola 8/nov./2024 às 6:36 
To everyone who are dismayed that Statues of CK3 no longer supports CFP: seeing as you all are interested in nude statues, you'd probably be alright with the idea of more, let's say, anatomically correct characters. Character Body Overhaul (CBO) on lover's lab (NSFW) has a CFP compatch and a Statues compatch which makes everything work together.
hussite gaming 8/nov./2024 às 3:16 
@[Army of Two] AXIS EPE isn't even updated.
[Army of Two] AXIS 7/nov./2024 às 13:03 
CFP and EPE has been on my must list forever, I will sadly not use this mod if I have to choose either CFP or this.
alphonsechristophe 6/nov./2024 às 23:26 
@GG Terran Bro or big sister. Please don't do this to us. We need CFP.
Tåni Blær 5/nov./2024 às 16:13 
Ok, so from now on its either having CFP or this mod?
GG Terran  [autor(a)] 5/nov./2024 às 9:01 
*not mods but dlcs
GG Terran  [autor(a)] 5/nov./2024 às 9:00 
I'm quite satisfied with the amount of clothing and hair options in vanilla as I have all the mods. Same thing with the courtrooms.
Vargas 5/nov./2024 às 6:59 
Thats fair. Can I ask why you dont use CFP? I mean, its a pretty great mod