Warno Realism Improved
549 comentarios
Caffer1 24 FEB a las 1:13 p. m. 
Thanks so much for great mod @dershredder ! I appreciate you updating it to keep it current !!
Der Shredder  [autor] 24 FEB a las 7:34 a. m. 
@Luigi Those are only for Skirmish.
Luigi ℘ 24 FEB a las 7:00 a. m. 
Im playing Army General, how do I deploy Field Supply Points, "mini-FOB". Was it through the transport truck or helicopters? In that case - how?
610731050 18 FEB a las 10:05 p. m. 
To make your mod more realistic, can you create a new deck system like SURM (for example, one M1CP corresponds to 13 M1s), and make it impossible to repair units and replenish troops?It's too realistic
Der Shredder  [autor] 18 FEB a las 9:23 a. m. 
The performance problems with (very large) decks are known issues in the vanilla game, should be fixed with the next hotfix, according to Eugen.
Murgs 18 FEB a las 1:43 a. m. 
Yes, deleting all my previous saved BGs fixed the issue.
Murgs 17 FEB a las 9:39 p. m. 

I haven't played in a while, and when I loaded up the mod today, all my saved battlegroups were mixed up, British became PACT and everything was jumbled. When selecting a battlegroup, the window that shows the makeup of the group was mostly white...

On top of it, the game was lagging terribly and I zeroed it down to this mod.

I deleted all my saved BGs and I think the problem is now fixed. So if any of you had this issue this may be a solution, will update.

About to create a group and play - have a nice day...

Thanks again @Der Shredder for a great mod.
610731050 16 FEB a las 11:56 p. m. 
Can you adjust the aircraft slots to 12? And add features to those vehicles with TVD (description: optics +1)
Murgs 15 FEB a las 8:07 a. m. 

Thanks, as I said, never gave it much thought until now, glad you understood my Q, in retrospect it probably wasn't the best worded.
x973ice 14 FEB a las 3:41 p. m. 
the thickness is measured perpendicular to the plate face so yes thickness is thickness
Der Shredder  [autor] 14 FEB a las 7:44 a. m. 
For the same realism reasons most non-soviet pact MBTs are limited to obsolete export ammo, like most East German T-72s only have access to 3BM15 with 350mm pen == 14AP, which is worse than the T55 export ammunition BM20 with 390mm pen == 15 AP
Der Shredder  [autor] 14 FEB a las 7:40 a. m. 
The British 120mm ammunition in the mod is L23A1 with 480mm pen == 17 AP
The British 105mm ammo is L64A4 with 410mm pen == 16 AP
The West German 105mm ammo is DM33 with 420mm pen == 16 AP
The West German 120mm ammo is DM33 with 600mm pen == 19 AP
The US 105mm ammo is M833 with 490mm pen == 17 AP
The US 120mm ammo is M829 with 600mm pen == 19 AP

The british tank ammo was bad IRL, this is reflected ingame.

in theory the US could even get 105mm M900 with 650mm pen == 20 AP and 120mm M829A1 with 700mm pen == 21 AP, as these ammo types from 1989 would probably be more common in WARNOs timeline than IRL, but this obviously would buff the already strong US tanks significantly.
Murgs 14 FEB a las 6:36 a. m. 
@x973ice - never really thought about this stuff much, really interesting. Is the thickness you quote, the plate thickness, or is it measured on the hypotenuse?
x973ice 14 FEB a las 4:06 a. m. 
i think the AP pen value for the uk L11 120mm (pen 17) on chieftain/challenger is slightly to low as it has only one more pen than the L7 on the leopard 1 (pen 16) and the same as the pen the 105mm M68 (a gun based almost entirely on the L7) on the M1 i accept that then pen on the L11 should not be as high as on the american and German 120mm (pen 19) as they are smooth bore not rifled. The rifling does reduce the penetration on APFSDS/APDS rounds but the L11 was a clear upgrade to the L7. Further more the M68 with its best APFSDS can defeat 120mm RHA at 60 degrees at 850m whereas the worst APFSDS round from the L11 can defeat 150mm of RHA at 60 degrees at 6350m
610731050 13 FEB a las 8:36 a. m. 
The optics of infantry recon units are too good, please lower them or it won't be realistic.
Der Shredder  [autor] 13 FEB a las 7:06 a. m. 
I will take a look at the recon stats. Artillery seems fine right now, I dont see a need to increase HE damage.As for planes, I am currently concentrating on improving the AI. All future gameplay changes will depend on how effective the AI can become against a player. And nerfing planes would hurt the AI more than the player in its current state.
610731050 12 FEB a las 10:00 p. m. 
I admire your persistence, because of your mod I continue to play this game. Now, in order to make this game more realistic, can you take my suggestions?
610731050 12 FEB a las 9:58 p. m. 
Many recon units have a too-long range right now, can you lower that? Also, do you have plans to increase HE damage (double the damage, but also double the supply of all artillery and double the reload time of all aircraft)
Der Shredder  [autor] 12 FEB a las 7:54 p. m. 
@610731050 ?
610731050 12 FEB a las 6:23 p. m. 
Are the optics of the recon units too high?
Calcium 12 FEB a las 3:34 p. m. 
Der Shredder  [autor] 12 FEB a las 1:13 p. m. 
@New units will come at some point, it is currently somewhat complex to add them. With the UI changes of the latest update all units will get all reasonable transport options. West and East Germany already have all transports available for all units. The other nations will follow at some point,
Calcium 12 FEB a las 10:29 a. m. 
Would you be able to make Mi8MT be able to transport troops for realistic purpose? (same for Bradley recon if possible?) Also I think all unit should have more transport option available but some how missing in the deck? Thx for the update!
Der Shredder  [autor] 12 FEB a las 9:35 a. m. 
Rager_Beater 11 FEB a las 7:01 p. m. 
so can supplys trucks repair stuff in AG now?
Murgs 11 FEB a las 4:17 p. m. 
Thanks again for your mod, and the effort and though that you put into it...
Der Shredder  [autor] 11 FEB a las 3:24 p. m. 
610731050 11 FEB a las 4:46 a. m. 
Eugen changed the mod tools so that you can no longer disable repairs nor have more than 4 weapons on the UI.OOPS
610731050 7 FEB a las 6:58 p. m. 
If the weapons are not reduced, can they still be updated? Other mods with only 4 weapons have all been updated.
mcsteve372 7 FEB a las 2:16 p. m. 
update pls
Der Shredder  [autor] 7 FEB a las 8:53 a. m. 
I may add "Thermals" as an UI trait so that it is more obvious to the player which vehicles are affected by it.
Der Shredder  [autor] 7 FEB a las 8:52 a. m. 

1. Reducing Weapons - No.
2. Thermals - Already provide an optic buff
3. Composite Armor - The base armor without the composite/ERA bonus reflects resistance against APFSDS. The values are as close to real life as possible. The bonus armor only affects standart HEAT projectiles, and this value is also more or less realistic.
610731050 7 FEB a las 8:42 a. m. 
Composite armor is now also effective against APFSDS and tandem (as it should be). ERA now only gives +1 HP to the tank.
610731050 7 FEB a las 8:33 a. m. 
Previously, there were too many types of tank weapons, and composite armor tanks received too high a buff. Therefore, I suggest: reduce the types of tank weapons to 4. At the same time, give tanks and reconnaissance armor New Traits and Mechanics: 1. Thermals (according to history, most NATO tanks and reconnaissance armor should have): increased optics 1 level. 2. Composite armor (except T80UD and M1A1HA including CP, all previously armored tanks) +2 front, +1 side armor. 3. Advanced composite armor (T80ud and M1A1HA including CP) +4 front, +2 side armor.
Murgs 6 FEB a las 9:10 p. m. 
I have (again) posted about this in the discussions.

610731050 6 FEB a las 7:13 p. m. 
Can you redesign the weapons on the vehicles (make them only 4?)
McClane 6 FEB a las 7:03 p. m. 
Line of sight blocking. I actually noticed infantry can seem to hide okay so it's maybe not an issue.
Der Shredder  [autor] 6 FEB a las 10:33 a. m. 
@McClane Do you mean the view distance or how much vegetation blocks view?
Der Shredder  [autor] 6 FEB a las 10:30 a. m. 
Eugen added some "error checks" to the mod generation script with the latest update, which are supposed to find bugs when generating a mod.
However, this "error checks" prevents me from doing some changes like giving a vehicle more than 4 weapons, and the mod generation script crashes instantly. Therefor I cannot update the mod until those issues are fixed by Eugen.
McClane 4 FEB a las 8:03 a. m. 
I enjoy this mod, one of the top "realism" mods available. I think LOS needs some tweaking. The ChinofChrist mod limits LOS too much and this one feels too open.
Der Shredder  [autor] 1 FEB a las 1:09 a. m. 
Regarding the RPGs, this is vanilla accuracy. The tank movement speeds are based on real life values. They are old tanks, they cannot move faster while engaging targets.
F-18 31 ENE a las 4:22 p. m. 
I noticed that the OPFOR RPG has crazy accuracy at long range. Like, a dude can easily snap an IFV pretty easily from about 300 away. And also, the M60 tanks from both Germany and America are extremely slow when not moving on a road (like near walking speed)
Der Shredder  [autor] 31 ENE a las 2:21 a. m. 
The accuracy values of RPGs are the same as in the base game
Der Shredder  [autor] 31 ENE a las 2:10 a. m. 
All units ingame are bots controlled by the AI, what do you mean?
F-18 30 ENE a las 4:55 p. m. 
aim bot rpg is crazy
space cat 29 ENE a las 8:59 a. m. 
yeah i understood why atgms can outrange aa but the unguided rockets just bullied any anti air except (that i am aware of) the osa thats why i asked thank you
Der Shredder  [autor] 29 ENE a las 1:21 a. m. 
@space cat it is unintended for unguided rockets. Helicopter-based ATGMs usually have a higher range than AA IRL. This is supposed to be the case in game as well.
space cat 28 ENE a las 8:39 p. m. 
i have a question why do all helicopter rockets and atgms outrange most of the anti air in the game is this something that will be changed?
Calcium 26 ENE a las 10:44 a. m. 
Thank you so much!!!
Der Shredder  [autor] 26 ENE a las 1:51 a. m. 
1. Yes.
2. Yes, when I have time for that.
3. Yeah I can add this with one of the next updates.