Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

TTT - Death Faker
61 comentários
V0idFr1tz 27 jan. 2019 às 13:28 
ya like gmod :steambored: you think i likebee moive it is salty :steamsalty:
Agaros007 19 out. 2018 às 7:42 
dont work, it show the real role
rabitem 28 fev. 2018 às 9:16 
Where do I have to put these Convars?
swordkillr13 24 out. 2017 às 13:22 
@Kundendienst_Val its configurable variables, and you hit ` to edit
Valle 10 out. 2017 às 14:43 
Sry I am a Noob when it comes to server configuration and modding.
What does Convars mean and how do I edit that on my server?
gramdmastealer10 9 jul. 2017 às 23:07 
how do you make yourself dead
My Wife Still Beats Me :C 21 mai. 2016 às 11:19 
When placing fake body, marking it as innocent, you will still show up as a traitor in the tab menu, and in the body found message
jnksalad 6 abr. 2016 às 15:13 
what is the swep under
Alfagun74 31 mar. 2016 às 5:16 
When the faked body gets confirmed, the player doesn't appear under TAB menu as confirmed Dead. Thats a Fatal Error!
Zaratusa 10 mar. 2016 às 18:09 
When the faked body gets confirmed, the player doesn't appear under TAB menu as confirmed Dead, is it on purpose?
Hagen 30 jan. 2016 às 7:51 
In conflict with TTT Damagelogs I get this error

[ERROR] lua/weapons/weapon_ttt_fakedeath.lua:105: bad argument #1 to 'SetDTBool' (number expected, got nil)
1. SetDTBool - [C]:-1
2. oldprimary - lua/weapons/weapon_ttt_fakedeath.lua:105
3. unknown - lua/damagelogs/sv_damageinfos.lua:54
r4indeer 14 jan. 2016 às 10:07 
When placing a fake corpse, a random player will be chosen and automatically identifies the body. (Example: Random Player found the body of Me. He was a traitor!) This applies as well if I set the corpse to innocent.
mamacitaclaudy 26 dez. 2015 às 11:32 
When switching your role to innocent, it still marks you as a traitor when you're killed.
SneakyAlba 14 dez. 2015 às 14:14 
@blacksmithguy4953 I'm going around with a few friends just now taking in requests for people's mod ideas and I can do that for you if you like. I'm working on "Detective Vision" and a cloaking device right now so that could be incorporated into one of those.
Pacing And Muttering 20 out. 2015 às 18:41 
Is it possible for this to make you invisible for a short period of time, if you set it to be your body? Because that would be awesome.
DadeKuma 24 set. 2015 às 15:45 
Leaderboard error not yet fixed :(
It is pointless to use if it say that you are a traitor even if you selected innocent :steamsad:
Exho  [autor] 20 set. 2015 às 6:42 
cucknorris1001 20 set. 2015 às 4:30 
getting this after I died:

[TTT - Death Faker] lua/weapons/weapon_ttt_fakedeath.lua:167: Tried to use a NULL entity!
1. Ignite - [C]:-1
2. v - lua/weapons/weapon_ttt_fakedeath.lua:167
3. unknown - lua/includes/modules/hook.lua:84
4. TakeDamageInfo - [C]:-1
5. unknown - gamemodes/terrortown/gamemode/player.lua:867

I cant idetify any corpses and I cant watch other players with right klick when I am dead
Silverman 7 set. 2015 às 14:35 
will check if this fixes my error. Many thanks, Exho :-)
jericho 7 set. 2015 às 8:42 
Thank you! ^.^
Exho  [autor] 7 set. 2015 às 8:36 
Updated to fix the body IDing issue
jericho 7 set. 2015 às 7:29 
Could you help, Exho. I Have df_identifybody 0 in my config file but it still identifies it when i drop it. :(
jericho 5 set. 2015 às 12:21 
It drops and ID'd body, tho i have it as: df_identifybody 0. Can you help me?
Silverman 13 ago. 2015 às 13:57 
then I have to say it didn't :-(
Also I had a gamebreaking bug where the only bodies that could be identified and checked were the fake bodies. I can't say for sure though that it's been your plugin, but I kicked out several plugins to get rid of this issue. It's unlikely that both issues (not being able to identify / direct identification although df_identifybody 0 is existant) are NOT linked together but as several plugins were kicked in the process of fixing this ASAP (we wanted to play TTT that evening ^^) I can't say if it's your plugin or some other that's messing up everything...
Exho  [autor] 11 ago. 2015 às 11:35 
Silverman 11 ago. 2015 às 9:15 
had this standing in the server.cfg, should this work?
ISR Mafia 10 ago. 2015 às 17:36 
ok , thx for the quick respond and the help :) have a great day :) .
Exho  [autor] 10 ago. 2015 às 17:01 
Change "df_identifybody" to "0" in the server console
ISR Mafia 10 ago. 2015 às 16:58 
Author can u fix the addon , its confirms the corpses straight away when u activate it , and plz answer so we can know u working on a fix
Silverman 4 ago. 2015 às 5:49 
It's identified when leftclicking to lie down the fake body. I know about silent identifying but it doesn't help when the fake body is identified from the beginning.
8Z 3 ago. 2015 às 6:38 
@Sliverman Try ALT+E.
Silverman 1 ago. 2015 às 13:41 
currently trying this on my server. However when lying down my fake body, it always gets identified instantly. "Silverman has found the body of Silverman" isn't exactly helpful if you want to hide as a traitor :D
have already tried editing the server.cfg to include df_identifybody 0. However that didn't help. Anybody can help me?
Jack 9 jul. 2015 às 13:46 
Any idea what's up with this?

[aTTT - Death Faker] lua/weapons/weapon_ttt_fakedeath.lua:181: Tried to use a NULL entity!
1. Ignite - [C]:-1
2. fn - lua/weapons/weapon_ttt_fakedeath.lua:181
3. unknown - addons/ulib/lua/ulib/shared/hook.lua:105
4. FireBullets - [C]:-1
5. ShootBullet - gamemodes/terrortown/entities/weapons/weapon_tttbase.lua:318
6. PrimaryAttack - gamemodes/terrortown/entities/weapons/weapon_tttbase.lua:242
7. unknown - addons/tttdamagelogs-master/lua/damagelogs/sv_damageinfos.lua:46
Exho  [autor] 17 jun. 2015 às 12:38 
Hakotaro 17 jun. 2015 às 12:38 
Ok cool addon btw
Exho  [autor] 17 jun. 2015 às 12:37 
I dont have any plans to
Hakotaro 17 jun. 2015 às 11:55 
Can you make this for sandbox?
Exho  [autor] 17 mai. 2015 às 14:12 
Gabe Newell 17 mai. 2015 às 12:40 
[TTT - Death Faker] lua/weapons/weapon_ttt_fakedeath.lua:80: attempt to index global 'df_traitoronly' (a nil value)
1. unknown - lua/weapons/weapon_ttt_fakedeath.lua:80
Shadark 4 abr. 2015 às 19:18 
Just wanted to update you: I managed to fix that but changing TTT files: gamemodes\terrortown\gamemode\cl_search.lua, line 451, change "if not (IsValid(search.owner) and search.owner:IsPlayer() and (not search.owner:Alive())) then" to "if not (IsValid(search.owner) and search.owner:IsPlayer()) then".

Apparently it doesn't have any side problems, but if you manage to find some way to fix this without changing gamemode files it would be appreciated!
Shadark 4 abr. 2015 às 15:31 
Thanks for the fast update! Now working perfectly except for a little detail: the Steam profile picture of the traitor doesn't appear in the fake body, so everyone who notes this can find who is a traitor. Is there any way to solve this?
Exho  [autor] 4 abr. 2015 às 7:07 
Exho  [autor] 4 abr. 2015 às 6:33 
I'll try it today
Shadark 3 abr. 2015 às 18:47 
Hey man, I tried using your addon but the scoreboard isn't being upgraded so the point of the addon is lost. Do you have any plan to update it?
Fabian 22 jan. 2015 às 8:23 
Any news?
Shade.KIT 6 jan. 2015 às 6:48 
Without Scoreboard update it is pointless :(
Exho  [autor] 17 dez. 2014 às 15:38 
It might actually be broken now, I'll look try to look into it
Fabian 17 dez. 2014 às 15:37 
The scoreboard updating does not work for me. Any idea what to look for? Or do I need additional steps to set it up?
Taekoda 26 nov. 2014 às 20:48 
SHUT UP No more Comments please now im tired of you doing that
Exho  [autor] 24 nov. 2014 às 14:51 
What the fuck