Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

Cold Case: The Forsaken Pt 1 by mrfranswa aka Ryok
29 kommenttia
HollyMolly 20.10. klo 22.53 
BECKBRU 25.9. klo 5.01 
I am B 11.8. klo 8.22 
大白 2.7. klo 6.16 
Why does the map display conflicting red colors? Is there a problem or not? I dare not play, afraid of crashing!
sᴛᴇᴀᴍᴅɪᴄᴋ 15.12.2023 klo 11.31 
Broken. Finale broke, after 1 tank, horde stopped coming, waited a while, 2nd tank doesn't show up.
PanManDwn 14.10.2023 klo 21.56 
starts off strong. but as the campaign goes on it gets more and more boring to get through.
chapter 3s "finale event" was a nice change of pace, but i dont get why there were 2 witches in between the doorway of chapter 4s crescendo.

the finale has to be the most boring slogfest i have ever had the displeasure of playing. it was just 20 minutes of just shooting one spot repetitively until the 2 tanks died.

i've played far worse maps though, so this gets a 4/10
Nev 14.10.2023 klo 21.56 
Boring map and the finale is too easy
Commons spawn way too close in the other chapters
ƓའįⱮⱮ 21.9.2023 klo 11.51 
noice 9.5/10
Shapeshifter 21.9.2023 klo 11.50 
It's ok
AlexLeMagnifico 4.9.2023 klo 20.14 
i want to like it but i gey so many texture glitches 2.5/5
queennerfalencia 24.8.2023 klo 15.55 
Nada se compara com a força do le parkur comunista, chora mais tank colorado
Vaelastrasz 23.7.2023 klo 16.16 
Mrfranswa ?? Resident evil port to sven coop map modder ? Is that modder made l4d2 map too ??

German Anime Gamer 8.4.2023 klo 16.58 
Map is crashed after 3 times, not good Map and i played a lot of Maps
ƓའįⱮⱮ 3.3.2023 klo 7.15 
very nice 8/10
Sonk 30.12.2022 klo 10.02 
Ok map, but I think its need more improvements, I will give it 7.5/10
虾仁猪心 29.12.2022 klo 7.47 
the best version of Cold Case is the puzzle version. This version is missing this wonderful part.
【불닭볶음면】 19.12.2022 klo 7.55 
일단 길을 정말 친절하게 화살표로 잘알려준다
그래서 맵진행에는 딱히 어려움이 없음

아쉬운 점을 꼽자면 맵이 너무 쉽다는 것? 충분히 맵 구조나 컨셉보면 어렵게할만한데 너무 쉽게만들어놓음
3챕터 방어전때는 특좀들이나 탱크가 껴가지고 고장나는 경우가 많음
이 챕터 잘살리면 진짜 재밌을거같은데 뭔가 심심했다

막챕이 진짜 아쉬웠던게 맵은 존나넓은데 좀비들 오는 곳이 하나밖에없음 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
뒤옆에서도 올수있는데 딱 한군데로만 와서 스나들고 조지니까 너무 심심하더라
이건 입문용으로도 좀 비추인듯..
gatØ 15.12.2022 klo 0.11 
un monton de crashos ademas de no indica es su totalidad el camino:steamthumbsdown::steamthumbsdown:
Stella 29.11.2022 klo 15.30 
It crashes the whole game as soon as it loads.
锦钰 29.11.2022 klo 6.11 
7.11.2022 klo 5.45 
Navidad sin Noel 5.11.2022 klo 19.24 
el mapa esta bien pero el nivel final esta medio aburrido
aguacate13 2.11.2022 klo 16.54 
8/10 :steamthumbsup:
🍃 FALL NEKO 🍂 23.10.2022 klo 9.15 
not bad! but if you improve this map it wold be looking great
Leean 22.10.2022 klo 8.31 
NOOB MAP:steamthumbsdown:
妈的 18.10.2022 klo 23.12 
nice map
#Massix# 17.10.2022 klo 11.49 
complete garbage

the map layout is all over the place, nothing makes any sense
zombie getting stuck and so on