Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

The Peach Trees
12 Kommentare
Jimbo_WestCoast 7. Sep. 2022 um 14:12 
Hi @Modocero please accept my friend request so I can add you as co-creator. Thanks
Modocero  [Autor] 7. Sep. 2022 um 12:04 
Hi, thanks man, i dont have problem, publish! i cant wait to see your version.
Jimbo_WestCoast 7. Sep. 2022 um 9:06 
Hi @modocero. I love your building, I'm using it in my MegaCityOne project. I made 3 variations of it, you can see them here.
I used your original texture files. Would you mind if I published them on Workshop with you listed as co-creator? Thanks.
Modocero  [Autor] 15. Jan. 2022 um 6:36 
Hi! i just did an update. to fix it
Bwana2u 15. Jan. 2022 um 5:52 
Hello! As far as the building text, the LSM report is telling me that you have this prop as a private asset (we can subscribe to it but it doesn't show up for us). Any chance you can fix this please? "Asset bug: Workshop asset uses private asset (PeachTreesText.PeachTreesText_Data)"
Modocero  [Autor] 12. Jan. 2022 um 8:06 
Yes! Is extra prop if u want suscribe if not, dont show the text
Green hand 12. Jan. 2022 um 4:16 
Already subscribed to your
Green hand 12. Jan. 2022 um 4:15 
The author may have used private assets.(PeachTreesText.PeachTreesText_Data)
Modocero  [Autor] 10. Jan. 2022 um 13:01 
Thanks for the commments!
Dimensional One 10. Jan. 2022 um 12:08 
lol... I keep using that vanilla serving offices as the Peachtrees... So amazing to actually have an asset for it. Great work. Instant download.
Modocero  [Autor] 9. Jan. 2022 um 13:50 
Hi @Static, i investigate and have that height, try it looks great, it is also adapted for the game
Static 9. Jan. 2022 um 13:48 
This is great very well made, but I feel like it should be way larger