Transport Fever 2

Transport Fever 2

[uep2]_027_<Small wood processing plant>_(5_in_1)
46 comentarios
Detail 7 SEP 2024 a las 5:56 a. m. 
Trying to deliver directly to the plant produces no demand back to logs. I had to place a truck station which highlights the Sawmill to get a demand and logs being delivered. It does not look like it's working as intended.
ServiusTheBear 4 AGO 2024 a las 10:55 a. m. 
For some reason this one appears to have issues functioning @hugedragonyk
Vencaok 22 JUN 2024 a las 1:25 a. m. 
I don't know why it doesn't want to produce wood
Jimbo_1977 2 ABR 2024 a las 1:20 p. m. 
Love this mod, like all your stuff 😃
Seems to be broken by something sadly. 😭
Vencaok 20 NOV 2023 a las 2:27 p. m. 
velice hezký mod ale bohužel samotný funguje ale při načtení dalších modu už nepřijímá dřevo škoda nemohu zjistit který mo to dělá:steamthumbsup:
Vencaok 20 NOV 2023 a las 2:27 p. m. 
very nice mod but unfortunately it works by itself but when loading other mods it no longer accepts wood, it's a shame I can't find out which mod does it
TK 20 MAY 2023 a las 5:43 a. m. 
Dankeschön. Tolle Arbeit.
ServiusTheBear 2 ABR 2023 a las 8:01 a. m. 
I seem to not be able to pull logs to this site no forrest will supply?
Jorik 5 FEB 2023 a las 8:21 a. m. 
Collission issue here.
NessMess 25 JUN 2022 a las 9:53 p. m. 
I think i found the issue, the terrain glitch will only occur if you set the railway depot to "No", otherwise it works fine.
Macedonsky 25 JUN 2022 a las 2:03 p. m. 
Куча ошибок в логе игры.
hugedragonyk  [autor] 18 JUN 2022 a las 11:35 p. m. 
The terrain leveling problem at the connection between the game's default road and the MOD path edge, I don't have a good solution. . Even tunnel entrances generated by mods have a chance of having jagged terrain. . . This kind of problem only exists in TPF2, but there is no such problem in the TPF1 era. . I do not know why either. . .:lunar2020thinkingtiger:
NessMess 15 JUN 2022 a las 12:39 p. m. 
one issue u encountered is that it makes a hole in the ground next to the entrance, even with pure flat terrain it makes an even deeper trench that i cannot for the life of me figure it what is causing. Flattening doesn't work and neither does smoothing or raising terrain
Vencaok 25 MAY 2022 a las 8:33 a. m. 
and it doesn't matter in what order the mod should be loaded ?
Vencaok 25 MAY 2022 a las 8:31 a. m. 
I've already tried almost everything:steamhappy:
Vencaok 25 MAY 2022 a las 8:30 a. m. 
I have to receive wood I take it trains and cars but still nothing
hugedragonyk  [autor] 25 MAY 2022 a las 7:57 a. m. 
1. MOD provides two small wood processing plants with different product input/output settings, please read the documentation.
2. Make sure you set the correct platform for the vehicle.
Vencaok 25 MAY 2022 a las 7:44 a. m. 
I don't know why but doesn't accept wood train runs empty:steamsad:
rotary7 17 MAR 2022 a las 9:38 p. m. 
Thank you so much!
hugedragonyk  [autor] 20 FEB 2022 a las 3:51 a. m. 
There are two versions of MOD, one is to directly produce planks without logs, and the other is to use logs to produce planks. See which one you use.
Heckmeck 20 FEB 2022 a las 2:12 a. m. 
Hallo, bei mir wird irgendwie kein Holz angeliefert per LKW, obwohl ich ne Linie eingerichtet habe..
hugedragonyk  [autor] 10 FEB 2022 a las 1:27 a. m. 
1. In the MOD, I canceled the industry default Level 1 - 4 upgrade mode, you can directly adjust the industry's level through the MOD menu. (400 - 4000 units demand/production)
2. MOD provides jobs for AI, which automatically attracts AI citizens to go there.
3. After all UEP2 - Industry Integration MOD series are released, I will do a unified upgrade. Add industrial/commercial demand on/off option to MOD, you can decide whether to provide industrial/commercial jobs and services to AI citizens.
Denair 9 FEB 2022 a las 11:06 a. m. 
good day!
I wanted to clarify how the levels of the industry are changing?
in automatic mode? or only manually?
and what are the jobs of citizens needed for?
hugedragonyk  [autor] 2 FEB 2022 a las 8:17 a. m. 
My current TPF2 game map has used more than 955 mods, No errors have occurred. So, here I decided to write a separate habit and way of using MOD in TPF2 games, for the reference of novice players:
When subscribe to use MOD, you should read the MOD description carefully to understand the purpose and classification of MOD, do not blindly click to subscribe! ! This is the cause of game crashes!
You need to follow the MOD loading rules:
1. Don't use any MODs that directly modify the game's default settings, such as MODs that directly replace the game's default road/railway parameters. . This kind of MOD will cause other MODs can't work! ! !and the official game WIKI also states don't make such MODs! !
2. Players should load MODs in the order of "Script" , "Railways/Roads", "stations", and "assets". After each type of MOD is loaded, test it in the game immediately and save it.
Mastering the correct mod usage and loading order can guarantee you an enjoyable game in TPF2.:famishedox:
Exeed 2 FEB 2022 a las 7:14 a. m. 
for hunter-v5 everything works great I had a conflict with the ERA building mods I deleted these mods and hugedragonyk's mods are available again
GrumpyZade 2 FEB 2022 a las 6:31 a. m. 
@hugedragonyk Oh trust me I do it for my own fun. I just don't understand how he can have an issue and not even attempt to help you understand what's wrong. Just expecting you to magically fix something you don't know about
hugedragonyk  [autor] 2 FEB 2022 a las 12:43 a. m. 
Thank you for your support of my mod,
For a reply like @Hunter_V5, don't take it to heart. This person is too self-centered. I also don't need to give any help and support to this kind of person, because it's pointless.
Making MODs, sharing MODs, and using MODs, MOD authors and gamers understand and respect each other, is the core of delivering happiness.:tigerinablanket:
hugedragonyk  [autor] 2 FEB 2022 a las 12:43 a. m. 
I have completely told you the correct steps to use the mod and how to solve the problem! ! ! Why others can use mods normally, but you can't? ? Why don't you start a new game and try loading the mod alone? ! ?
We make mods, players use mods, everything is a hobby. . You'll just keep complaining here, but you won't be able to provide any useful feedback! ! So, these comments of yours even make us think that you are just attacking people or just trying to get people to follow you! ! !
Please leave my MOD discussion forum, we don't need to be responsible for you, and my MOD is not for people like you! ! ! Because you are a self-centered person from the beginning, you don't really respect the modder and think about other players! ! !
Finally, please don't be self-centered, please learn to respect others, otherwise, in any game, your attitude will eventually arouse other people's disgust! ! !Because you are you and you don't represent anyone else! !
Exeed 1 FEB 2022 a las 2:35 p. m. 
merci super mod:steamthumbsup:
Mr_Q_2000 1 FEB 2022 a las 1:39 p. m. 
Für sie mag es mal funktioniert haben, aber als ich es verwendet hatte funktionierte es nicht !
Und das mehrmals.
Des weiteren Obliegt es dem Autor und Mod Ersteller weiterhin seine Mods zu Kontrollieren auf Funktion zur Aktuellen Spielversion, dies tun die meisten nicht !! Und wie hier am Beispiel klar feststellbar.
Und noch was in eigener Sache und ja mich regt sowas derart auf, weil sie nicht nur mir sondern vielen anderen hier dadurch zeit stehlen, die anders genutzt hätte werden können und das nur aufgrund nicht funktionierender Mods,dann macht man sich auch noch dumm die mühe der Sache auf den Grund zu gehen, um dann am ende ernüchternd feststellen zu müssen es klappt nicht !!
Sowas findet man immer toll bestimmt auch sie>!! oder ???

PS: Allein ihre erste aussage,(meine Probleme währen meine nur meine Probleme) zeigt mir wie gleichgültig sie sind!

Vielen dank!
GrumpyZade 30 ENE 2022 a las 2:10 p. m. 
@hunter_V5 Your issues are your issues, not everyone elses. I have been using all of @hugedragonyk's mods for a long time with no issue with numerous other mods. You could at least try to be useful and provide a report so that he can look and potentially fix your problem instead of saying the mods don't work and to stay away.
Mr_Q_2000 30 ENE 2022 a las 1:21 p. m. 

Wie sie nun sehn können, schreibe ich hier das bedeutet das sie das prüfen müssen, wie sie es ja auch selbst schrieben.
Aber es ist nicht nur diese Mod sondern ein ganze Reihe der folge [uep2] und im hinblick glauben sie doch nicht das ich nur eine mod nutze weil diese Konflikte mit anderen hätte macht kein sin.!!

hugedragonyk  [autor] 30 ENE 2022 a las 12:57 p. m. 
Just because you can't use mods doesn't mean others can't use them either!!!
All my mods are tested by default in the game before release. This mod has been released for almost 1 month. If there is a problem, the other nearly 9,000 subscribed players have already sent me feedback through various channels! !
So, please check the following for yourself:
1. Make sure you don't have any mods installed that modify the game's default files.
2. Make sure you do not load mods that modify the industry level at the same time, it may not be compatible.
3.MOD In the industry menu of the game, you need to open the sandbox mode.
4. Make sure your transportation routes and transportation vehicles meet the needs of the industry. The product of this mod is PLANKS.
5. In your X:\STEAM\userdata\xxxxxxx\1066780\local\crash_dump\stdout.txt file, record all the errors that occur when you run the game, please open and check, find the wrong MOD, and contact it The author of the problem feedback.
Mr_Q_2000 30 ENE 2022 a las 11:06 a. m. 

Ich hatte diese und andere Mods im verlauf mehrere Tage Aboniert und sie nutzen wollen, alle funktionierten Nicht.
Darunter auch ihre, daher ist es so wie es ist und ich will nur andere davor schützen sich etwas runter zu laden was gar nicht erfüllt wird, gleichzeitig zeige ich auf, das nicht geprüfte Mods hier angeboten werden.

Mr_Q_2000 30 ENE 2022 a las 7:15 a. m. 
Mod Funktioniert nicht!!
ade.maiden 11 ENE 2022 a las 11:03 p. m. 
Would love a large extended version of this mod.
Cour.59 4 DIC 2021 a las 2:52 a. m. 
Superbe modèle bravo pour les animations et merci.
JKS5551 3 DIC 2021 a las 4:09 p. m. 
中国玩家的自主mod真好 希望作者继续加油!!!!!!!
Lmgordocano 3 DIC 2021 a las 3:37 p. m. 
masterpiece as always thank you very much. :steamthumbsup:
Jimbo_1977 3 DIC 2021 a las 10:59 a. m. 
Lovely, shame AI traffic keeps driving in & disappears for some odd reason 🥴

Also I wish it had two through tracks & one dead end rather than one through track & one very short dead end with a crossover.

But hey it's still a lovely mod, just removed all my existing sawmills! 😀
Reddragon792 3 DIC 2021 a las 6:00 a. m. 
As usual another great mod with realistic movements
jama3211 3 DIC 2021 a las 5:39 a. m. 
Looks great!
mzk7 3 DIC 2021 a las 5:23 a. m. 
chaneserailway 3 DIC 2021 a las 5:22 a. m. 
印象空间 3 DIC 2021 a las 3:52 a. m. 
李小凡 3 DIC 2021 a las 3:44 a. m. 