Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Škoda 15Tr Trolleybus
27 opmerkingen
komurka  [auteur] 2 aug 2023 om 13:46 
I guess I could try to fix this asset due now game supports articulated trolleybusses from the box, but I just haven't enough time right now. If I able, I'll try to fix it. Thank yo ufor your note.
komurka  [auteur] 2 aug 2023 om 13:44 
I'm afraid the developers have broken the articulated trolleys, I can recomend only to use bus version of this asset.
GaiusJuliusCaesar 2 aug 2023 om 6:01 
Hello, I've tried using this vehicle asset but it only spawns the front half and not the back half. I've tried both with and without the recommended trolleybus trailer AI, but it doesn't seem to work. Any advice? I have used the non-articulated model and really love it, adds such an interesting asthetic to my city!
komurka  [auteur] 10 jul 2022 om 2:31 
On the other hand she still has extremely authocratic and highly corrupted gorenment with criminal background, wich don't want people to have any power at all. For years they payed people to be silent and not they just bit a shit of us at every point. Atack our neighbors and friends: before 2014 Ukraine was the most pro-Russian country in the world, even closer, than Belarus, and now we at war! this isn't right at any point
komurka  [auteur] 10 jul 2022 om 2:31 
well, I never called Russia "evil", I'm Russian myself and love my country. but at the moment we have a very spercific govenment with no political process inside the country (no opposition, no discussion, no low for all, no any freedon of press etc.). It is hard to imagine our internal situation, it has nothing in common nor with democratic regimes nor with classic authocratic states, even with authocratic democracies as they call Hungary sometimes. As Russia, on the one hand, is one of the richest states in the World int the world counting on gold/cash/year balance, but all that riches are based on external trade, so Russia could't be isolated and needs integration in European market.
SimonTheSorcerer 10 jul 2022 om 1:54 
Jsut keep in mind that the USA would have done the same in a simialr situation (not the EU though, war in the EU would case massive protests , strikes, whole economies would grind to a halt, damage in the billiosn of €, not feasible). So it's not just "Russia is evil" it's politcs and power, if oyu have time watch this, reat insight into how Putin or the US "elite" thinks:
komurka  [auteur] 10 jul 2022 om 0:50 
well, actually I don't think the open war agression could be excuesed by some elite relation or economics stuff, nor war crimes could. I'm sick of living in this fake "empire" everybody fears and hates, where you can't plan your own future as you don't know, would you be imprisoned or killed or forced to work at nights making bombshels for some new war. But though EU trade sanctions — even if they really were nessessary — hit hard Russian middle class and people, who ectually did something usefull here (including journalists, it-specialists, scientitsts and so on). Ironically, the people, who don't support the warshit suffers more. But that not a problem, the war is. A lt of people in Ukraine died or injured or lost their homes for litteraly nothing.

The good news: judging by the impressive successes of our army, the Hungarians have nothing to fear.
SimonTheSorcerer 9 jul 2022 om 16:50 
Well, no rest for the wicked, as they say. I'm not on the "let's all hate Russia now" train. Your country made it very clear for Ukraine: "You side with the EU-North America axis, try to join it, allow EU or US military in Ukraine, allow EU or USA business interests we will crush you". And they did, and it's bad but nobody can say they didn't warn them, that's what you get if you 'poke the Russian bear'.

If they didn't do it Russia would be seen as weak, and the country right next door would be full of US and EU military bases, it's a cold war, and if they allowed Ukraine to side with them they would have lost this cold war (and much more later down the line). As is always the case the little guys at the bottom suffer the most for the power play of the US-EU and Russian elite, sucks, but this is the case all throughout history.

I just hope Putin doesn't start eyeing Hungary as well... :) I would hate to get involved in the war (I'm fighting age, I would be forced to fight).
komurka  [auteur] 9 jul 2022 om 1:09 
I was in Budapest in 2010 or 2011, the only time. At the time some Soviet trolleybuses remained there, but they were withdrown in 2012 or so. Love the city, hope once could visit it again
komurka  [auteur] 9 jul 2022 om 1:06 
nah I'm 33 and work in IT enterprise too but as employee though I have no time for mods nither :)) Also I'm Russian so there is no subsidies or anything, on the contrary: both EU and my own government try to ruin me.

all these mods are relatively old, I've made them when I was a bit more free
SimonTheSorcerer 8 jul 2022 om 6:01 
I haven't been on a troli for 10+ years so keep that in mind, It's onyl true for troli buses in Budaoest 10+ years ago.

Thanks for makign these, I will add it to my city next time I have some free time to play, sadly as an IT entrepeneur with 3 emplyoees (and no politcal connections or EU subsidies) I rarely have any... :( (

(I wish I had time to create mods too like you, always wanted to, but that will never happen prior to retirementt, whcih is a long way away)

How do you have free time for somthing like this? Are you still in school? I'm jealous. ;)
komurka  [auteur] 6 jul 2022 om 12:16 
well, to be correct, Budapest has not Škoda 15Tr's, but there are some Škoda 12/18Tr and they must have aircondition :60ssharikov:
komurka  [auteur] 6 jul 2022 om 12:14 
@SimonTheSorcerer well, as far as I know, Budapest has Ikarus 280T trolleybusses, not Škodas. But Szeged has these guys indeed :) thank you!
SimonTheSorcerer 6 jul 2022 om 4:04 
You can see these in Budapet al lthe time, the older models don't have airconditioning, it's like traveling in an airfryier in the Summer :) Love these, thanks, greetings from Budapest.
komurka  [auteur] 12 apr 2021 om 14:17 
updated: new specular map
komurka  [auteur] 10 nov 2020 om 5:42 
честно говоря, я сам до конца не понимаю этого
Radman_20 10 nov 2020 om 5:31 
Пожалуйста, и тебе спасибо за модель и информацию, я теперь лучше понимаю как работает троллейбус в этой игре.
komurka  [auteur] 10 nov 2020 om 3:28 
poles position fixed

@Radman_20, thanks for help! спасибо за помощь, идеальная длина!
komurka  [auteur] 10 nov 2020 om 2:37 
Отлично, спасибо за помощь! как дойдут руки, обновлю ассеты, постараюсь сегодня-завтра.
Radman_20 9 nov 2020 om 11:17 
По 14й Шкоде, нашёл оптимальный параметр.
Poles lenght = 6.4
с ним токоприёмники идеально скользят по проводам. Внеси пожалуйста изменения.
Radman_20 9 nov 2020 om 9:18 
У 14й тоже отклонение, да похоже не хватает длинны. Попробую в редакторе по твоему совету. Если раньше тебя найду оптимальные параметры, то отпишусь.
komurka  [auteur] 9 nov 2020 om 4:47 
*не поднять, а увеличить длину. Возможно, поэкспериментирую с этим. Ты тоже можешь у себя поправить, создав новый ассет на основе прицепа, а потом его прицепив к голове.
komurka  [auteur] 9 nov 2020 om 4:44 
Привет. А на 14й шкоде норм? или тоже отклоняются? если норм, то поправить можно, подняв рога в редакторе (чуть поднять).
Radman_20 9 nov 2020 om 0:43 
Привет Иван. Есть возможность поправить токоприёмники?, наблюдается отклонение от контактной сети по вертикали и горизонтали, скриншоты по ссылкам
На других моделях с этим всё ок
komurka  [auteur] 8 nov 2020 om 11:57 
welll, the model updated: I fixed mask, tyres and some smothing stuff. Now it is just nice
komurka  [auteur] 7 nov 2020 om 15:08 
you are welcome =)
zubozrout 7 nov 2020 om 14:23 
Awesome, thank you :)