Left 4 Dead 2
TDA dress gumi lovehunter replance Rochelle
6 σχόλια
审阅抗的大跌 23 Φεβ 2019, 6:37 
good job
起司 ECHO 20 Φεβ 2019, 4:25 
i don't think it's obligatory.
Manticore 18 Φεβ 2019, 1:33 
You have to wright the description in english,
that's a rule of the workshop so everyone can read and understand, your language isn't used by everyone here.
So Yes, it is obligatory.
一夜回到解放前  [Δημιουργός] 17 Φεβ 2019, 11:11 
Krulcifer 17 Φεβ 2019, 10:55 
No ↓↓↓
Manticore 17 Φεβ 2019, 3:22 
English onligatory thank you