358 comentarios
Watermelon 7 FEB a las 15:09 
Have you fixed the issue with a big blood splatter on a pole or thin object?
Sketaful 1 FEB a las 17:46 
@George The only reason I'd see for repacking anything would be if you run a small server for PVE with some friends and want to add stuff without them knowing just what you've added.

I've seen a bunch of things I like to add to my small server for my friends and I wish it wasn't visible what mods they download. Adding extra things without them knowing and they experience these things ingame when they run into it. Would be fun as hell.

But yeah. Repacking is mostly just stupid. And to be clear, I don't repack. I'm just seeing it as the only reason I could think that anyone would do it.
PapaGordon 22 ENE a las 6:44 
@George :steamthis::steamthumbsup:
George 16 ENE a las 16:31 
@w.s. stalthsac916 -- t's in the mod description "Repacking is not allowed."

- Repacking is a cancer in the DayZ community, it won't reduce the number of loaded mods or improve performance.
- You're just forcing people to download the same content that's already on the workshop over and over again.
- You won't even get updates and would have to do them manually.
- By repacking, you're also contributing to reducing the lifetime of SSDs with more rewrites and reducing their disk capacity when they have to download the same mod 10 times, each time from a different server-pack.
- At the same time, you are contributing to demotivation and disrespect for copyrighted works. Plenty of people have invested thousands or even tens of thousands in this, all for free just for the community.
- Stop repacking and create steam "collections" instead.

Thank you for your understanding. :steamthumbsup:
w.s. stalthsac916 15 ENE a las 12:00 
can this mod be packed into a server mod
Toby 22 DIC 2024 a las 18:30 
zeuscheerik same.
zeuscheerik 6 DIC 2024 a las 5:19 
i cant find a single server for this mod
George 8 NOV 2024 a las 10:38 
it's working fine for me
could be maybe some incompatibility between mods you loaded on your server
holykeg 8 NOV 2024 a las 9:44 
Installed mod and it was working fine yesterday. It loaded client and server side, key is transferred. Today no blood at all.

Ive unsintalled re installed/ loaded mods appear fine

Any ideas I can try ?
SurvivorM_Drty 18 OCT 2024 a las 12:56 
Sunhawk runs fine on my server
Sunhawk 18 OCT 2024 a las 1:56 
Has anyone tested this on 1.26? Thanks!
Sado123 27 SEP 2024 a las 14:01 
Türkiye'nin tüm DayZ oyuncularına açık Discord sunucumuza davetlisiniz. DayZ oynarken yeni bir takım arkadaşına ihtiyaç duyuyorsanız burda bulabilir, birlikte başka oyunlar oynayabilirsiniz.


Hi survivors 🙂 If you want to stay alive come in our discord or maybe just you need help about how you install the mods or how you can do fire in dayz. You can get any helps about dayz only you need to come in our discord and play in our server
samboo898 17 SEP 2024 a las 20:20 
@Munghard this mod is a must for every server owner.I have used it for some time now just brilliant.Thankyou
George 30 JUL 2024 a las 11:19 
@Wicked - Did you install the mod correctly ? Didn't you forget to copy the key to Keys folder ? Double-check loaded mods. You don't need config for mods like this, unless you specifically modify parts of the mod with your own dependent mod ;)
Wicked 27 JUL 2024 a las 18:22 
Is there a config for servers? I have it on a private server and it is running and required, but I don't seem to be seeing any of the effects
George 12 MAY 2024 a las 18:19 
Mod still works fine =)

@Munghard - Can you please take a look on theese warnings? You're overriding functions without "override" keyword and It's still showing up in a script log for a months for now, just to make logs clear, Thanks! :steamhappy::steamthumbsup:
George 12 MAY 2024 a las 18:19 
SCRIPT (W): @"GoreZ/3_game/effects\effectparticle\bulletimpactbase\hit_meatbones.c,74": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'BloodSplatGround' but not marked as 'override'
SCRIPT (W): @"GoreZ/3_game/effects\effectparticle\bulletimpactbase\hit_meatbones.c,109": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'BloodSplatWall' but not marked as 'override'
SCRIPT (W): @"GoreZ/4_world/entities\manbase\playerbase.c,11": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'CheckDeath' but not marked as 'override'
SCRIPT (W): @"GoreZ/4_world/entities\infected\zombiebase.c,27": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'IsAlive' but not marked as 'override'
SCRIPT (W): @"GoreZ/4_world/classes\bleedingsources\bleedingsource.c,56": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'GetBit' but not marked as 'override'
SCRIPT (W): @"GoreZ/4_world/classes\bleedingsources\bleedingsource.c,157": FIX-ME: Overriding function 'DrawDebugShape' but not marked as 'override'
Works very well. Thanks! :ss13ok:
Lord Rizzington 30 ABR 2024 a las 10:45 
This mod works fine still
elTasso 24 MAR 2024 a las 9:17 
Hello, blood is to bright, have to be a lot more dark red. And on hits its to much blood mist its feels like explode not like a hit.
THATGUY.Delta.2455 10 MAR 2024 a las 11:23 
Can someone test to see if this works still? Wall splatters arent working for me.
Richie 2 MAR 2024 a las 4:48 
Is there a way i can turn off the hit markers
jill 22 FEB 2024 a las 14:52 
any servers using this mod?
LEGULA 12 FEB 2024 a las 5:56 
I liked it, thanks man, can I repack it with your rights?
Nikeohh 27 ENE 2024 a las 14:44 
am i allowed to repack this mod for a server im working on alone? please respond asap ty :)
b000m 7 ENE 2024 a las 6:20 
Sado123 3 DIC 2023 a las 4:07 
Türkiye'nin tüm DayZ oyuncularına açık Steam grubumuza davetlisiniz. DayZ oynarken yeni bir takım arkadaşına ihtiyaç duyuyorsanız burda bulabilir, birlikte başka oyunlar oynayabilirsiniz.

Hi survivors 🙂 If you want to stay alive come in our steam group or maybe just you need help about how you install the mods or how you can do fire in dayz. You can get any helps about dayz only you need to come in our steam group and play in our server.
SydneyIsTheName 18 NOV 2023 a las 22:55 
does this include decals for dayz editor? Like for placing blood splatter as part of the environment
Lilypie 23 OCT 2023 a las 6:07 
Won't work on my server.
Tenshihan_Quinn 5 AGO 2023 a las 14:19 
Hi Munghard, i was wondering if you would please enable an .XML option so we can tweak your mod, it would stop people bugging you for 'alternate versions', lol - as an example;


Flies: On/Off

Blood Spatter: On/Off
Blood Spatter Count: (10 min -100 max)
Blood Spatter time: (In Seconds 1-60)

Blood Pools: On/Off
Blood Pool Count: (1 min - 10 max)
Blood Pool time: (In Seconds 1-60)

Blood-Trails: On/Off
Blood Trail Count: (1 min - 10 max)
Blood Trail time: (In Seconds 1-60)

Blood Trail Count: (10 min - 100 max)
Blood Trail time: (In Seconds 1-60)

Bullet-Holes: On/Off
Bullet-Hole Count: (100 min - 1000 max)
Bullet-Hole time: (In Seconds 1-60)


Please please please with sugary zombie brains on top? :P Haha! Cheers man!
Bark bark 3 AGO 2023 a las 10:31 
why blood pools don't work???
Hatts 8 JUL 2023 a las 14:40 
do you allow this mod to be used on monetized servers
Elon's Musk 11 MAR 2023 a las 15:38 
xKrak3n 11 MAR 2023 a las 13:12 
@Munghard, Is there a possibility that a second version of this can me made with decreased spatter lifetimes? I play on a server with high health animals and it kills both server and local FPS because it stacks. It's a super dope mod, I might be able to create an override for the lifetimes but people that don't know how to do that might be able to benefit from a separate version.
Sado123 8 MAR 2023 a las 1:50 
Türkiye'nin tüm DayZ oyuncularına açık Discord sunucumuza davetlisiniz. DayZ oynarken yeni bir takım arkadaşına ihtiyaç duyuyorsanız burda bulabilir, birlikte başka oyunlar oynayabilirsiniz.


Hi survivors 🙂 If you want to stay alive come in our discord or maybe just you need help about how you install the mods or how you can do fire in dayz. You can get any helps about dayz only you need to come in our discord and play in our server
REQUIN 24 FEB 2023 a las 14:42 
hey can i repack please
RUS IVAN 11 FEB 2023 a las 15:05 
Can't compile "Game" script module!

GoreZ/3_game/effects\effectparticle\bulletimpactbase\hit_meatbones.c(74): Overriding function 'BloodSplatGround' but not marked as 'override'
LegandOfApex 31 DIC 2022 a las 16:36 
i now have this mod.... i see wet spot's like they peed themself's but it don't look like blood lol, just when you shoot them in the body or head, then you see blood but not on the floor... could it be cause it's dark out?? im gonna try but if you know about this please let me know? lol
surviv0r1969 13 DIC 2022 a las 6:16 
since 1.19 keep getting random no blood splatter... poss bug? can literally play it monday and no splatter , play following day and have it back
Governor 16 OCT 2022 a las 20:02 
hey can i repack please
JZXAlpha 26 SEP 2022 a las 13:36 
Forever getting a pbo error with this mod and have no way around it. Have tried everything
Sado123 19 SEP 2022 a las 4:23 
Türkiye'nin tüm DayZ oyuncularına açık Discord sunucumuza davetlisiniz. DayZ oynarken yeni bir takım arkadaşına ihtiyaç duyuyorsanız burda bulabilir, birlikte başka oyunlar oynayabilirsiniz.


Hi survivors :) If you want to stay alive come in our discord or steam group and find more people to stay together against the apocalyps world. Maybe just you need help about how you install the mods or how you can do fire in dayz. You can get any helps about dayz only you need to come in our discord or steam group.
metafa 9 SEP 2022 a las 5:36 
Crashing after 2min on my server
Рэд 13 AGO 2022 a las 9:41 
Hello, Munghard, i am developer of PVE server on Dayz. Can we pack your mod in our serverpack? If you wish, we can write the adress on this mod.
Mahipta 9 AGO 2022 a las 7:19 
How do i go about getting permission to use this in my servers mod pack?
Crup1er 28 JUL 2022 a las 16:34 
The vehicles fly away, the helis move very slowly, from time to time it swallows the cars underground, we have no idea why this happens, can someone help us please?It has nothing to do with this mod, I'm just looking for help.
Kiko_Art 1 JUN 2022 a las 21:27 
@Munghard, Good afternoon.
I ask permission to pack your mod into myself, with a link to the source code in the description. Thanks for any reply.
SAMURA 17 MAY 2022 a las 3:05 
сколько по деньгам выйдет чтоб его перепаковать
DeKboy 27 ABR 2022 a las 9:02 
Good afternoon! I am a partner of the Last Hope project. I wanted to ask - is it possible to use your mod when partially repacking it into the mod of our project?