Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Railway Gravel-Concrete Tracks (Wired)
13 comentário(s)
Toolkit Dango 13/ago./2024 às 0:02 
The catenary selection is disappeared. I don't know what goes wrong. (accidental)
Nox Oculis 21/jun./2022 às 5:45 
it seems that the error message is not important ??
choose only one: wired or wireless

For ballast and gray gravel you need :

Railway Ballast Theme Pack 1 (missing in list)
Theme Mixer 2 (required)
Nox Oculis 19/jun./2022 às 15:35 
Same error

Broken assets:

Custom Assets: 1574857742.r-pillar-s_Data: Duplicate prefab name
Custom Assets: 1574857742.r-pillar_Data: Duplicate prefab name [BrokenAssetException]

No details
djoe 24/set./2021 às 4:25 
I want to use these in the map editor, but they appear without catenaries. I tried Catenary Replacer, but that seems to be only working for default vanilla tracks. I downloaded the props pack so I can place the catenaries individually, but obviously I'm not going to do that on the entire map. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
Miila 26/mai./2021 às 5:43 
my gravel concrete track is brown like standard gravel. How to make it as it is on the picture?
shanttk91 1/abr./2021 às 18:00 
How come when I download this asset it doesn’t look like it does in the picture what do I need to do different the texture looks different and I want it to look like it does in the picture with the gray ballast and smooth shiny rail
marigianni_2019 7/jan./2021 às 14:22 
Broken assets:

Custom Assets: 1574857742.r-pillar-s_Data: Duplicate prefab name
Custom Assets: 1574857742.r-pillar_Data: Duplicate prefab name [BrokenAssetException]

No details

help pleace
Snarren 10/jan./2020 às 17:59 
Broken assets..?!
𝒦𝒪𝒞𝑀𝒪𝒞 28/dez./2019 às 9:40 
Broken assets:

Custom Assets: 1574857742.r-pillar-s_Data: Duplicate prefab name
Custom Assets: 1574857742.r-pillar_Data: Duplicate prefab name [BrokenAssetException]

No details
Driver Kaldie 2/dez./2019 às 0:13 
Do these railwaytracks automaticly replace the vanilla ones ?
kitanishi 7/out./2019 às 1:41 
I want you to create an elevated single station track.
Claude_Speed 16/abr./2019 às 14:28 
Would you consider making elevated single station track variants for them? Thanks!
h0pp3r138 1/jan./2019 às 15:01 
My favourite of the bunch, thx.