Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

Ontario Superior Court Toronto
5 comentarios
rextable 30 JUN 2022 a las 4:50 a. m. 
For Anyone wanting to locate this on Google Maps: search for "361 University Avenue Court House, Toronto

pwhitaker1963 31 DIC 2019 a las 4:45 a. m. 
Sorry to be an ass and I hate being critical of people's creativity.
Actually, this is not the Supreme Court of Ontario. It is across the street renting space at the Canada Life building. It use to be where the Four Seasons Centre is now.

However, this is all the other courts except for the ones at Old City Hall.
Blujitsu 27 MAR 2018 a las 4:15 p. m. 
Awesome! These municipal buildings are great, especially the generic ones like these.
cosmic_cube_keeper 27 MAR 2018 a las 5:01 a. m. 
I've been in this building once, luckily on the right side of the law :D Outstanding work, as always.
NoirMoutton 27 MAR 2018 a las 12:01 a. m. 
Great series of late 20th c international style architecture. Adds so much character to my city