Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod

NPC Starship Troopers
163 comentário(s)
pabradleyborgman 8/nov./2024 às 18:23 
i ca not find these npc in the spawn menue
Sir_raygunman2345 29/fev./2024 às 17:34 
EliteDoughSmasher 19/fev./2024 às 12:25 
When I spawn them they spawn without a weapon even If I use weapon override
Mario_1470 20/jul./2023 às 15:57 
this was working fine until recently, all the models just started T-posing. Troubleshooting my add-ons; the only thing new was Summer sale pack with HL2, L4D, TF2, etc.
Cpl. Cemodracy 19/jun./2023 às 15:35 
Dude where is it
VALENREX12 22/abr./2023 às 17:30 
wow i r:missing::missing::missing::missing::missing: like it uhh:missing::missing: i think i forgot the texture ok:missing::missing:
VALENREX12 22/abr./2023 às 17:29 
alexmaldn 26/dez./2022 às 14:06 
why dont they appear
󠀡󠀡 20/nov./2022 às 22:42 
not work
Sinctova 5/ago./2022 às 22:25 
i dont think he will make a vj base ver
twix8i8 1/jul./2022 às 12:58 
Mod doesn't do anything.
soldat 19/abr./2022 às 0:39 
please make this vj
Ren 16/fev./2022 às 10:58 
cant wait for the vj version of this B)
blakesbc 5/fev./2022 às 19:44 
what are they under in the spawn menu? I Can't find them
Olosawa 26/jan./2022 às 6:56 
Help this addon i have uninstalled for years now and it is still in my addons please help
Bad Goose 30/nov./2021 às 0:30 
It's a good day to die! When you know the reasons why! Citizens we fight for what is right! A noble sacrifice! When duty calls you pay the price! For the federation I will give my life!

Would you like to know more?
ravinrabits 16/jun./2021 às 14:32 
When they die, it says citizen, that is all you need.
Am_i_a_corgi_or_not? 23/mai./2021 às 6:07 
No they are not Error's i will ignore them... :steamhappy::steamthumbsup:
Enclave Unit #72441 1/mar./2021 às 15:48 
cant find it, is in human tab:steamthumbsdown:
Lord peanut 1/jan./2021 às 13:40 
when they spawn they dont hold weapons and dont attack osososososo:steamthumbsdown:
Cubykid57 21/dez./2020 às 16:36 
Are you ready to earn your citizenship?
Patriote 3/ago./2020 às 16:06 
WJBenz 17/jul./2020 às 20:41 
NPCs just t pose, any fix?
wargrinder161 13/jun./2020 às 8:20 
for whatever reason they are not compatible with the PMs? PMs are missing when I have this installed & vice versa. Is there an easy fix for this?
mellish 4/jun./2019 às 21:50 
★spidermonkey 9/jan./2019 às 18:25 
can you update it to the new models? I kinda would like to use the new models as NPC's.
Kharak 13/jan./2018 às 14:54 
you should use base game weapons, or the SST NPC weapon mod, otherwise, it might conflict with the model.
He-Man 13/jan./2018 às 6:08 
He-Man 13/jan./2018 às 6:08 
the npcs do the t pose and i dont know why
npc 6/jan./2018 às 12:35 
Uhh, I thinkI found a bug.
Killing what seems to be a male starship trooper will make a female citizen death sound, I believe theres something you did wrong?
shardinhand 31/dez./2017 às 3:24 
its an ugly planet, a bug planet!.... :3 nice mod man
Taco Man 16/dez./2017 às 4:40 
cool, now all we need is the SST invasion infantry and i can make some cool posing :P
pizza  [autor(a)] 4/jul./2017 às 20:24 
Enderzilla747 3/jul./2017 às 19:09 
What is the map you use in the screenshots?
saghibijan 10/jun./2017 às 13:57 
sry but, i cant get da npc weapons, help!
hermit 20/fev./2017 às 15:38 
I'd really apericiate if you can help me out, I can't seem to get them to show up in my spawn menu.
Ferrum 24/jan./2017 às 9:56 
please playermodels
Enderzilla747 30/nov./2016 às 16:53 
RIP Link or name of map...
Shrimpleton 17/out./2016 às 13:58 
Where are they located? I looked through the npc list and they're not there.
Mister Smiley 16/set./2016 às 1:05 
The NPCs have disappeared from the NPC list... I used to be able to spawn them but now I cannot?
Starred109 29/ago./2016 às 14:13 
Neither the playermodels nor npcs are showing up for me, i've looked everywhere, have you experienced this problem before?
12151209MS 9/jul./2016 às 11:43 
Does the npcs include weapons?
Twist Chaos 8/jul./2016 às 11:46 
sometimes they dont show up on my npc spawn list, other times they do
Trailblazer 2/jul./2016 às 4:40 
This may be a retarded question but is this addon hexed?
pizza  [autor(a)] 8/mai./2016 às 21:26 
Bola 8/mai./2016 às 15:02 
pizza  [autor(a)] 1/mai./2016 às 21:09 
@jakemreed01 the marauder is not included in this NPC pack, just the average mobile infantry :P
Echo Virus 30/abr./2016 às 8:55 
wheres the marauder?
pizza  [autor(a)] 29/abr./2016 às 22:19 
try deleting then reinstalling the addon maybe? also, problems usually occur when there are too many mods loaded into the game, so that also could be the issue