Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

More Flags ( + flags replacer )
Viser 1-5 af 5 forekomster
Opdatering: 14. aug. 2019 kl. 13:00

UPDATE 4 (8/14/2019)
Fixed: Fixed the issue that turned traffic light props white
Fixed: Fixed flag LOD appearance
Fixed: Proper New Zealand and Syria flags are used
Fixed: Made the flags 25% darker to match the vanilla ones
Fixed: Typos in descriptions
Added: Space agencies (NASA,ESA,JAXA) flag
Added: Latin America flags #5 (Bolivia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Suriname, Uruguay)
Added: In options flags can be enabled/disabled by type/continent
Added: Changed: South American and Central American flags are called Latin American flags now.

Opdatering: 29. nov. 2016 kl. 11:33

UPDATE 3 (11/29/2016)
Fixed: Fixed for C:S 1.6.0 (a.k.a. Natural Disasters)
Fixed: Fixed issues with flag packs support.

Opdatering: 11. juni 2016 kl. 5:55

UPDATE 2 (6/11/2016)
Added: support for custom descriptions to plugins API.
Fixed: Now disabled flag packs won't load.
Added: Europe Small States flag (Faroe Islands, Andorra, Monaco, Vatican City, San Marino, Liechtenstein)
Added: America Central #2 flag (Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Nicaragua)
Added: America Central #3 flag (Haiti, Antigua and Barbuda, Trinidad and Tobago, Barbados, Grenada, Dominica)
Added: Africa South #2 flag (South Africa, Angola, Zambia, Malawi, Comoros, Mauritius).
Added: Historical flag (Yugoslavia, Kingdom or Ararat, Tibet, East Germany, Confederate, Russian Empire).
Changed: Moved South Africa flag to Africa South #2.
Changed: Added alternative version of NZ flag to Commonwealth flag.
Changed: Updated BloodyPenguin flag with new logo.

Opdatering: 8. jan. 2016 kl. 23:51

UPDATE 1 (1/9/2016)
Added: Custom flags pack support
Added: Custom thumbnails
Fixed: Now this flags can be used in Asset Editor
Changed: Moved some Commonwealth and Asia East flags to Asia Southeast.
Changed: Added new flags to Commonwealth and Asia East.
Added: Europe Central flags, Europe Southeast #1 flags, Europe Southeast #2 flags, Europe South flags, Asia Middle East #1 flags, Asia Middle East #2 flags, Asia Central flags, Asia South flags, Asia Southeast flags, Africa North #1 flags, Africa South #1 flags, UK flags, Jolly Rodger flag, Marvel Cinematic Universe Teams flag, United Nations flag, Christian flag

Opdatering: 7. jan. 2016 kl. 1:48

Initial release