ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

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Pembaruan: 13 Jan 2017 @ 11:48pm


-TUSOT...THEBLOODYKRAKEN!: a bit less effective in grabbing and holding prey, slower, the cave-version with 35% less HP. Much smaller targetting range;
-CNIDARIA: slower and much less aggressive;
-TROODON: little tweak of body's darkness and eyes' vividity, new attack sound, nerfed in HP and gang-DMG-boost effect but faster; smaller aggro range at night but a bit bigger during day. Faster taming.
-THERI: nerfed in speed and damage (up to 50 of base DMG) a bit in HP and a bit easier to tame. Spawns at mountains, more wild predators dare to attack it. Lessened aggro range;
-fix for Rugo not eating;
-prevention set against using the crashy grab attack while riding (Sarco, Spino, Kong);
-Cave Dodorex have glowing eyes;
-no more green and purple tigers;
-some little tweaks of some spawners (no biggie);
-Pego got colorization and fluff;
-fix for Pego's eggs;
-A-Trike, Kong and Titano-TC are using now the new team group "Herbivores_Large_Aggressive" from Therizino; instead of a 'medium' one or 'carnivore_Huge'.
So- now You'll be able to watch battles between Kong and Rexes in wild...

Pembaruan: 16 Des 2016 @ 12:20pm


-added many cuddle animations to popular dinos;
-tweak of my raptors' team work;
-allo-leader buff again marked by a 'boss-growl' sound instead of a magic-light on its back;
-a little tweak of A-Carno's looks;
-re-addded missing effect of weapon dropped after a powerful hit of a big dino (20% to occur);
-wild turtle walking slower;
-wolfes are real pack-hunters now, with a pack-leader;
-dimors stay in their groups close too- so be careful with these now! (but they won't attack You if there's less than 4 of them);
-Piranhas staying always close together (but no pack-leaders);
-pack-species with tweak of AI that will make them scatter less;
-new day-combat music (starting with startling drums only, and if battle is long- powerful epic music starts [5 minutes overall]);
-real ambient sounds for the jungle forests added;
-Rugo's skin more shiny and eyes glowing in the darkness a bit;
-Novaraptors and A-mach have eyes glowing in the darkness;
-fix for a 'champing Pego-ghost' haunting player bug (no typo there!8]);
-the ridiculous clouds of dust when a wolf is running reduced much;
-wolfs don't start to sniff when they run anymore;
-adjusted speed of Giga's anims;
-Ornitos spawning in bigger groups and staying together in herds;
-added gang effect for ants, balanced gang effect of compys & piranhas;
-Achatina added to swamps spawner;
-fix for that terrible '1V' flashlight used on AR;

Pembaruan: 12 Des 2016 @ 11:29am

-PEGOMASTAX: spawns in packs at beaches and jungles; generally weak but dangerous by it's rage-pheromones emission that brings blind chaos...;
-ARCHA finally received my tweaks; including fixed taming (now as an awake-tame);
-fix for repositioned prey-pawns during my mantis' prey-holding;
-wild pachyrhino-juvies;
-fix for vanilla-maps Redwoods spawners;
-tweak of Alberto's materials;
-fix for Pachyrs trying to attack herbivores;
-Rex and Giga slightly faster;
-sligthly reduced Rex' bite range and speed rate;
-Player running sligthly slower (it's not right or realistic at all that every untrained bum can outrun 80% of animals with ease);

Pembaruan: 5 Des 2016 @ 7:03pm


-PACHYR: kinda like a higher tier version of Pachy; with similar but stronger attacks and charge, and a bit aggressive attitute (but loosing aggro almost instantly if You get away from it); tweaked model; 'engraging spell' disabled for now (one- the opposite skill is enough for Pachyr, the second may go to something else eventualy); better HP and torpidity; spawns in big packs on grasslands; head zone reduces dmg less (big bonus on direct eye-hit);
-MEGALO: nerfed in general stats but 'groggy' one is definitely less weakened; spawning sometimes at jungles and at some caves; more reasonable AI and other basic tweaks...;
-MOSCHOPS and ACHATINA: without bigger changes (it's just that Mosch is less tough now and the snail: more); spawning at Redwoods;
-my version of MOTH added to Redwoods, mainly for testing the 'nocturnal' type addition (tricky stuff, alas); smaller but tougher (as a brainless bug should be), unridable (too small for it);
-Trike with tweaked charge skill (more dmg, no more of that awkward animation...);
-gained thermal insulation per lvl of fortitude increased by +150% (but torpor resistance/lvl buffed only a bit);
-the annoying and boring 'awakening spawning' animation playing in faster rate;
-SnowJerboa readed to spawners after its.. escape (?!);
-My Doderex is a similar case...;
-Mosa and Krono are crazy eaters up of eveything around now (it's JustIDK's fault);
-tweak of Krono's attacks but nerfed movement speed;
-Krono renamed to Pliosaurus;
-Mosa added to a PGM spawner;
-re-added to cave spawners: my Dodorex, my SpineyLizard, Jugbugs, Rugos;
-re-added Primal Turkey to its spawner;
-a little buff of A-Dilo's resistance and animation rate;
-Shoni a bit faster;
-added missing cuddle anims of 'cats, birds, elephants and dogs';
-Snow Jerboa much whiter;
-Corn spoiling 4x slower;
-You can now put a silencer into my machined pistol MK2 and use it underwater;
-dilo's spit flying faster;
-some herbis spawning in bigger groups at grassland, mountains, redwoods, and beach spawners;
-probable fix for imprinting ultra-efficiency bug;
-Scorpions with smaller aggro-range;
-tweaks of wild and tamed Tupu's attacks;
-some main sounds and core-files updated;

Pembaruan: 18 Nov 2016 @ 9:05pm


-better, smoother models for Machais (A-Mach too) + better materials and textures for them;
-little tweak of Machais' attacks settings and their animations rate;
-tweak of Giga's camera, collision capsule, AI and movement (better animations' rate, lower rotation rate);
-fix for Trikes not reacting on their mates distress call...;
-the ultimate tweak of Diplo's attacks; not more DMG but much more of precission and variety (footstomps for a wild one); no more single wolf killing it!
- +40 DMG for grenade;
- +8-10% of general armor for Alpha Carno and A-Rex;
- new limiters for overspawning swamps-dwellers;
- missing Dunkles and Eurypts added to a spawner (let's test how it works now cause I cant test this one in the editor);
-fix for small Titano's problems with hitting small carnivores & too loud sounds;
-big groups of parasaurs spawning at plains + more Pachys there and less Raptors & Brontos;
-a little buff of direct rocket-hit damage (+46 for its base value);
-a serious buff of poison grenades- especially against dinos!;
-Toad added to PGM spawner (inland water);

Pembaruan: 13 Nov 2016 @ 8:26pm


Pembaruan: 6 Nov 2016 @ 10:03pm


-MANTIS [TC version]: smaller but tougher, doing much less dmg with attacks but killing like a real mantis: catching You by suprise and literally eating alive; less active here; non-ridable (buggy stuff with it); moving faster and more agile through obstacles; harder to tame, bigger torpidity; spawning at redwoods;
-KAPRO: a bit 'flatter' shapes, less damage and shorter leap; more HP and TP; can't hold prey for more than 1 minute continually; a bit less active; swamp & beach spawners;
_CHALICO: bite attack nerfed, mud attack does some little dmg but much less poison dmg now, wild ones can sometimes throw a rock too! (but this projectile got nerfed in dmg (-20%), with 50% of dmg torpor addition); spawn at mountains and snow;
-wild quetz can take You for a very thrilling little flight now...>;]
-wild Tape can sometimes take You for a very thrilling little flight now too...>;]
-tweak of boa's constricting ability...;
-Sarco can catch small/med prey and hold it in jaws;
-Spino gets a similar ability, although a wild one will rather use it for a deadly combo than to hold You grabbed...
-tweak of the cumbersome scorpion's attack range;
-slowed down Sarco's animations' rate a bit;
-fix for randomly-scaled Sarcos attack-problems sometimes;
-fix for Alberto able to walk on almost vertical walls...;
-wolf's base attack set to 24 DMG + weak version of bleeding effect;
-same small-bleeding added for Machairodus;
-2 more animations of wolfs' attacks added to the game;
-second wolf's attack is always with a little pounce now (but less DMG);
-fix for Saber's 'crazy tail' bug that affect its dead body lately (but tail elongates still for now);
-tweak of pin-pounce raptors' attack precission;
-Alpha-Novaraptor finally gets his pin-pounce version (but 2 seconds cooldown timer for pounce attacks);
-Kong gets other secondary attack- he can grab small victims; yes!- he can kidnap hot blondes now!;
-tweak of Saber's model viewed up close;
-tweak of Mammoth's model (the tusks look much better now!);
-little tweak of B-foot's stone projectile;
-actualized human & guns' sounds entered the TC;
-in-depth files' actualization to the current version;
-fix for broken file of quetz's and tupu's animations blueprint (no move during aiming and attacking bug);
-added all the new creatures to PGM spawners;
-weaponry use when mounted allowed for: para, turtle, rhino, stego, stag, proco, phiomia, diplodo, dolphin, wolf, bear, mammoth, pachyc, spino, trike, A-Trike, scuto, rugo, shoni;
-Sarco slower in water;
-Para received another, better attack (can use it when charging); wild Para can hit a player if wounded & cornered;
-Arthro added as a rare jungle spawn;

Pembaruan: 8 Okt 2016 @ 1:50am


-gamebreakin' change- no more of banging trees with bare fists!:P You can use stones now for bit better melee & for throwing!
-more various attacks and combat behaviours of wild dinos- to make AI more vivid and realistic (like taunts during attacking), for: Allo, Bear, Wolf, Gigan, Mammoth, Raptors, Sarco, Spino, Spider, Trikes, Tapej, Titanis, Stego, Carnos, Bigfoot, Bat, Arthro, Argent (check this one!8]), Anky, Quetz, Tupu, Acro, Kong, Rugo, Vulture.
-wolfs have better rotation rate and wild ones can sometimes jump;
-fix for roars being hear only from close distances!
-'taunt' attack for mammoth, Trike, Stego, Ankylo and Sarco added! (C button);
-fix for Mammoths being attacked by the smallest predators;
-Bigfoot can throw small rocks on enemies:];
- a bit more of resistance added to Stegos;
-A-Dilo's spit takes less stamina but in has 5.5 seconds cooldown timer set now;
-a single Bat or Machairodus wont dare to attack You;
-Tupus spawning more often (ocean spawner) + prevention from spawning underwater;
-new sound for Kong's footsteps;
-wild Kong can throw logs! (to be more of a taming challenge:});
-Player can climb a bit better;
- new, more dynamic night-combat music and new, much cooler sound cue for critical-health state!
-tweak of ant's AI (more realistic, they love corpses..);
-the chainsaw no longer adds torpor with its cut (?!) and is better against armors than mere tools, not worse anymore..
-cornered Phiomia can fight back + a bit better attack of it;
-more crawling ants in the jungle;

Pembaruan: 3 Okt 2016 @ 8:38am


-SNOW JERBOA: All the cuteness spawning in white fur, 'wearing' it on Your shoulders is like wearing a warm scarf (literally:});
-SCUTOSAURUS: A realistic version of 'Camelsaurus', spawning in redwoods (bit tougher than molleratops);
-VULTURE: without any visible changes, just with extended and tweaked AI; less DMG; spawning at mountains;
-THORNY DRAGON: a bit smaller, with smaller aggro-range and spikes that do some damage instead of poisoning; Cave-dweller;
-JUGBUG: without any visible changes (just sligtly smaller); cave-dweller + redwoods;
-saddle blueprints for the creatures above can be found in random carcass-lot (quite easily);
-less of Allos spawning;

Pembaruan: 30 Sep 2016 @ 12:37pm


-ALLO, bloody Allo: a bit smaller (size will be various if used with my MNI mod on top), bigger HP but much easier to KO and tame; more adequate, bigger damage for bite,
with real bleeding; not always living in groups and bit slower to counter it; Aiming for vital places brings really good effect; spawning as a top predator (the only big one) of redwoods;
-Alpha Allo less buffed in stats and without magic fire on its back; istead- it's growling like a boss, continually;]
-scaled Allo's running animation for looking more natural;
-TAPEJ: aggressive if disturbed and not alone (not tenacious though); bit smaller; living in the Redwoods; Carrying 2 people, not 3;
-rare wild young Tapejaras (can fly);
-Single Tupu wont attack You anymore;
-Dimors will attack player near- if there's several of them; other way-they'll fly away; better AI makes them not flying in circles around You, You can escape them;
-overhauled redwoods spawner (more unique and abundant);
-Huge-impulse attacks of big dinos can in 20% disarm and knock over players!
-fix for Bear's loot inventory (and a crash that it could cause);
-Bigfoot can have loot inventory;
-fix for incorrect veggies and dyes in carcass-loot;
-little items from SE appearing in high-lvl carcass-loot sometimes:}
-fix for Alberto's secondary attack;
-better Shoni's attack;
-Alpha Carno can be tamed;
-tweaked Rex' nose-bump attack (with no sliding too);
-fix for Gastonia's odd jumping ability:P;
-Anlger less active, preffering ambushing finally;
-fix for fix for Alberto's TPP camera, lol;
-Sarco with much bigger chance of kill-loot + prepared for 'wild random size scaling' after next MNI mod update;
-bigger range of aggro-call between social creatures' kinds;
-fix for Turkey's mass-aggro effect;
-D-Rex with fixed close range attack and a bit faster when tamed;
-Single Piranha or small spider will flee from You;
-a little nerf of sometimes devastating flamethrower's buring buff and bigger of OP flame-arrow's;
-fixed saddles of recent dinos not adjusted on their armor values yet;
-Your corpse really dissapears instantly after Mosa's and Krono's swallowing bite-attack for real now;
-Better roar sound for Allo, and roar available both for wild and tamed ones to use in game now:] (running and roaring at You wild allo looks really cool..);
-Fishing rod temporarily (or not?) substituted with the whip- while its files are broken in the dev kit and causing compiler's errors;