Company of Heroes 3

Company of Heroes 3

(4) Santuario
A apresentar 1-9 de 9 entradas
Atualização: 20 mar. 2024 às 15:52


Disabled the ability to garrison two of the three connected buildings by the munitions point, west of the church.
Widened the entrance south of the three connected buildings by the munition point, to facilitate for AT access.
Disabled the ability to garrison one of the two connected buildings by the middle munition.
Added visuals such as smoke, building damage, and blocked doors and windows to indicate the buildings being disabled.
Custom monastery structures in between the church and the beach VP are now indestructible.
Minor texture changes to the map, as the tile count has been reduced below 9 across the board.
Minor splat additions on the North VP.
Minor spline adjustments.
Added OOB watersources for the rivers.

Atualização: 4 mar. 2024 às 21:11

Latest update:

Removed some hedges in between the north eastern munition and fuel point, near the windmill, this was previously a "deadzone".

Removed the vineyards in the eastern base, replaced with fields.

Moved the Bunkers further into the player bases, they should no longer cover the closest capture points.

Disabled the ability to garrison the closest houses to the bases.

Slight improvements to gamespace readability in several locations by removing small hedges and bushes.

Moved some assets that blocked unit pathing in front of the windmill.

Added hedges to locations units were able to path through, when they were not supposed to.

Added rocks, blockers and impass behind the fuel tank by the north western fuel point.

Moved the hedges and rocks behind the bases back ever so slightly.

Lowered several Oak trees to improve gamespace visibility.

Impass painted on several rocky areas that units could walk through.

Removed some rocks by the middle eastern river fork.

Added shot/sight blockers for some of the rocks by the rivers.

Minor texture work.

Additional spline and splat work, most importantly being the cover_craters added by the north VP.

My thanks goes out to Capiqua for his valuable feedback!

Atualização: 29 fev. 2024 às 11:50

New minimap added.
(Feedback on this is highly appreciated.)

Territory sectors are now painted to conform more to the features of the map.

Reworked North-eastern munition point near axis base.

The amount of permanent blockers, such as rocks has been reduced, and new access points to lanes have been opened.
(Further feedback on this point is appreciated, please point out any blockers and suggest changes in the mapping discord.)

These changes include but are not limited to:
New path between north-western munition point near Allies base, and the cut-off point.
New path between north western fuel point and the cutoff point.
Similar changes applied to the North eastern munition point rework.
Southernmost cliff by map edge, has been reduced in size.
Removed most of the hedges north of the vineyard-fuel point, allies side.

Cleaned up several rocky areas throughout the map, especially near rivers, to improve gamespace readability concerns.
Impass painted on several rocky areas that previously were not impassable.

Some fences have been removed, to improve Anti-tank gameplay.

Bunched up single assets around the middle of the map.
Added more yellow cover.
Added more a bit more green cover.
Raised the green cover rocks more to make them stand out to the player more.
Added more decorative flora.
Added impass on culverts, (no more Ninjaturtles).
Minor texture work.
Minor spline and splat work.
Minor grass work.

My thanks goes out to Nigo_BR, Jim The Rat King, Bacon_RE and Tightrope, for their feedback!

Atualização: 15 fev. 2024 às 23:15

Atualização: 15 fev. 2024 às 14:50

Atualização: 31 jan. 2024 às 13:46


Additional Spline work.
Minor texture work.
Minor OOB work.
FXs added throughout the map.
Additional Yellow cover added.
Green cover added by East Cutoff for parity with the west cutoff.
Park area by the middle Munitions point changed.
Fuels south of both bases moved approx 25m.
West Fuel was covered by a base bunker, this has been fixed.

Atualização: 24 jan. 2024 às 17:07

Changes addressing feedback.

Fog has been reduced.
(Further feedback on this point is appreciated.)

Some low walls have been removed from the beach side of the church, to improve light vehicle pathfinding.

High walls added between the church and the munition points to add more sightblockers.

Sightblockers added to improve East starting positions ability to enter the city center.

Reverted to default minimap.

General changes and additions.

Added lightpoles, signs, powerlines and curbs.

Splines and visuals added throughout the map, including concrete roads.

Added several new buildings.

Added more yellow-cover entities.

Looking for feeback specific to, but not limited to:

How the beach-side VP plays.
Fog levels, Is it still too washed out?
Update is now live!

Atualização: 14 jan. 2024 às 19:57

Atualização: 1 jan. 2024 às 11:02