Garry's Mod
RP Good Reads 2 (Beta)
1–10 из 11
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Обновление: 17 июн. 2021 г. в 7:56

Fixed line breaks not working with sticky notes and removed leading whitespace

Обновление: 15 июн. 2021 г. в 17:49

Various bug fixes, particularly with counting towards max_* limits;

added published books and the option to save journals as books, but as it stands there is no good way to spawn them yet. Admins may publish books with concommand 'rpgr_getallbooks' and then give them to players with rpgr_setowner for the time being (sorry for this being so ugly, but it does seem to work!)

Update with some sort of book store (or some entity maybe) due this week!

Please tell me if there are any problems in the comments or discussion thread and I will get to them asap

Обновление: 14 июн. 2021 г. в 3:42

*Added Sticky Note view box on use (finally)
*Fixed bad networking that I didn't notice in single player on books and notes
*Fixed a bug where you could indeed describe other players.

Обновление: 13 июн. 2021 г. в 2:32

Fixed a bug pertaining to updating information or setting a new owner and the clientside not realizing it.

Before, it would ask the server for a book's information only if the client copy had none, get the info from the response, then cache it in the clientside SENT. This was fine, however when somebody else updated a book, your client would say "well no I already have the cache so I don't need an update". I wrote it that way to prevent the server from having to download the entire book (which would be quite laborious if the book was big) each time you read it.

The solution was to have the server broadcast to everyone on the server that the book has been updated, and then set a flag on that book telling the user that they need to download the new contents when they use it.

It should work now, please let me know if it didn't!

Обновление: 10 июн. 2021 г. в 8:42

Fixed Duplication glitch (bad parenthesis placement...)

Обновление: 10 июн. 2021 г. в 6:08

Fixed an issue where client would try to read CVars that were on the server (that have been working for me in local multiplayer and I didn't notice)

Обновление: 9 июн. 2021 г. в 8:47

Added a lot today. Its getting late and I have to go to bed though.
lots of CVars and support for them in the mod
Admin Panel - edit cvars in a panel instead of by hand.
Description text update with adjustable max width and line breaking
Really lame text fade with distance (I have an idea as to how to fix this)
Tidying up
Broke duplication limits (Sorry, fixing tomorrow)

Обновление: 7 июн. 2021 г. в 4:56

-- SWEP not working in singleplayer (Predictions don't fire on singleplayer)\

-- admin permissions (not finished)
-- configurable chat flag for descriptions
-- You can pick up sticky notes by right clicking on them with the sticky note equipped
-- You can pass ownership of a book to another player in the edit panel.

Обновление: 7 июн. 2021 г. в 1:29

* A bug where all text in chat was absorbed a chat hook (Sorry)

--* Cvars
----* Clientside
--------* rpgr_showdesc - Show the hud painted description or not
--------* rpgr_descfont - set the font of the desc text
----* Serverside
--------* rpgr_max** - set the maximum number of books, journals and stickynotes (only journal works at the moment.)
--------* rpgr_allowbookdupes - allow players to duplicate this book
--------* rpgr_allowdesc - allow players to describe things, with 4 access levels: 0 - disable, 1 - rpgr only, 2 - rpgr + props only, 3 - anything that is not another player or the world

I hope you find some use in these! Watch the video for gameplay demonstrations.

Обновление: 6 июн. 2021 г. в 21:04

Added convars for various settings, most of which do not work yet
* Fixed a problem with /desc that would eat all chat (sorry)

* rpgr_allowdesc - Sets whether the players may describe entities. 0 is disabled, 1 is RPGR stuff only, 2 is all props, 3 is anything that is not the world or another player