Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles

Immersive Armor (Outdated)
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Päivitys: 22.10.2024 klo 6.27

This version (4.0) of Immersive Armors is now outdated. Please click the icon below to visit the re-upload maintained by Cookie | Das Keks, which will continue to receive updates and improvements. While this version will remain available on the workshop, it will no longer be updated. Other than a few missing items, everything will stay the same. The mod will continue to uphold its original vision: a Conan-lore-friendly experience with armor options for male, female, and everyone in between.

As with all things, every journey must come to an end, and so does my time as a modder for Conan Exiles. I want to express my deepest gratitude to everyone for their kind words, support, donations, feedback, and bug reports over the years. Your engagement has meant the world to me, and while the experience has been stressful at times, it has also brought me a great deal of fun and fulfillment.

Despite modding for so long, I haven't actually played the game in years. My passion for modding slowly faded, and eventually, I realized it was time to step back. I?ve tried to keep the mod going for the community's sake, but I'm now relieved to have found someone to carry the torch. I'm confident that Cookie | Das Keks will continue the work I started, and I truly appreciate her for taking on this responsibility.

And don't worry, I won't be wandering the streets! I?ve got plenty to keep me busy, like my passion for photography and, hopefully, a new job soon!

When I first started this mod, I had no experience with the DevKit, modding, or working in 3D programs. It was all new to me. Without the help of the incredible people listed below, none of this would have been possible. I am eternally grateful for their support and the countless ways they've contributed to this journey.

Joschtech, WaffleButter, Helion, Ephraim, AtzerriGold, Whiskey, Hades and Multigun, EvilGrin, AtzerriGold, Eldubya, Coleth, Gradezar, DarthPhysicist, SmugKitten, Evoque, Keizan, Zarelias, Tidrick, Agony, Simone, Alexandria, Otterly, Arinoth, Xevyr, Hrodhyata and Ignasi.

These individuals have supported me in various ways?whether by teaching me how to create amazing things, offering guidance on mod-related or community-telated challenges, suggesting countless new items, or designing intricate systems that have been key to the mod's success over the past five years. And while I might not have always been the friend they deserve, I want them to know that I appreciate every one of them for what they did for me and the community.

(1) Will the items keep the IDs?
Yes, all items will keep the same ID's. After swapping the mod around, you should not have any issues with items missing or lost.

(2) How long will the 'old' mod be around for?
The old mod will stay. It just won't receive any more updates. It will be marked as 'old' or 'outdated' with a reference towards the re-upload.

(3) What about previously reported bugs?
The majority of previously reported bugs were solved before the transfer took place. New bugs can reported in this[] Discord, so they can be solved too.

(4) What if equipping a certain Accessory will make me crash?
Then you better make sure IA isn't overwritten by another mod that uses Accessory Wardrobe. Mod load order is cIA below every Mod which uses Accessory Wardrobe.

(5) Why do the 'old' mod and the reupload differ in size?
Because of Texture compression. Cookie | Das Keks managed to compress a lot of textures without quality loss, which reduced the size drastically by at least 400mb. This size reduction doesn't equal to item loss.

(6) Why are some Items missing?
Because they are creations of other persons and there was no permission to hand them over.

These items are:
- Adventurer Saddle (9807004) (replacement planned)
- Feral Toe Nails L + R (9803364 + 9803365) (replacement planned)
- Peasant Pants (9802255)
- Fancy Vest (9803366)
- Fang Necklace (9803367)
- Simple Sash (9803368) (replacement planned)

Päivitys: 4.4.2024 klo 7.52

Immersive Armors 3.5.5

Simply update for the recent Conan Exiles update, this should fix the Accessory UI issues.

Päivitys: 15.11.2023 klo 11.23

Immersive Armors 3.5.4

- Fixed Hyakush? Trousers legs not showing when not wearing boots
- Added non-physics Hyakusho Yukata / Tabi for characters that're using out different sliders
- Edited some mesh on the new set to make it look more streamlined
- Fixed a fatal error crash when you attempt to dye several items
- Fixed a mesh clipping issue with the Hyakusho Yukata

Päivitys: 14.11.2023 klo 12.42

Immersive Armors 3.5.3

- Fixed silk bustier not being removable
- Fixed leather leggings accessory not being removable
- Fixed several wristguard crashes
- Increased the damage of the quarterstaff based on feedback
- Increased dodge window on quarterstaff
- Changed the off-hand animation on the quarterstaff
- Fixed Flower Crown crafting bug

- Added a new armor set (see #work-in-progress in discord)
- Added 6 new accessories (see #work-in-progress in discord)
- Added a new quarterstaff appearance
- Added a new katana
- Added a new hairstyle for males & females

Mainly bug fixes, but did add a new custom set of armor to the mod. To those familiar with it, it's inspired by Blue Eye Samurai. To those who may complain about the amount of Japanese inspired sets in the mod, I made this set purely for myself and to challenge myself.

Päivitys: 26.10.2023 klo 9.49

Immersive Armors 3.5.2

A small but significant patch in this mods history, as I'm expanding the team behind Immersive Armors. Two people who are passionate about the game, willing to learn and have creative minds who are happy to contribute to this amazing mod, Keizan and Smug. Thank you for being part of our mod.

This patch includes a bunch of changes..
- All armor with the accessory icon was removed to avoid further confusion. I've given people a week to remove them from their collections, should be enough. If you're locked out of them again, I cannot help you.
- The heavy animation set of the quarterstaff has been changed for a more fluent and smooth experience
- The sprint attack of the quarterstaff is now functional
- The quarterstaff now has a ctrl dodge.
- The quarterstaves are now divided in tiers of Stone/Wood, Iron, Steel, Hardened Steel and Star Metal literally by name and appearance

- Fixed an issue with the Azarian Metal Chestplate
- FIxed an issue with saddles being uncraftable
- The issue people kept wrongfully reporting that made their skin blotchy and glitchy has been fixed.

- Adventure Saddle, created by Smug_Kitten
- Peasant Pants, created by Smug_Kitten
- Desert Cowl, created by Smug_Kitten
- Raider Short Tunic (tunic without 'flaps')

To compensate for the loss of the armor-accessories..
- Silent Legion Gorget
- Iron Gorget
- Silent Legion Elbowpad L/R
- Iron Pauldron L/R
- Aquilonian Wristguard L/R
- Barbarian Wristguard L/R
- Silent Legion Wristguard L/R
- Fur Wristguard L/R
- Khari Wristguard L/R
- Lemurian Wristguard L/R
- Serpentfang Wristguard L/R
- Stygian Wristguard L/R
- Bronze Plated Wristguard L/R
- Leather Wristguard L/R
- Silver Plated Wristguard L/R
- Zamorian Wristguard L/R
- Spiked Elbowpad L/R
- Flower Crown

- Let me remind all of you: Accessories aren't gone. You're still able to wear quivers, backpacks, hats, masks, jewelry, etc. It's just the secondary armor slots that're gone.
- Just because the team has increased in size doesn't mean patch cadence will increase, but it will allow for more diversity and more items being added to the mod in time.
- The Quarterstaff is still a work in progress, so post feedback about it in the appropriate channels and we will act accordingly.

Thank you all for the support.

Päivitys: 12.10.2023 klo 15.06

Immersive Armors 3.5.1

- Fixed issues with saddles being uncraftable
- Fixed issue with incorrect items being crafted
- Fixed issues with newer items not being craftable
- Made dyes craftable in the dye bench again, but they are now also still craftable in Customization Kit
- Increased craft queue from 1 to 10 in the customization kit bench
- Added some weapons / armor appearances lost to transition
- Fixed the Abyssal Armor being overwritten

- Added Pugilist armor set
- Added NEW weapon: quarterstaff (see #work-in-progress)

- The quarterstaff is completely new. I've tuned it so that it is on par with other weapons in it's class, though should anyone notice that it may be too strong in any regard, please report it in discord or on the comment section. When reporting, don't just tell me it's too strong. I would like constructive feedback on what's too strong so I can change based on that. If it's too weak to even solo PvE content, notify me as well. Thank you.
- Below a reminder for everybody:

WARNING: Keep in mind, there are 2 versions of the same armor pieces now. There's one with a little A in the upper left corner which indicates ACCESSORY. There is another with an illusion symbol in the lower left corner, this indicates ILLUSION.




To elaborate on the above, please check this image:

The old version of the mod is available on NexusMods, see:

Päivitys: 9.10.2023 klo 11.32

Immersive Armors 3.5

This update should fix most major problems that the mod was experiencing, namely the XP bugs that have been going on as well as the crashes. This bug introduces a smaller, more compact and more neutral workbench for the items in this mod based on feedback from the community. This workbench is also placable on placeables and any other surface.

A new crafting reagent, using twine and hide, can be created in order to craft all the items in this mod with the exception of the custom weapons. Speaking of custom weapons, all custom weapons have been accordingly balanced to work with the new stamina system and be in line with the rest of the weapons in the game.

WARNING: I can't stress this enough. After installing update 3.5, all of the weapons, accessories and armor from this mod, wether you're using a different system to apply them or not, will dissapear from your inventory. You will be able to re-craft them with their new itemID's. But your characters might lack some accessories or clothing when logging in next time.

This doesn't warrant a wipe for your server as this shouldn't impact the database at all.

If you've previously put illusions on armor and weapons using IA items, these illusions should stick. So all of your special weapons and gear SHOULD NOT dissapear from your inventory despite having IA illusions on them.

Bug Fixes
- Fixed the infamous xp bug
- Fixed crashes (thanks to ToT Mods!)
- Reload issues with the crossbow
- Illusion application issues with every illusion from this mod (application should now be instant)

- Crafting has seen an overhaul with a new crafting bench and one single new reagent that no longer requires a catalyst in order to work
- All illusions have a white illusion symbol on them, which will go purple once applied on an item
- New crafting bench should no longer emit noises or light
- In order to fix numerous bugs, I've had to change all the itemID's in the mod, resulting in all of your items dissapearing from your inventory after update 3.5. Do not worry, you will be able to re-craft them with their new itemID's.

- There have been new armor slots added to the Accessories UI. There will now be more customizability, with all armor being able to be equipped in specificly assigned accessory slots too (armor flagged as an Accessory with the letter A), you should now be able to equip different cloaks, quivers, backpacks etc. together with less limitations
- Made alternative versions of the Ranger and Light Stygian armor sets
- Created accessories out of the Ranger and Light Stygian armor sets (pauldrons, scarves, etc)
- There's a lemurian golden belt new in the game now
- Brand new crafting bench model, customly made out of existing in-game assets, this should reduce load times, the model is compact and should fit in any exile's home
- A new, iron version of the Whirlwind Blades that is craftable in the Blacksmith Bench: the damage of these have been scaled to be on par with other iron weapons and this feat can simply be blocked along with all of IA's other custom weapons by blocking the following feats; 9809005, 9809007

Päivitys: 15.1.2023 klo 8.50

Immersive Armors 3.4.3

- New unused version number to fix mod-mismatch issue

Päivitys: 15.1.2023 klo 5.17

Immersive Armors 3.4.2

Ah. Another update.. isn't it lovely.
Before anybody decides to speak up and complain because their server is slow, I would make you consider this. I'm working an avarage of 40 hours a week outside of this mod and for the past 2 months I've worked 40 hours on top of that on the previous two large updates to this mod. I don't need your pity, because after all it's my own decision to work on this mod. But because my life is do busy, I'll update when I have the time for it. A little understanding goes a long way.

I don't particularly enjoy it either that I have to fix bugs and update bug fixes in the week after a large update, specially when I thought I had tested everything. But I don't have an entire team playtesting my content. I create the content alone and in most cases, I test the content alone.

Anyways, that being said, that was a reminder for the minority of you. I know a majority is still very happy when an update, even if it's a bugfix, happens. So thanks for the support.

- Fixed an issue with weapons being incompitable with shields and other off-hand weapons
- Fixed an issue with waist gap missing on males
- Fixed an issue with machete of the eagle not showing up
- Made changes to the fur material once more in an attempt to reduce the shading impact on it

Päivitys: 15.1.2023 klo 5.08