Hearts of Iron IV

Hearts of Iron IV

Star Wars: Executor
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Update: 24 Apr, 2020 @ 12:46pm

quick patch
Focus changes:
- The early focuses relating to fortifying now give 1 military factory each
- Early games focuses now take less time
- Warplans and Research focuses are available in the beginning
The early game had the issue in which you had to wait and couldn't really build your awesome techs due to lack of everything, i also tried to make it less of a waiting game by allowing the player more choice instead of railroading.

Tech changes:
- Empire no longer starts with advanced tech and instead has to rely on basic tools and the fact that they know about eletrical mechanical engineering, my reasoning for this is that there is no way the empire would be able to reproduce all their gizmos due to the fact that everything is absolutely wrecked and they have no means to actually reconstruct said utilities. Gameplay wise, it's to give the player more choice in techs.
- Buff: Empire gets the carrier 1 and Destroyer 1 research, i view the executor as a really big carrier and everything else as their shielding ships so i'd assume they would have a rough idea on where to start.

Map Changes:
- Added a northern and southern territories. This doesn't really affect Vader players too much but it does fix A LOT of the issues Tarkin players had.

the rest is just more bug fixes.

Update: 23 Apr, 2020 @ 12:20pm

Patch Notes
- Beautiful States integration completely removed, it was making it hard to maintain the mod for game updates
- Speeders nerfed to the ground, they were broken.
- Civil War has been removed due to complaints, instead, achieving victory will remove currently present negative effects from events.
- Fixed various focuses
- Utopian Civlization focus actually turns you into a democratic nation.
- Restore Weapon systems focus actually gives you rockets to shoot
- Afghanistan is no longer required for the successful war event, so you just need iran
- Fixed land vehicle progress stuff
- Last two speeders are finally considered speeders and not walkers
- Bombers should be able to drop nukes now (someone try it out)
- changed the Tarkin/Darth vader images for events.

As always, make sure to post any bugs or balance solutions. I don't know how the game will turn out with the new expansion nor do i own said expansion.

Update: 14 Nov, 2019 @ 4:08pm

- Speeders no longer have 80% Hardness (Now at 10%)
- Civil war is now easier to handle
- Communists will now show up in the civil war when you accept soviet defectors
- Added event to allow the ability to become a communist state rather than fight.
- Assault Tanks have been buffed:
* slight increase in soft attack and hard attack for all tanks
* slight decrease in production cost for all tanks
- Early models of AT-ATs (UT-AT/AT-TE) are slightly cheaper to produce, Later Models are slightly more expensive.
- Juggernaut is slightly cheaper to produce
- Super Heavy ATAT and AT-ATs combat width reduced by 1.
- Walkers hardness values have been adjusted.
- Changed some texts.
- Updated to 1.8.1

Update: 2 Oct, 2019 @ 7:31pm

Civil war no longer comes out of nowhere, all story events are fixed

Update: 18 Sep, 2019 @ 4:18pm

hotfix (09/18/2019):
- Kuat Drive Yards now properly unlocks when you finish the correct focus
- Some focuses in industry path no longer locked behind vader/tarkin
- Veers is now a Winter Specialist
- Victory event should immediately fire once you get both Iran and Afghanistan
- Civil war events are fixed and shouldn't cause issues any more
- Civil war will no longer steal your base generals (Generic generals will still be taken)
- All Imperial Air Techs are now carrier capable
- Anti-Air techs/Mortar now unlocks the anti-air module for ships.

Update: 6 Sep, 2019 @ 2:20pm

Small Patch (09/06/2019):
- Tarkin can do Co-Op. Wait approximately 35 days after you choose tarkin and an event asking if you want to do co-op will pop up. (The empire must decide whether or not you are worthy of being allied)
- Player controlled Co-op Nations will get modified versions of the Generic National Focus tree (Nothing interesting, just effect based changes).
- Player Controlled Co-Op Nations will not be able to increase or decrease their autonomy meaning that you can't backstab your overlord.
- Empire can now create factions in the beginning

Update: 5 Sep, 2019 @ 2:34pm

Patch (09/05/2019):
- Mortar now counts as Artillery/Support Artillery and can be used in that sub-unit.
- Adjusted reconstruction requirements (tarkin now needs factories instead of puppets, Number of factories required for both vader and tarkin also reduced)
- Reduced days of military oriented focuses down to 35. Grand Army is now 70 days and no longer gives military factories.
- Naval focuses reduced to 35 days.
- Empire no longer superior Firepower oriented, military theorist switched to land doctrine reduced cost to 150 pp
- Tarkin is now Fascist, and replaces Vader when choosing Tarkin's Route.
- Fixed Technologies for our Subjects Focus (finally)
- AI will now utilize the imperial tech tree when it is unlocked. (Armored transports, Walkers, Tanks, Starfighters, Blaster Infantry)
- Vader now properly gets cores on Iraq and Saudi Arabia.
- small fixes

Update: 3 Sep, 2019 @ 1:06pm

- Decision to get a wargoal against Iran, Afghanistan, and Turkey now require either atleast 24 divisions or 50000 fielded manpower
- Fixed Tarkin getting civil war even when Afghanistan and Iran are puppeted.
- Pushed back civil war date to October 1st, 1939

Update: 3 Sep, 2019 @ 11:01am

- Tarkin can now utilize Wargoal decisions again.
- Overall cost of reconstruction focuses reduced.

Update: 2 Sep, 2019 @ 11:37am

- AI Empire should no longer get immediately destroyed by Saudi Arabia and Iraq (Effectiveness of AI after Saudi Arabia and Iraq requires investigation)
- City in Arabia coast now gets renamed when you take the Gulf City and New Headquarters Focuses.
- Might have fixed the Austria Civil War Bug (requires testing)
- Fixed Localization issue with AT-RT's OOB.
- Added extra effect text to Corporate System Focus