Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

Human-Like Survivor Bots
Showing 11-17 of 17 entries
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Update: 19 Oct, 2017 @ 5:58am

(Doesn't count in version number)
Updated the addoninfo.txt file I've consistently forgotten to update with new description and a version number. There have been 4 updates with the exception of this one and "Fixed initial release", so the addon is now version 1.4.0.

20/10/17 EDIT: Added version numbers to all updates and some text on the initial release.

Update: 19 Oct, 2017 @ 5:53am

-Apparently, sb_normal_ and _combat_saccade_speed was actually the bots' 'mouse sensitivity' of sorts, basically how fast they turn around.
Thank you "Peep n' Creep beta tester" for the tip!
sb_normal_ and _combat_saccade_speed decreased from 1100 and 2000 to 800 and 1750, respectively.
-Following the previous revelation, sb_follow_stress_factor got yet another increase to 0.4.
-Increased sb_neighbor_range from 270 to 280
-Increased sb_separation_range from 262 to 266
-Increased sb_separation_danger_min_range from 310 to 315
-Decreased sb_threat_very_far_range from 2225 to 2120
-Decreased survivor_vision_range and sb_enforce_proximity_range from 2700 to 2500 each

Update: 18 Oct, 2017 @ 9:03am

-Boosted the threat exposure limits
-Increased sb_temp_health_consider_factor from 0.91 to 0.92 (46 per 50 temp hp)
-Bumped sb_follow_stress_factor a lil more (0.31 to 0.32)
-Changed sb_toughness_buffer (how healther you need to be from the bot before it heals itself instead) from 25 to 19, as they shouldn't be so self-sacraficial, should they?
-Changed sb_rescue_vehicle_loading_range from 100 to 95... Just in case.
-Sorted the commented sb_all_bot_game together with its sister command
-Removed the "Miscellaneous" category

Update: 14 Oct, 2017 @ 11:19am

-Re-adjusted values related to bot battlestations around players. In general they wait a bit more to reposition themselves and don't give up their stations as easily as before.
-Re-adjusted values related to threat distances. A mistake I made myself in them may have caused bots to think they can't shove as far as they can.
-Centerised the thumbnail and icon's text a pixel more
-Workshop thumbnail is now a PNG rather than JPG for better quality (JPG is needed for the in-game addons menu, but it doesn't have to be like that in the Workshop)

Update: 14 Oct, 2017 @ 5:12am

-Very low increase to 'combat follow leader' (sb_combat_saccade_speed) (1950 to 2000)
-Low decrease to maximum bot scavenging separation (1000 H/U to 950 H/U)
-Temporary health multiplier reduced from 0.92 to 0.91 (50 temp. health now counts as 45,5 health rather than 46)
-Minor increase to follow stress factor (0.3 to 0.31)
-Logo and thumbnail edited to center the right-side text to prevent OCD

Update: 13 Oct, 2017 @ 6:29am

(Doesn't count in version number)
Fixed the initial release

Update: 13 Oct, 2017 @ 6:17am

Initial release (was a bit rushed)