Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

45 ratings
How To Be A Good INFECTED Teammate
By Mystic Cat
Very little do i find games in versus where the infected team ACTUALLY co-operate. They usually blindly attack the survivor team with no strategy at all, and most times win by sheer luck of 4 survivors going down at once. Most dont even use the common infected to their advantage, including witches. This Guide is being developed by Mao Mao and today, im going to teach you how to be a useful INFECTED teammate.
Hello, and welcome to my first L4D2 guide. I have made guides before on other games but something has been bothering me lately. That is the INFECTED in L4D2. Now, my problem is not with the actual INFECTED, it's with the users. All to often do i see Versus games end so quickly do to no real understanding of strategy, on both sides! Usually making the game dull in that gamemode to the point where most people want to play infected just to have "fun." Well, this guide is here to fix that problem. Enjoy!

Now maybe you greedy $!%&@!#% will stop stealing other player's survivors from each other.
The Survivor's Arsenal Part 1 (Primary)

These are your targets, you will grow to hate them with a burning passion. for ruining your perfect killing streak. Especially that little ♥♥♥♥ in the pink background

Sorry! Got a little carried away there...

Anyway, yes these guys are your targets kill them all to win. simple right?
Well not so much, of course you only kill 4 at a time you wont have to kill all 8 of those guys.

They are in a group of 4 the top being Bill, Zoey, Francis, and Louis respectively.
The Bottom row being Nick, Rochelle, Ellis, and Coach respectively

Now that we have that out of the way, we are here to talk about their Arsenal

Tier 1 Weapons
The Submachine Gun

The Submachine Gun's major drawbacks are twofold. Firstly, its bullet penetration and stopping power are poor, making it a risky choice when facing a Tank. Secondly, its high rate of fire relative to its ammo reserve means that even players who maintain strict fire discipline will start to run short of ammo partway through a level.

Carry Capacity-650
Damage per Shot-20
Rate of Fire-960/minute (16/second)
Damage per Second-320
Damage per Magazine-1000
Total Damage-14000

Silenced Submachine Gun
The Silenced Submachine Gun has a high rate of fire and greater stopping power than the normal Submachine Gun―a Common Infected will drop almost instantly when hit with a short burst and it makes short work of weak Special Infected. Not surprisingly, though, its performance against Tanks is low.

Carry Capacity-650
Damage per Shot-24
Rate of Fire-960/minute (16/second)
Damage per Second-400
Damage per Magazine-1250
Total Damage-17500

Pump Shotgun
The Pump Shotgun deals heavy damage to a single enemy, or lighter damage to many, in a spread. It holds eight shells with 128 in reserve. The spread of the 8 pellets in a shell can take down multiple Common Infected per shot. This often makes it better at handling Hordes than the Submachine Gun or Pistols.

Carry Capacity-56
Damage per Shot-250 (10 pellets, 25 dmg each)
Rate of Fire-69/minute
Damage per Second-287.5
Damage per Magazine-2000
Total Damage-16000

Chrome Shotgun

It has the tightest spread of all of the shotguns in the game, which makes it more effective against distant targets than the other shotguns. Its high damage per shot and high penetration against Common Infected also makes it a good weapon for handling Hordes. Compared to the Pump Shotgun, it has a tighter spread and more damage per pellet, but fewer pellets overall, leading to a negligibly lower amount of total damage.

The Chrome Shotgun may be a good weapon of choice in Versus mode in the early rounds when it is required to kill certain Special Infected at medium ranges Watch out for this weapon !

Carry Capacity-56
Damage per Shot-248 (8 pellets, 31 dmg each)
Rate of Fire-69/minute
Damage per Second-285.2
Damage per Magazine-1984
Total Damage-15872

Tier 2 Weapons
Auto/Tactical Shotgun
A more powerful version of the Pump and Chrome Shotgun that does not require a pump after each shot. It also has a slightly higher DPS than the Combat Shotgun at point-blank. It holds a maximum of 10 shells at a time with 90 in reserve. It is the best short-range weapon in the game, capable of firing extremely fast and taking out massive numbers of Infected per shot.

Carry Capacity-90
Damage per Shot-253 (8 pellets, 23 dmg each)
Rate of Fire-200/minute
Damage per Second-840
Damage per Magazine-2530
Total Damage-25300

Combat Shotgun
The Combat Shotgun is very effective at close range against major threats, such as Tanks, Witches, etc. While the Combat Shotgun has a tighter spread and is thus slightly more accurate than the Tactical Shotgun, it is not a ranged weapon; nevertheless, it is marginally better at handling mid-range threats than the other auto shotgun.

Carry Capacity-90
Damage per Shot-252 (9 pellets, 28 dmg each)
Rate of Fire-200/minute
Damage per Second-836
Damage per Magazine-2520
Total Damage-25200

The M16 Assault Rifle
A Tier 2 replacement for the Submachine Gun and Silenced Submachine Gun offering a significant enhancement to the player's ability to hit targets and inflict damage; quite simply, it is a better overall weapon. It features a 50-round magazine with 360 rounds in reserve.
In summary, the Assault Rifle is unquestionably one of a player's best choices as a general-use firearm on account of its balanced accuracy, damage potential and adaptability.

Carry Capacity-360
Damage per Shot-33
Rate of Fire-684/minute
Damage per Second-376.2
Damage per Magazine-1650
Total Damage-13530

The Combat Rifle
A Tier 2 Assault Rifle variant that has a capacity of 60 rounds per magazine. Unlike the other assault rifles, it fires a three-round burst. Holding down the trigger button will continually fire three-round bursts, unlike burst rifles in most games, where the trigger must be pulled every time a burst is fired. Sustained bursts make for a more accurate spread of fire than the Assault Rifle!
The Combat Rifle is slightly more accurate than the Assault Rifle, and fires three-round bursts, making it effective for weakening and killing Special Infected from a distance.

Carry Capacity-360
Damage per Shot-44
Rate of Fire-502.3/minute
Damage per Second-368.4
Damage per Magazine-2640
Total Damage-18480

The AK-47

My Personal Favorite, The AK-47 is an Automatic Rifle in Left 4 Dead 2. It trades off the versatility of the Assault Rifle in return for enhanced stopping power, making it an excellent weapon for handling hordes of Common Infected and Tanks. On the downside, relative to the Assault Rifle, it has a slower fire rate, a smaller magazine capacity and, most noticeably, lower accuracy. And it is incredibly useful against Hordes.

Carry Capacity-360
Damage per Shot-58
Rate of Fire-461.5/minute
Damage per Second-446
Damage per Magazine-2320
Total Damage-23200
The Survivor's Arsenal (Primary Continued)
The Hunting Rifle
It holds a 15-round magazine with 150 rounds in reserve, and can shoot through a wide variety of hard cover, thus allowing a player to engage all classes of Infected hidden behind doors, partition walls, furniture and so forth. The Hunting Rifle's superb bullet penetration power is especially useful when facing a horde since a single round can pass through several enemies at once. When required, the Hunting Rifle can be fired almost as fast as a single Pistol; however, it is normally fired at a slow rate.

Carry Capacity-150
Damage per Shot-90
Rate of Fire-240/minute
Damage per Second-360
Damage per Magazine-1350
Total Damage-14850

The Sniper Rifle

A Tier 2 weapon, the Sniper Rifle deals high damage against Special Infected while still killing Common Infected in one hit. This weapon is extremely accurate at long ranges on account of the quality of its scope sight. It has a magazine capacity of 30 rounds, double that of the Hunting Rifle.

Carry Capacity-180
Damage per Shot-90
Rate of Fire-240/minute
Damage per Second-360
Damage per Magazine-2700
Total Damage-18900

Special Tier

Grenade Launcher

A single-shot weapon, it launches a low velocity explosive shell (grenade) with a blast effect that kills Common Infected and weaker Special Infected in its immediate vicinity. Any Infected who are not killed by the blast are injured and stumbled, except Chargers and Tanks who are immune to the stumbling effect.

Carry Capacity-30
Damage per Shot-400
Rate of Fire-Approx. 16RPM
Damage per Second-N/A
Damage per Magazine-400
Total Damage-12000

The M60

It carries only 150 rounds and, after being depleted, is dropped. The Survivor will then revert back to their secondary weapon Beware of this weapon! It is extremely powerful against all types of infected!

Carry Capacity-0
Damage per Shot-50
Rate of Fire-545.5/minute
Damage per Second-454.5
Damage per Magazine-7500
Total Damage-7500

Now, lets see what the secondary's of the survivors are.
The Survivor's Arsenal Part 2 (Secondary)
The Secondarys
The P220 Pistol and Glock
It is one of the weapons they can use when knocked down, although with a slower rate of fire and greatly decreased accuracy. The Pistol(s) is one of the only weapons that has infinite ammunition. However, they are still limited to a magazine capacity of 15 rounds.

Capacity-15 (30 if duel-wielded)
Carry Capacity-infinite
Damage per Shot-36
Rate of Fire-300 (600)/minute
Damage per Second-175 (350)
Damage per Magazine-540 (1080)
Total Damage-infinite

The Magnum
It has only an eight-round magazine and cannot be dual-wielded, but delivers one-hit kills to Common Infected on all game modes and all difficulties.

Carry Capacity-infinite
Damage per Shot-80
Rate of Fire-198
Damage per Second-267
Damage per Magazine-640
Total Damage-infinite
The Survivor's Arsenal Part 3 (Melee)
Melee Weapons

Melee Weapons replace Pistols in the secondary weapon slot. Unlike Pistols, close combat weapons never need to be reloaded and cannot run out of ammo (excluding the Chainsaw). They have two main drawbacks: a limited reach and (with a few exceptions) relatively long cooldown periods.

Melee default damage is 300 HP, but in most cases for the infected, they will have special rules, doing 250 HP per hit for the witch or removing 60% of the charger health, making it a 2 hit kill guaranteed no matter the health or 1 hit kill for other class besides tank. Each have a different way to proceed. First off the kind of damage it'll do, range then speed.

There are 3 types of Melee Weapons in L4D2
  • Slashing
  • Shredding
  • Bludgeoning

Slashing Types
1.The Axe
2.The Katana
3.The Machete

I'm not going into too much detail over the melees on their diffrent ranges and speed rather their types and what melees to look out for.

Anyway, The slashing types are very dangerous to Smokers because they are able to slash through the tongue to save choked teammates. Other types of melees can not do this.

Slashing types are able to 1 hit Most Special Infected and All Common Infected
Only the Witch, Tank, and Charger can survive more than 1 hit from all types of Melee

Shredding Types
1.The Crowbar
2.The Chainsaw

The Shredding Types tend to.. well, shred their enemies! this type is best for very few infected and to pick off commons 1 by 1 with ease. They are not able to break the smoker's tongue unlike the slashing types. They still 1 hit most infected.

Bludgeoning Types
1.Baseball bat/Cricket Bat
2. The Frying Pan
3.The Nightstick
4.The Guitar
5. The Golf Club

These types literally beat their enemies to death. This bunch is great for a wide range of incoming enemies and can hit many infected at once, more so than the other types.
They 1 hit most special infected and all common infected. They do not break the smoker's tongue.

The Survivor's Arsenal Part 4 (Throwables)

There are three Throwables in L4D2 this includes the Molotov, Pipe Bomb, and the Bile Bomb.

The Molotov

The Molotov Cocktail is a throwable weapon that engulfs an area with flames for approximately 15 to 17 seconds. The area of effect is quite large and spreads over time before self-extinguishing. The fire will burn all Infected that come into contact with it. While Common Infected cannot attack after being ignited and die in seconds, Special Infected can withstand the fire until their health is burned away.

The Pipe Bomb

with the addition of a bright red LED and loudly beeping smoke detector to attract Common Infected when armed and thrown. Pipe Bombs explode five to seven seconds after being deployed.

The Bile Bomb

The Bile bomb is a throwable glass jar containing the green Boomer bile. When thrown, it sends the Infected horde to wherever it hits, and potentially causing "friendly-fire" by leading the Horde to attack any Infected coated in the bile. Bile bombs, overall, allow for a brief moment of rest and preparation during a battle.
The Survivor's Arsenal Part 5 (Medical Supplies)
Medical Supplies

Healing items are those used to restore lost health, be it a temporary health boost or a permanent restoration. They can be found in ambulances, safe rooms, or randomly throughout levels, but are most often found inside of first aid stations. First aid stations may contain up to four bottles of pain pills, but they may contain first aid kits instead, depending on how well the Survivors are doing, the difficulty level, and the gameplay mode. First aid stations found in safe rooms and at finales always contain first aid kits.

Try to stop survivors from using these very valuable items! These items can help them get to the saferoom quicker, and aid them in getting more points in versus!.

The Medkit

Healing Type: Permanent
Restores 80% of Damage

In Versus mode, if the players heal each other, the Director will spawn more health kits within the map. Keep in mind if you are the first team to play as the Survivors, whatever health kits you caused the Director to spawn will also be available to the other team when it's their turn. This could be a hazard as the Infected team could use it to their advantage for when they become the Survivors and learn the locations of the spawned health kits when dead or as a ghost in spawn mode.

Pain Pills

Healing Type: Temporary
Damage Restored: 50

Pain Pills, unlike the First Aid Kit, will only give the user 50 temporary points of health when taken. When carried by Survivors, it is held on the Survivor's right hip, probably on the belt.

Since the health from Pain Pills is only temporary, it will slowly decrease over time, dropping one point every few seconds until all of the temporary health is gone. The Pain Pills you take will restore your movement speed and stop you from limping for as long as your total health is above or equal to 40%. Since temporary health goes down one point every five seconds, the effects of Pain Pills will last four minutes and 10 seconds, assuming no damage is taken.

The Defibrillator

Healing Type: Permanent
Damage Restored: 50

Bring teammates back from the dead. Like the First Aid Kit, a Defibrillator Unit is a one-time use item.
Defibs can resuscitate fallen teammates, and take three seconds to use.

In Versus players will tend to not use the defib because of the defib penalty acquired at the end of a versus round

The Adrenaline Shot

Healing Type: Temporary
Damage Restored: 25
Features: Eliminates melee fatigue, allows the player to perform actions faster and eliminates slowing down while Common Infected hit you or while in water.

An Adrenaline Shot gives you a fifteen-second health and energy boost that lets you run faster, use items & revive twice as fast, and run through zombies without getting slowed down by their attacks.
The Tank & Strategy
The Tank

The Tank is a Special Infected that is arguably the most powerful among the Infected in the game, along with the Witch. Unless the team works together to take the Tank down, it can wipe out the whole team single-handedly, or with the assistance of other Special Infected.

The Tank Strategy consists of targeting one survivor and damages that one survivor as much as possible. Often i see tanks in versus rush at the survivors in open areas when all of them are healthy. This is very bad considering they can run slightly faster than you. Resulting in a waste of a tank.

What you should do as a tank is STILL cooperate with your team! I often see tanks try to target a already captured survivor (choked by smoker, pounced by hunter, etc.) and smack them out of the other S. I. grasps! This is a very bad idea. That survivor is now free and might possibly be the one who gets you killed. Target survivors who are not already captured by other S. I. maximizing the chance of all survivors becoming incapped.

Use the enviroment to your advantage! Alot of tanks i see never use the rock throwing mechanic of the tank and mainly just try to punch them. Use rocks when survivors are too healthy and are in an open area. Also punch cars, dumpsters, and other things at the survivors, if it hits them, its a one hit K.O.!
The Witch & Strategy
The Witch

The Witch is a Special Infected that can instantly incapacitate or kill you, if you startle her. She is also the only non-playable Special Infected.

Witch Strategy

In L4D2 or L4D you cannot control the witch. therefore there is little strategy to begin with. But there IS strategy with her. perferably with small special infected, such as the hunter or jockey. With these 2 you can stand or crouch infront of a witch in the survivors field of vision they will sometimes only see you and try to shoot you these shots might hit the witch behind you and startle her making her attack the survivors for an easy incap.

Wandering Witches can also have strategy. Scratching a witch can keep her angry after she has spotted a survivor and she might end up attacking them!
The Smoker & Strategy
The Smoker

The Smoker is a Special Infected characterized by his extremely long tongue. The Smoker's tongue can be launched out of his mouth at high speeds towards a Survivor, and when it reaches one of them, it automatically wraps around the target's body and drags them back towards the Smoker, where are any obstacles in the way (e.g elevation difference, a solid object), the Survivor will be choked instead of being clawed.

Smoker Strategy

The Smoker is one of the only special infected able to attack from far away. The best way to use a smoker is to be a support "class" like when a charger charges someone away from the other survivors. Whenever 1 of the other survivors comes to aid his/her teammate, ensnare him/her with your tongue to aid the charger to deal more damage.

The Smoker is also best used in secrecy. Such as being on top of high buildings or behind walls to capture survivors who are lagging behind.

Try to capture survivors close to big ledges to instantly incap them, it can be very useful to your team!
The Hunter & Strategy
The Hunter

The Hunter is an agile Special Infected whose mutation has granted him incredible strength and agility. His role in both Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 is to kill or grievously injure individual Survivors who have become separated from their comrades.

The Hunter Strategy

The Hunter is best used to punish straggling survivors and keep them from catching up. If you ever see a survivor farther back than his teammates, dont be afraid to tackle him on.

The Hunter can do MASSIVE damage to survivors, especially if you leap at them from a very high place. If you pull this off, your able to dish out 25hp dmg from just the leap!

Another good way to utilize the hunter is to attack when chaos erupts or during crescendoes. where the survivors have to run to an evac point.
The Boomer & Strategy
The Boomer

The Boomer's role in Left 4 Dead and Left 4 Dead 2 is to slow down, blind and sow general confusion among Survivors, giving the Hordes of Infected of any species openings to mount attacks with higher probabilities than normal to achieve damaging results.

The Boomer Strategy

The known presence of a Boomer may cause Survivors to spread out a little (to avoid being coated in bile) and this too works to the advantage of Special Infected such as Smokers or Jockeys when mounting a coordinated attack.

Try to confuse and make chaos with the survivors. It really helps the others when they try to attack!
Try to vomit on incapped survivors too. For this will prevent a chance of them being rescued and might end up getting them killed!
The Spitter & Strategy
The Spitter

Her mutations enable her to spit out a ball of mutated stomach acid which, upon hitting the ground, spreads out into a large pool. Any Survivors standing within the pool of acid take increasing amounts of damage based on how long the acid has been down; this can be up to 76 health with a single spit.
Overall, the Spitter's acid does the most total damage of any playable Infected, but is also the least reliable, as it only lasts for a short time, and once it pools out, it is stationary and relatively easy to escape.

When killed, the Spitter leaves a small pool of acid around her corpse. She can sometimes be a bit difficult to hear, making faint squealing noises as opposed to the more distinct noises other Special Infected make, but the hacking noises she makes when she actually spits are relatively easy to hear. After the Spitter spits, it takes 20 seconds for her to be able to spit again.

The Spitter Strategy

The strategy of a spitter is to disable a survivors chance of escape, or to seperate survivors from one another. So the other special infected can launch an attack on them.

The Spitter is a great support "class" and can greatly help out jockeys, chargers, hunters, and smokers. Spitting on a incapped survivor might kill them and will prevent their teammates from getting to close to help them.

If your about to die as a spitter, try to die in a doorway, the spittle that drops when you die is large enough to block a passage preventing anyone from going through or going back.
The Jockey & Strategy
The Jockey

The Jockey has the ability to jump onto the Survivors and cling to their head and upper-back. From there, he can steer the Survivor while clawing at their face.

The Jockey Strategy

When playing as the jockey, you should try to leap on survivors and steer them into hazards. Often i see jockeys grab onto survivors where there are no real hazards. What you should do is to grab them when a spitter, a witch, a fire, or a ledge is nearby.

The jockey does little damage in versus, only dealing 4 damage per second. It is almost essential to cooperate with a teammate to make good use of him.
The Charger & Strategy
The Charger

His main purpose is to separate a group of Survivors who are close together by grabbing one and carrying them away while crashing into the rest of the group, sending them flying through the air. While he matches the Survivors' pace, he speeds up considerably when charging. However, the Charger cannot stop or turn during the charge until he hits a wall or travels a certain distance.

The Charger Strategy

A Charger player should always try to initiate coordinated attacks by the Special Infected, since their charge can knock over other Survivors and leave them vulnerable for other Special Infected to attack.

Try to catch the Survivors in either an extremely narrow or extremely open space. A narrow space―such as a hallway―will allow you to knock over all the Survivors at once.

If a long drop or lethal area is available, try to charge a Survivor into it for an instant kill.
Chargers work well in ambush situations, as they can quickly take one Survivor far from the group and delay their saviors.
Good S. I. Combos (NOT IN DEPTH)
Good Infected Combos

Spitter + Boomer are good with any infected.
Charger + Spitter is the most devastating.
Hunter + boomer can drain a survivor pretty fast.
Witch + Boomer (an exploding Boomer sets of the witch)
Spitter + Jockey a hazard a jockey can utilize.
Smoker + Witch drag a survivor into a witch.
Tank + boomer the surviors can be blinded and slowed by the horde.

Thank you for reading this guide. Really, i appreciate it alot, i want everyone to work together in this game as it was meant to and this was the way i felt i could contribute. i know this guide can be used for more than being a good infected teammate, but the more the merrier! So again thank you for your time, it certainly took alot of my time.

(This Guide was created in one sitting from 9pm to 1am)

and Remember the Number 1 Rule in versus...


Krasus 9 Jul, 2017 @ 9:16pm 
It's really useful. Thanks a lot!
hyperDelegate 6 Jul, 2017 @ 3:49pm 
You might want to revise the part about boomer blindness. There's a setting in the console called mat_postprocess_enable 0 which prevents your screen from being covered with blood, tinted blue or orange when infected, covered with boomer bile or turned black and white when next to death. It works in versus and there's an addon that sets it as always enabled called Clean Screen.
Mystic Cat  [author] 5 Jul, 2017 @ 10:02pm 
i said before in the comment section here that i was wrong, it can break it, but you risk of hurting your teamate alot
LeviaNeo 5 Jul, 2017 @ 9:28pm 
NothingIsHalal 5 Jul, 2017 @ 8:44pm 
I can actually use the chainsaw to break the smoker's tongue lol.
Alley 5 Jul, 2017 @ 2:17pm 
Nice guide! Deffo will help since I don't play versus very often. :3
Eyal282 5 Jul, 2017 @ 12:23pm 
@bobtheboss23 not all servers are modded.
Eyal282 5 Jul, 2017 @ 12:01pm 
I play only modded servers so this might be stupid but what about using your body as a tank to protect a hunted / smoked surivor and punch ongoing ones?
Pythios 5 Jul, 2017 @ 11:06am 
heres a tip as boomer corner a survivor if you can then bitch slap them unti lthey kill you
Pythios 5 Jul, 2017 @ 11:00am 
also the m60 can get all its ammo converted into explosive or incendiary making it like a tactical strike