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Yooka-Laylee: All Quiz Answers
Por Jelloriki
Here is your little cheatsheet to all the answers for every quiz.
Dr. Quack's Quiz Time (Round 1)
The answers are in bold
You'll encounter these questions on your way to World 2

⬤ That crumbling sea ship you call home... what flies from the mast? Pants.

⬤ The picture... where was it taken? Rampo's Temple.

⬤ The ridiciulous, fishbowl freak Dr. Puzz... what is her first transformation? A plant.

⬤ The Knights of Hamalot... which one rides a pathetic horse? Lady Leap-A-Lot.

⬤ The character... who is it? Clara.

⬤ The ridiculous cloud, Nimble... where can she be found in Tribalstack Tropics? By the riverbed.

⬤ Those bogus butterfly boosters... how many have you stolen so far? This answer is related to you as the player. The maximum at this point is 2.

⬤ The Tribalstack Temple... who lives inside? The Duke.

⬤ The picture... where was it taken?Tribal Village.

⬤ Underneath the Triblestack Tropics entrance... what color is the ghostwriter? Yellow.

⬤ Tribalstack Tropics... How many pagies were required to unlock it? 1.

⬤ The disappointing monument boss, Rampo... what does he hate? Door-to-door salesman.

⬤ The irrelevant dinosaur, Rextro... which token does he seek? Play Coin.
Pagie in Icymetric Palace Quiz
In Glitterglaze Glacier, the 2nd World, after you've expanded it head inside the key-locked door on top of fthe icy slope near Dr. Puzz's transformation panel. Inside the Icymetric Palace, take the left door. Head to the right and up the stairs, then through to the next area close to the screen. Next you'll leap across two platforms, timing it so you don't get blwon off by the fans. In this room you'll come across a sleepy totem and some crates. Destroy the crates to reveal the berries, then sonar the totem. This will start a shooting range mini game. Complete the mini game and head through the bridge that fell down. This will lead to a dark room with a Pagie in a Cagie.

He won't come out until you finish his quiz. Here are the answers.

⬤ What's directly under my Cagie?Chest.

⬤ How many floating barrels are in this room? 5.

⬤ Torches (7) + Crates (3) = 10.

⬤ Which of the following are not in this room? Trowzer's Shorts.

⬤ How many Barrels are in this room, minus the number of crates? 2.

⬤ How many torches are inside this room? 7.

⬤ How many quills are in this room? Zero.

⬤ How many treasure chests are in this room? 4.

⬤ How many entrances are there to this room? 1.

⬤ How many tiles are on the floor in this room? About 3535.

⬤ Number of pipes x the number of vents = 15.
Dr. Quack's Quiz Time (Round 2)
You'll encounter these questions between Worlds 3 and 4

⬤ Glitterglaze Glacier's uesless snowmen... How many are there? 5.

⬤ Retrox's Stinky Arcade... how many playable game units does it house? 8.

⬤ The character... Who is it? Planker.

⬤ Moodymaze Marsh's rusty trolleys... which one wears a stupid hat? Wally.

⬤ The picture... where was it taken? Rextro's Arcade.

⬤ This quiz... How many hexagons are on the board? 10.

⬤ This picture... where was it taken? Igloo Village.

⬤ Rextro's ridiculous arcade... which of these is not a game it holds? Blasto Bowling.

⬤ The terrifying bottle-dispenser Vendi... how many total tonics does she wield? 16.

⬤ This picture... Where was it taken? Under the Palace.

⬤ That horribly designer character, Clara... what does she need you to save on Glitterglaze Glacer? Her pot.

⬤ The ridiculous freak Dr. Puzz.. What is her second transformation? Snow plough.

⬤ Your health meter... how many Butterflies did you start with? 6.

⬤ How many wheels do I have? 3.

⬤ The character... who is it? Ollie.

⬤ The Moodymarsh trolley with the stupid hat - what business does he own? Farmer's Market Stall.

⬤ Trowzer's mushroom shelter... what color is it? Yellow.

⬤ The disturbing bubble move you use underwater... what is it called? Buddy Bubble
Dr. Quack's Quiz Time (Final Round)
You'll encounter these questions just before the final boss.

⬤ This adventure's dubby-duos... which is the greatest of them all? Amazing Capital B and Dr. Quack.

⬤ Capital Cashino.. Whose status adorn the central fountain? Corplets.

⬤ The picture... which world does it show? Moodymaze Marsh.

⬤ The Hivory Towers hub... how many Pagies have you illegally stolen from it? Depends on you as the player on how many Pagies you obtained in Hivory Tower, there is a maximum of 20.

⬤ The world with the gambling games... what is it's correct name? Capital Cashino.

⬤ Trowser's pathetic Camo Cloak move... what does it do? Make Yooka invisible.

⬤ Galleon Galaxy.. How many Pagies did you need to unlock it? 12.

⬤ Capital B's office entrance.. How many gold statues are outside? 2.

⬤ The picture... which world does it show? Capital Cashino.

⬤ Capital B and Yooka... Who would win in a fight? Incredible Capital B.

⬤ The stinky Galleon Galaxy tavern.. Who's locked behind bars? A Pagie.

⬤ The picture... which world does it show? Galleon Galaxy.

⬤ Galleon Galaxy... Who's lost at sea? Dr. Puzz.

⬤ Quills (legal property of Hivory Towers)... how many do you have in total? It depends on how many you have as a player in total, the maximum is 1010.

⬤ Pagies (legal property of Hivory Towers)... how many do you have in total? It depends on how many you have as a player in total, the maximum is 145.

⬤ The ridiculous Reptilia, Rextro... what color are his shoes? He doesn't wear shoes.

⬤ The picture... which world does it show? Tribalstack Tropics.

⬤ In Capital Cashino, what can you exchange for Pagies? Casino Tokens.

⬤ Those bogus Butterfly Boosters... how many have you stolen so far? Depends on how many you have as a player, the maximum is 6.

⬤ How long has it taken you to get this far? Depends on your total play time on that file.

⬤ The crook salesman, Trowser... what was the first move he taught you? Tail Twirl.

⬤ Capital Cashino.. How many tiles are there on the tile match game? 16.

⬤ The picture... which world does it show? Glitterglaze Glazer.

⬤ The fraudulent salesman, Trowser... what does he claim to have named after him? Currency.

⬤ This adventure's corporations... which is clearly the best? Hivory Towers
2 comentarios
RestrainedRaptor 6 JUN 2020 a las 3:02 p. m. 
Here's another for the Icymetric Palace Quiz:

Q: What colour are the pipes in this room?
A: Red (like most of the pipes in the rest of Icymetric Palace)
Channel28 3 DIC 2018 a las 4:29 a. m. 
FYI in round 1 there is also a picture of Rextro's Arcade