Call of Duty: Black Ops III

Call of Duty: Black Ops III

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Ascension Guide | WIP
By LateForDinner
Overall guide for the eighth Zombies map in the storyline, Ascension.
Welcome to Ascension
Ascension was the eighth zombies map for Call of Duty: Black Ops and with the release of Zombies Chronicles for Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 we get to visit it once again. This map was the first of it's kind to introduce some new zombies components such as the Space Monkeys (replacing the Hellhounds) and it even included the first Easter Egg quest. There are two new Wonder Weapons in Ascension, the Gersh Device and Matryoshka Dolls (replace the Monkey Bombs). In the Zombies Chronicles version of the game on Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 PhD Flopper is replaced by Widow's Wine and a Der Wunderfizz to include Double Tap Root Beer and Deadshot Daiquiri.

The map takes place in an abandoned Soviet Cosmodrome in the Soviet Union featuring "Tank" Dempsey, Nikolai Belinski, Takeo Masaki and Edward Richtofen as the playable characters.
Teddy Bear Easter Egg Song
Scattered around the map of Ascension are three teddy bears. They're holding sickles so they're pretty easy to spot. In order to activate the song "Abracadavre" by Elena Siegman you need to find the three teddy bears and use your activate button on them. Included are screenshots of the teddy bear locations.

Second Floor of Centrifuge Room

Near the Lunar Lander Past Speed Cola

Near the Lunar Lander closest to Stamin-Up Behind the Gate
Perkacola Locations
Quick Revive


Widow's Wine


Mule Kick

Speed Cola

Der Wunderfizz
How to Open Pack-a-Punch
You'll want to start by turning on the power which you can access by following the stairs all the way to the top through the door beside Quick Revive.

Centrifuge Floor 1 Door Cost: 750 points (Mystery Box, Gobblegum, Quick Revive, Shieva, RK5)

Stairwell Floor 3 / Base Level Door Cost: 1250 points (Juggernog in Room Behind Stairs)

Power Room Door Cost: 1000 points (Mystery Box, Power, Gobblegum, Rocket Launch)

Now once you have the power on you have the ability to access the Lunar Landers. In total there are three Lunar Landers on the map that you have to link to the Centrifuge Room. You do so by going to the Lunar Lander spot calling the the Lander to it and riding it back to the Centrifuge Room. Here are some screenshots of how to get to the three Landers and their locations.

When You Turn the Power on This Door Opens Near the Gobblegum Machine

The Quickest Route is to Head Left for the First Lander

Once There Call the Lander by Interacting With the Computer

Ride the Lander Back to the Centrifuge Room

Head Past Der Wunderfizz for the Next Lunar Lander

It's Located Past Stamin-Up Near the Teddy Bear

The Third and Final Lander is Back and to the Right of Power

Head Up the Stairs and You'll Get the Next Lunar Lander

Now that you have all three of the Lunar Landers activated and connected to the Centrifuge Room you can start the Rocket Launch and open Pack-a-Punch. You'll want to head back up to where the power switch was located.

Right Beside Power Switch Activate it to Launch the Rocket

When it comes to launching the rocket you can either just let the launch go as planned or you can try to blow it up for the Double Points power up. If you do decide to blow up the rocket the Double Points power up will be located right behind the protective door underneath the rocket.

The Door that Opens Up After Rocket Launch

Pack-a-Punch is to the Right Inside the Rocket Launch Area

merasmurray 6 Apr, 2021 @ 7:16am 
good guide. really helped