Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

52 人が評価
PESA Link: Cleyra Regio (2 Cars)
9.405 MB
2017年6月23日 9時03分
2017年7月7日 15時10分
3 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

PESA Link: Cleyra Regio (2 Cars)

REV0 作成の 3 件のコレクション
PESA Link: Train Sets and Liveries
20 アイテム
(R) Regio Collection: Regional Trains
132 アイテム
REV0's Emporium: Trains and Collections
640 アイテム
Cleyra Regio - 2 Cars (1 Set)

The Pesa Link (project name DMU 120) is a diesel car from the Polish manufacturer Pesa . The concept of traction units is modular, so that Pesa can adapt the size and equipment of the vehicles in large parts to the requirements of the customer. At the moment, one-to-four-part trainsets are offered.

Part of PESA Link train sets

Technical Details

  • Line Colored
  • 220 passengers
  • 160km/h Max. Speed
  • 2048^2 Textures
  • Custom LOD
  • End car is set to engine, no additional mod needed

Recommended Mods
Use Improved Public Transport 2, in order to assign this train set to your train lines:

Use also Vehicle effects and extra vehicle effects for diesel sound.

Get Prop set from the link below:

If you like my assets and support more work, you can donate from the link below

5 件のコメント
REV0  [作成者] 2017年7月7日 16時16分 
Update: Removed scenery texture. Pictures are updated with the new version.
Helo 2017年6月24日 6時14分 
It works like a charm! Did have to unsubscribe and subscribe for it to work.

Thanks a lot for the quick response, the fix and ofcourse all the lovely vehicles you create!
REV0  [作成者] 2017年6月24日 3時56分 
Hi, thanks for the feedback.

Problem was caused by vehicle effects mod (I couldnt run it properly last time), I removed its dependencies from the asset, so it should be working now. Workshop should download the updated version but if the problem persists, unsub and resub this asset.

Please let me know about the result, cheers
Helo 2017年6月24日 3時40分 
Love the whole line of these PESA Link trains! Great Work!

However, the moment I call this one (and specifically the Cleyra Regio 2 car version) into service all my ingame vehicles start blinking in and out of existance. Funny thing is, the train itself isn't even rendered, I just have a ghost driving around on my train line. As soon as the train is despawned everything turns back to normal.

If this is a familliar problem to people then please give a shout, maybe someone knows how to fix it. If it's just me then ignore it :p I can live happily with one less train set in my city ^^
HatsuneKid 2017年6月23日 9時16分 
Hope to see AGV . Automotrice à grande vitesse (France)