Cities: Skylines
Μη επαρκής αριθμός βαθμολογιών
PESA Link 2: Cleyra Regio (Prop)
Μη αγαπημένο
Assets: Prop
Μέγεθος αρχείου
9.508 MB
23 Ιουν 2017, 3:08
7 Ιουλ 2017, 15:19
2 σημειώσεις αλλαγών ( προβολή )

Συνδρομή για λήψη
PESA Link 2: Cleyra Regio (Prop)

PESA Link: Train Sets and Liveries
20 αντικείμενα
(R) Regio Collection: Regional Trains
132 αντικείμενα
REV0's Emporium: Trains and Collections
640 αντικείμενα
Cleyra Regio - Prop

The Pesa Link (project name DMU 120) is a diesel car from the Polish manufacturer Pesa . The concept of traction units is modular, so that Pesa can adapt the size and equipment of the vehicles in large parts to the requirements of the customer. At the moment, one-to-four-part trainsets are offered.

I appreciate any amount of donations, if you like my assets:

5 σχόλια
creativeDEX 7 Ιουλ 2017, 18:45 
Thanks so much, you are my hero again^^ .
REV0  [Δημιουργός] 7 Ιουλ 2017, 16:18 
Update: Removed scenery texture. Pictures are updated with the new version.
Maks Baumgartx 23 Ιουν 2017, 10:04 
No way! Train from Poland in Cleyra? o_O
creativeDEX 23 Ιουν 2017, 8:44 
... and a prop varitaion, waow, i now what i need^^ .
You get a special train episod in the future and in every other video people will enjoy to see your trains in my city.

Thanks so much!
REV0  [Δημιουργός] 23 Ιουν 2017, 3:16