The Witness

The Witness

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"Texture dumping through UI works now"
댓글 2
Kaldaien  [작성자] 2017년 6월 10일 오전 1시 58분 
Heheh, at the rate I'm going, I probably will need some proper funding. I'm reasonably able to maintain D3D9/11/GL support for the texture/shader modding stuff, but DX12 and Vulkan isn't a task I would in sane mind attempt for free. That's going to be a nightmare.
Crache 2017년 6월 9일 오후 11시 12분 
It's really nice to see this all coming along. It's already loaded with features, but it seems like before long it may end up being a veritable powerhouse of runtime game tools. If you specialized it further, I could see room to have a commercial license version of it for gamedevs to use as an alternative to GFA/GPA/PIX and the like.