Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

71 beoordelingen
Onitsuka Tiger Store
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3.223 MB
28 mei 2017 om 21:15
1 wijzigingsnotitie (weergeven)

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Onitsuka Tiger Store

Polys: 1,134
Maps: D, I, N, S
Ploppable RICO

Note: Inspired by Onitsuka Tiger in Omotesando, Tokyo. Let me know if you encounter any issues using this. Thanks!
3 opmerkingen
PoloB 12 aug 2017 om 11:49 
Nice, love your work.
SheenaBanana  [auteur] 29 mei 2017 om 0:05 
Hi @eigthsin, I've attached a screenshot of where you can find the asset in the RICO panel. Hope this helps - and thanks for subscribing! :)
eighthsin 28 mei 2017 om 23:27 
Can't find it in the Rico menu. Still using as a unique though