Emily is Away Too

Emily is Away Too

102 valoraciones
All Buddy Icons and Achievements [Emily is Away Too]
Por mrjodicow
Here you can find all codes for the Emily is Away Too buddy icons and a how-to on all achievements.
Buddy Icon Codes
And here they are, the buddy icon codes except for the [Top Secret] one, which can be found in this guide's 'Achievements' section.

Indirect Code
frogfactions - this one flashes a symbol, then says invalid. This symbol can be found on another person's profie, this is more of an easter egg than anything else.

Normal Codes
  • rickandmorty
  • herobrine OR minecraft OR notch
  • nitw
  • makesail
  • overwatch
  • hypnospace
  • jacksepticeye OR septiceye
  • markiplier
  • kickstarter
  • pewdiepie
  • newgrounds
  • va11halla
  • kappa
  • tacoma
  • kindafunny
  • grimecraft
  • idubbbz OR idubbz
  • fivenightsatfreddy OR freddyfazzbear OR fazbear
  • undertale
  • h3h3
  • adventuretime OR finn
  • doge
  • nyancat
  • firewatch
  • inside
  • littleredlie
  • videogamedunkey
  • chilledchaos
  • squeezie
  • aquateenhunger
  • trogdor
  • ssundee
  • southpark OR ericcartman
  • happytreefriends
  • kreygasm
  • ocellbito

Completing the story unlocks a secret buddy icon.
Story Achievements
These are pretty self explanatory, but I will include them anyways!

  • Summer '06 - Complete the Summer '06 chapter
  • Autumn '06 - Complete the Autumn '06 chapter
  • Winter '07 - Complete the Winter '07 chapter
  • Spring '07 - Complete the Spring '07 chapter
  • Summer '07 - Complete the Summer '07 chapter

Icon Achievements
These are unlocked by using the secret buddy icons, which can be found in the 'Buddy Icon Codes' section of this guide. When a secret icon is used, another friend window will be in your messenger. Click it and play out whatever is said to earn the achievement.

  • Awe Jeez
  • The World Needs Heroes
  • Is Herobrine Real?
  • Retro Computer Virus
  • The A5G4RD
  • Raise Your Dongers
  • Zenith Lunar Resort
  • Classic Content
  • Not Liable for Injury/Dismemberment
  • My GOTY
  • The Problems of the Future, Today!
  • Make. Sail.
  • Kinda an Achievement
  • ...And Friends

Secret Achievement
Never Gonna Give You Up - Get Rick-Rolled... check out Mat's profile in the last chapter and get rick-rolled for the achievement.

During the course of the game, it is necessary to do the following to get this achievement:
- Tell Emily and Evelyn that you are a virgin, that you don't drink alcohol, and that you don't want to have a family after college. If you say opposing things to either character, you can't get the achievement.
These people gave a few tips, a little help here and there, etc. so I am going to give them credit here.

SodaCracker - Helped me by pointing out a critical spelling error!

Yarav - Helped with some Buddy Icon information.

Mistheil - Helped with some Achievement information.

sans - Helped with some Achievement information.

Metallicock - Provided alternate code spelling

RoboWaffle - Provided alternate code option

Yewkaliptus - Provided multiple alternate codes

SulferRingROKer - Provided alternate code spelling
I'd just like to take a moment to thank everyone for all of the support and positive feedback on my first guide! I never thought this guide would do as well as it did and I have the Steam Community to thank for that.

59 comentarios
ClumsyNinjaGuy 18 JUL 2023 a las 1:30 
I just wanted to let you guys know: I got the Rick-Rolled achievement despite my character telling both girls that they wanted to have a family. So I think maybe you just have to be consistent with all your answers. (Or perhaps my copy is bugged?) My consistent choices were: virgin - yes, drinking - no, and family - yes. Other than that, I chose to talk to Emily in Chapter 3 and I got Rick-Rolled on Matt's profile during chapter 5.
BrianBadAss12 29 MAR 2023 a las 18:05 
Thank you for the codes. I will make sure to add those codes in when I play the game. Thank you so much! You are awesome 100% Here I come.
mudkipi 18 MAY 2021 a las 12:04 
cartman also works with south park.
i believe typing the four boys names might also work
ItsYeDino 13 OCT 2020 a las 19:18 
How do you use download Icons?
mrjodicow  [autor] 8 MAR 2019 a las 19:38 
@MrPorkingson No, not that I know of
mrjodicow  [autor] 22 ABR 2018 a las 12:36 
@thecookiewaffle113 You probably need the one for beating the game.
Starphaser 22 ABR 2018 a las 12:30 
someone help me find the secret icon
mrjodicow  [autor] 14 MAR 2018 a las 17:20 
@WolfNight Great to hear! Thanks for using my guide :steamhappy::100percent:
QueenBee 14 MAR 2018 a las 17:18 
That help me out alot
esleak 31 OCT 2017 a las 19:54 
another five nights at freddys one is - fazbear