Picross Touch

Picross Touch

25 ratings
Option Screen Details
By jgallant
Details on every option that can be found in the Options menu.
Erase With SHIFT
With this option enabled, the only way to clear a tile, is by holding down the Left Shift key on your keyboard. If the option is disabled, clearing a tile is done simply by clicking on it again.

This option is disabled by default.
Preview Mode
When Preview Mode is enabled, tiles will not fill until you release the mouse button. A highlight will show a preview of the tiles you are attempting to change.

There will also be a number that is displayed to show you the length of your selection.
Easy Slide
With Easy Slide enabled, drawing in tiles will lock into the row or column you are dragging in. It will not allow you to modify tiles that are not contained in the row or column you started drawing in.

If Easy Slide is disabled, you are permitted to draw freely anywhere on the board.
Lock X Tiles
When Lock X Tiles is enabled, you will not be able to fill in tiles overtop an X. You must remove the X in order to fill in that tile.

When Lock X Tiles is disabled, you are able to draw over X tiles.
Lock Filled Tiles
When Lock Filled Tiles is enabled, you will not be able to place an X over a filled tile. You must clear the tile before being able to place an X.

When Lock Filled Tiles is disabled, you are able to freely place X over filled tiles.
Show Buttons
When enabled, it displays the X, Fill and Undo buttons while playing. Enable this option if you are playing on a touch screen device.
Prompt on Retry
When enabled, you will be presented with a confirmation prompt after pressing on the Retry button.
When disabled, there will be no prompt.
Single Tag Graying
When enabled, the tags on the side of the grids will progressively gray out one at a time as you work away at the puzzles.

When disabled, the tags will only gray out when you complete an entire row or column.
Manual Tags
When enabled, the tags will not gray out. You will be able to manually click on tags to toggle if they are grayed or not.
Black Fonts
When enabled, the grid will display black fonts.

When disabled, the grid will display white fonts.
Sounds On
Sounds on or off.
Always Highlight
When enabled, rows and columns will always highlight based on where the mouse is located on the grid.

When disabled, rows and columns will only highlight when a tile is altered.
FPS Lock
Set the framerate you wish to cap the game at. Higher FPS will result in higher CPU usage.
Show Timer
When enabled, displays a timer to indicate how long you have taken to complete each puzzle. Times are saved and displayed on all levels.

When disabled, every timer is removed from the game.
send2ar2 23 Mar, 2023 @ 10:05pm 
Thanks, I had no idea that's what preview mode did and it's exactly what I was looking for
eatcake 2 Sep, 2022 @ 8:10pm 
thats nice
donsly☭ 2 Sep, 2022 @ 1:39am 
eatcake 14 Dec, 2021 @ 7:45pm 
_shootnick_ 28 Dec, 2018 @ 11:05pm 