Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

251 평점
Quad's Liberty Tower
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12.662 MB
2017년 5월 18일 오전 9시 57분
2017년 5월 18일 오후 7시 32분
업데이트 노트 2개 (보기)

다운로드 위해 구독하기
Quad's Liberty Tower

Quad Rioters님의 2 모음집
아이템 234개
Cities Skylines: Assets - Quad Ploppable
아이템 40개
None will ever take it away from us.

- Size: 6x6
- Type: Unique Level 6
- Main Tri: 3,446, 2048x2048
- LOD Tri: 507, 256x256
- Sub-building: Liberty Tower Glass (aesthetic-only)
- Description: A modern architecture headquarters. The glass serves as a noise reduction.

- Cost: 100,001
- Upkeep: 1,120/week
- Workers: 12/24/24/24
- Attractiveness: 15
- Entertainment: 150
- Radius: 700
- Pollution: None
- Summary: Consumes a bit more utility resources, has more worker count, has less maintenance cost, has no noise pollution compared to Modern Museum.

- The asset may have already-built icon in the building UI due to a game glitch, making it hard to spot. This asset still can be selected and built regardless, if the city has not gotten one yet.

Conceptual Notes
- This asset was inspired by Block'hood, a good small game.

Don't forget to Like, Favorite and/or Comment. Thank you and enjoy.

댓글 6
Meecrob 2017년 7월 8일 오후 1시 37분 
Seems a bit small.
高橋リク 2017년 6월 8일 오후 1시 53분 
great nod to Fallout 3! you should do The Capital next or Tenpenny Tower:steamhappy:
艾莉·卡拉梅尔 2017년 5월 24일 오후 8시 49분 
Pretty cool building! i love this kind of tall modern building very much
Gorilla 2017년 5월 19일 오전 6시 53분 
Nicely done! Hope you enjoyed your vacation!
Quad Rioters  [작성자] 2017년 5월 18일 오후 7시 34분 

Although, I now managed to reduce it down to 12mb, I did nothing but re-adding and re-saving the asset. It might have be some engine hiccup.
Pirazel 2017년 5월 18일 오후 1시 46분 
16MB? Why? With texture size and tris count i would expect 9-10MB.