Learn to Fly 3

Learn to Fly 3

80 ratings
Handy hints
By Wild Salmon
This is a very rough guide but, in the absence of other information published for now, I am posting it in the hopes it helps people.
  • You can hold the down arrow to 'pause' your stage - stopping existing ones burning fuel, and new ones from activating until you release the down arrow. Note: certain stages can't be paused once activated.

  • 1,2,3, and 4 keys are the activation buttons for boosts in the respective slots to use them individually. Alternatively: W, space, or LMB will activate all at once. (Thanks to hukutka94 for the tip!)

  • Some boosts work differently with controls. Some require you to hold the activation button to use them. Pressing a button to activate the multi-rockets will fire the next of the rockets until it burns out. Some boosts have some lag time or buildup between holding the button and max power - test them out and see.

  • You can end the day sooner by holding a click on red Abort button, very useful for Payload mode (Thanks to hukutka94 for the tip!)

  • Shift-click the upgrade arrow or symbol (+) = upgrade that item to maximum

  • Shift-control-click on any upgrade button = downgrade that item to minimum (thanks hukutka94 for the tip!)

  • Control-click on any upgrade button = downgrade that item by 1 (thanks hukutka94 for the tip!)

  • Hold control and click on any item = open a sell menu for that item (thanks hukutka94 for the tip!)

  • Hold control and double click on any item = instantly sell that item (thanks hukutka94 for the tip!)

  • Hold shift on any item and drag it in another slot = create a new copy for that item (thanks hukutka94 for the tip!)

  • You can drag stages to change the order without selling them.
Game Mechanics:
  • Selling somethings gives you a 100% refund, so don't be afraid to play around with design and check parts stats when you upgrade them!

  • Little penguins will stick their heads out from the sides of the prep/building screen. Clicking one opens a 'secret' YouTube video 1 of 4. Clicking them and viewing all 4 gets you a medal which rewards you 100BP. Once you get the medal, they will continue to appear - but when you click them you'll get +10BP instead of opening a video!

  • Be aware that the 5 million and 10 million altitude medals can't be obtained in sandbox mode. Keep a story mode running after completion and use that save slot to get them.

  • You can get more sardines from booster packs. You can get booster packs by finishing game modes. So... you don't have to pay real money to get everything if you don't want to.
  • Different parts scale differently when upgraded. A part with better base stats may not be better at max level than another part which scales better, so check a few parts you hadn't considered if you are having trouble.

  • Some bodies have special features. E.g. the escape pod has a built in final stage.

  • Parts have hidden stats. These include the stability of a body (how much colliding with something knocks you around, generally bigger is more stable), control (how hard it is to turn. For example, the bullet is very difficult to correct when it goes off course).

  • If you've hit a wall with the altitudes you need to reach, try some different items from booster packs (get some more on another save slot if you need to) or try some other things at max upgrade in combos you haven't considered (most expensive isn't always best).

Design tips from hukutka94
  • When flying, try to get such a combination between speed and max speed that your speedometer doesn't go all red. If you fly too fast and overcome your maximum speed, you get a drag effect which will prevent your stages from reaching their maximum potential.
    tl;dr If you're flying faster then maximum speed, you lose more fuel and get less power from the stage.

  • Glider is a very useful body. You can get it through a bonus code.

  • "Extra Items" from Black Market contains a super useful body, so collect enough sardines and buy that.

  • There are "Omega Parts" which are EXTRAORDINARILY powerful endgame items. Rather than coming as cards, they come in Fragments from booster packs and might take a while to get. But they can be worth it - especially when going for the 5m/10m medals. (Thanks Professor Heavy!)
  • If you're trying to speedrun you need to spend as much money as you possibly can each day, leaving money unused could be the difference of 1k altitude, but it still matters. (Thanks BaronBrixius!)

  • If you are going for the 10 million altitude medal, try classic mode as there are no obstacles and no wind. (Thanks Ichiorochi!)

    Grinding tips from hukutka94
  • The most proficient way to grind BP's and cards is payload mode, grind it when you have unlocked Spearhead and Dubstep Boosters.

  • Suggested design for easy Payload in 6+ days: Spearhead (max) + 4 Dubsteps (lvl 1) + Spin booster (lvl 4 is enough) + x2 Fins (lvl 3+) + any solid launcher (I prefer Steamshot)

  • EZ 4,000,000 distance in 10 seconds ;-D = El Fuego (max+) + x4 Sonic Burst (max+) + x2 Fuel Canisters (max+) + Fins (lvl 3+) + any good launcher

  • When you've collected all medals, the best launches for the first 3 days are:
    Day 1. Coil (lvl 1) + RC helicopter (lvl 1) + Auxilairy Boosters (lvl 1)
    Day 2. Glider (lvl 3) + Slingshot (lvl 1) + x2 RC helicopters (lvl 3+) + any booster or Fins
    Day 3. Glider (lvl 5-7 if can afford) + Slingshot (lvl 4) + x 2 (or 3 if can afford) Rocket (lvl 3+) + x2 Fins (lvl 2+)

    Such a start will give a huge money boost and help to get any mode completion faster and more effective.
ponykeg28 28 Nov, 2024 @ 5:32pm 
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Nezzy 27 Dec, 2022 @ 3:16am 
ultrawidescreen. widnowed, pouder cannon. thank me later.
Demon Monkee 1 Nov, 2022 @ 5:45pm 
@Dartleis there is no code for el fuego?
just open booster packs and you should eventually get it
also I am pretty sure sandbox is unlocked after beating all game modes - Classic, Payload, and Story(you only need the 200k story completion)
Dartleis 5 Jun, 2022 @ 7:53pm 
how to use sandbox mode?
also what is code for El Fuego pls
Nightmare 18 Apr, 2022 @ 11:44am 
max +100 El Fuego with a max +100 Sonic Burst utterly breaks the fabric of the game, sometimes you'll reach well above 500mil and sometimes you'll be at -276 billion with your ship violently shaking at a fixed 90 degrees with the background perfectly split between light and dark...
Xuild 10 Aug, 2021 @ 7:26pm 
uh if you want to win billions and get anything the fix is wemod
Aaron 25 Jul, 2021 @ 12:44pm 
One benefit to faster/shorter runs is bonuses which grant BP per day and interest per day are rewarded more often.
Blaster 6 May, 2021 @ 11:44pm 
El Fuego + 3x Sonic Bursts + Repulsors = instant win everything except payload
Xeltry 14 Jan, 2021 @ 2:21am 
additional info if you have all 100% of everything: Best comb for getting up to 1m in 2 days:
Day 1. Crate(lvl 1) + 2x RC Helicopter (lvl 1) +Speedifier =ca 85-90k
Day 2. Thonderburd 1 + 3x Solar Turbin (2x lvl 1, 1x lvl 2) if you still got some money buy 2x Fins (lvl1) + Coil (lvl3) + Speedifier = ca 1.1m
ghostlydragon88 23 May, 2020 @ 11:03am 
instructions unclear landed on mars