Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

261 人が評価
BVG bus shelter prop version (consisting of 2 pieces)
Assets: Prop
4.204 MB
2017年5月16日 0時50分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

BVG bus shelter prop version (consisting of 2 pieces)

BVG bus shelter prop version by SvenBerlin

Because of the rotor shader its not possible to make a prop as one piece, so the glass parts are seperated.

You can place it with the more beautification mod by BloodyPenguin

you can find it under " ? " section
5 件のコメント
Gabrielium 2018年9月18日 18時17分 
AmiPolizeiFunk 2018年9月13日 5時09分 
4 variations on this prop with different advertisements (maybe some made-up ones, or C:S posters?) that plop randomly would be incredibly awesome. :medkit:
Amonkey5 2017年5月22日 9時44分 
Also this as a perfect example of using semi transparent glass stands against the guide that says there is only transparency on or off. Also full or nothing. But how the heck did u do it? I create assets as well and really would love to know how its done.
mpkio2 2017年5月16日 9時18分 
Is there any way to make this as a default bus stop replacer, so it will replace ass bus stops with this prop?
AmiPolizeiFunk 2017年5月16日 4時06分 
excellent, thx! This can go everywhere. We can align the pieces ourselves, then use move-it to copy and paste them as a set.