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Onward to Crestawald
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Mission Type: Heist
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33.686 KB
2017년 5월 4일 오후 12시 36분
2017년 5월 6일 오전 6시 37분
업데이트 노트 4개 (보기)

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Onward to Crestawald

Madcat님의 1 모음집
The Chase
아이템 7개
#5 of the Chase series
After the thieves were done with those documentations and got handsomely rewarded with a plenty of euros for every stolen piece of data they are now headed for the East! However, it seems there was one flaw in their plan. You see, the Swiss get the hang of all the details and now our crew is chased by the police force. They take the first turn they see and end up in front of Festungsmuseum Crestawald, a fortress from the 1940's built into a mountain which now serves as a historical military museum. What a stroke of luck, right? Not only they can evade the police in its winding tunnels and tight corners, but also steal lots and lots of valuable stuff both from the owners of the museum and the visitors! But security is rather advanced there, so be careful out there, our bold friends!

...we will need you soon...

Alright, a new map! The story finally continues! Okay, this map is sort of unique, so I would really like to see your feedback because I feel that such small space may need some more tweaking. If you have any complaints or compliments (heehee :3), feel free to leave them in the comments below!

Good luck navigating those paths!