

69 ratings
All x-servers (Base game and Labyrinths)
As I was playing through the game I was determined to do 2 things, 1: Gather every available program regardless of what it was and 2: Gather all the x-servers regardless of whether or not I liked them. During my hunt for both of these I discovered that there were no guides listing all of the x-servers or how to get them. There were plenty that listed how to get a few specific x-servers like the L-E x-server and the Honey/GOLD x-server but none on all of them. Well for anyone that wishes to do the same as I did (or can't find an x-server they want) here is a guide on what they all are and how to obtain them. (bear in mind I may not have all of them since there are so many little nooks and crannies in this game to find secrets, so if I've missed an x-server you know of or have gotten the location of where to find it wrong just put a comment down in the comments section and I will update this guide as soon as I possibly can).
Base game x-servers
Blue x-server:

This is pretty easy to get since this is the x-server you start the game with but should you want to get it back after Naix hacks you and deletes your x-server then you have 2 options: 1 The most immediate way, go to Naixs root gateway and you will see "[YOURUSERNAME]x-server.sys" copy that to your /sys folder, delete whatever x-server is already there and rename your x-server to just "x-server" or wait until you have the themechanger exe to easily change it. the 2nd way to obtain the blue x-server is to simply copy it from the CSEC asset server and use themechanger as you will have it by this point in the game.

Get it back from Naixs root gateway after he deletes yours or get it from the CSEC asset server.

CSEC/WHITE x-server:

You can get the WHITE x-server from the "Head Of The Polar Star" at the end of the trials from the /el message board but it's the exact same as the CSEC one so just get that once you have access to the CSEC assets server.

Teal x-server:

CSEC asset server or you can scp it from any server that doesn't have a specified x-server such as the deathrow database for example.

Mint x-server:

Once again, CSEC asset server.

L-E x-server:

You get this x-server from the "Bitwise Test PC" which is linked in the 3rd email you receive at the start of the game. It is located in the /home folder after you gain access to it.

Naixs x-server:

You can get this from one of Naixs proxies, "Proxy_Node-X22" after he hacks you and deletes your x-server, he'll leave his IP in your log box, just connect to that and copy his x-server from that proxy. [This next part is from Labyrinths] You can also get it from a place called "Pellium Box" which you can access by generating a memory dump from Naixs root gateway and connecting to the IP inside.

Honey/GOLD x-server

There are 2 ways of getting this one, you can either find it from the "CCC Hacksquad Filedump" which is accessible from the CSEC contract "Check out a suspicious server" NOTE: don't attempt to hack it, it's literally impossible, the password is "honeypot", use it AS SOON AS YOU CONNECT FOR THE FIRST TIME OR THE PASSWORD WON'T WORK. The other way is to get it from "Macrosoft Storage Server" there's a file named "THEMES" under there will be the gold theme which is exactly the same as the honey theme. I don't know how you gain access to it though, I've heard some people say you scan one of Naixs proxies but that didn't work for me so idk.

Get it from the "CCC Hacksquad Filedump" after logging in with the password "honeypot" or from the "Macrosoft Storage Server".
Labyrinths x-servers
Starfield x-server:

This is the x-server you get at the start of the DLC, but you can get it from the "Ricer PC" should you change your x-server and forget to back it up along with...

Caution/CautionStandard x-server:

There's one next to the starfield x-server but there is an alternate version called caution standard located in the home folder of magma mail, unfortunately it looks identical to the original caution x-server.

Floatvoid x-server:

(Ignore the fact that this one is connected to jmail, it looks better for the picture) This one is in the "Kaguya Projects" pc at the end of the DLC, just type ls in the terminal then go to home/themes and it'll be there next to...

FloatvoidAlt x-server:

It's just the same as "Floatvoid" but with the nodes set up in different locations. "FloatvoidStandard" is also the same as "FloatvoidAlt" which is located in "Pellium Box" which you can access by generating a memory dump from Naixs root gateway and then connecting to the IP inside.

Rain x-server:

You get this from the striker cache pc, the IP is linked to you during one of the projects if I remember correctly.

Riptide x-server:

This x-server comes from "Thomas_Office" which you find during one of the projects.

Miami/Deep x-server:

The miami x-server can be collected from the "Kaguya Sprint Trial" it's located in the /sys folder whilst you're deleting stuff though so it's easy to accidentally delete it. If you did accidentally delete it then fear not for deep is the exact same and can be found at the "Kaguya Projects" next to the 2 floatvoid x-servers.

MiamiLight x-server:

There isn't an official name for this x-server so it has been dubbed "MiamiLight", to get this x-server you need to copy the x-server found on the "Kaguya Source" server which is the first server you are linked to at the start of the Labyrinths DLC.

StarfieldClassic x-server:

This can be found in the "Pellium Box" which I've already explained how to get into and the only difference is the colour of a few things such as the nodes for example.

RiptideStandard x-server:

This can be found in the "Pellium Box" which I've already explained how to get into and the only difference is the location of the nodes.

Rt(riptide)Classic x-server:

This can be obtained from "Faith Morello's Laptop" which is accessible during a project. The only difference between this one is that it has the colour scheme of the blue x-server.

Hora x-server:

This x-server is found when you get hacked and coel comes to help you, once you get back in the game after the hack check your logs and you will see a foreign IP, connect to it and you'll find the x-server. Don't forget to give the person who hacked you a big ole ♥♥♥♥ you for hacking you before you leave.

Hora-alt x-server:

This one is found right next to Hora, as with most other alt x-servers only minor changes (ignore the fact that the photos for the 2 Hora x-servers don't have jmail or anything, I didn't get hacked on my first playthrough so I had to go through the DLC and get hacked so I couldn't be bothered to go through and complete it just to fix it)

Coels x-server:

To be honest, I didn't find this myself because to find it you need to decypher the report that a company made about the crashed/safe airplanes from the end of the DLC which you can find a contract for on the CSEC contract hub. The contract tells you to delete the companies original report about the incident and replace it with the CSEC modified version, apparently if you decypher the original report made by the company you will find the IP to "Coel__Gateway" which can't be hacked, to access it you need the password "colamaeleon" which can't be found in game to my knowledge. After that just copy the x-server and you're good to go.
Thank you for taking the time to read all of that (because there was quite a lot), if there was anything I missed or got wrong feel free to let me know in the comments as stated in the description and I will add your name here :)

"Hidarime_Yume" for his/her guide which helped me find coels x-server, didn't even know you could access her gateway before I read his/her guide (linked here):

Thanks to "[DFS][GmT] trollbreeder" in the comments for notifying me of the existence and location of the "CautionStandard" x-server.
Thanks to "Duckman (Northern Epsilon)" for telling me that servers without a specified x-server default to the teal x-server and for alerting me to the "MiamiLight" x-server which I would have never found on my own.
SETSUWA 16 Jan @ 8:22pm 
how did you get netMap to look so neat? i desperately need that
suvorov.kot 16 Jan, 2023 @ 1:05pm 
I managed to hack Coel_Gateway?
[DSTM] Misha600 6 Feb, 2021 @ 9:38pm 
If you feel cheesy, you can punch in the server's IP for the macrosoft storage file.
Punch that into connect and bingo bango you got your gold theme.
Crypsis 21 Jul, 2020 @ 4:41am 
Still wonder why there's no game file (or source file) for the Honey theme... how is it even displayed, actually? It's confusing.
Petrkowal 18 Dec, 2019 @ 10:22am 
x-server is a short string of numbers. If you have the string of the x-server, you can just put it in your x-server file. So you don't have to play and recieve all of them, you can write the string down and then you can use it even on new account.
For example.. I have gold/honey x-server. I can use 'cat x-server' and write the output down.
Then I can make a new acc and put this string into my x-server.
Boom, I have gold/honey x-server even before completing tutorial.

Let's add this strings here ;)
HDZK  [author] 20 May, 2019 @ 12:31pm 
Eh, I don't care about necroposting. If someone finds this and has a question they want answered why should it matter how old the post is?
Trobby 20 May, 2019 @ 7:07am 
necropost alert

severity rate: 2 years
HDZK  [author] 19 May, 2019 @ 3:11pm 
@snipe.hunter I can't remember the IP address nor can I remember if it's random or not but the guide does mention how to obtain Coel's IP address and the password for said computer.
crocboy06 19 May, 2019 @ 1:27pm 
What's Coel's IP Adress?