Forge of Gods (RPG)

Forge of Gods (RPG)

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A guide for new players by WorfNyu
Por WorfNyu
A guide containing all the information that I use to turn my new guild members into powerful players. Everything is here is laid bare, if you wish to learn the inner workings of the game this is the guide for you.
Introduction: Before You Start to Play
Welcome to my starter's guide for the game Forge of Gods.
Throughout this guide we will be working with terms that can be found here you may want to have this printed out or opened in a new tab to refer to as we explore these topics in depth. Now the other resource your going to want to view is This is your central hub for everything forge of gods including daily free creatures EVERYDAY and sometime special rewards such as rare units/shadows/fruits along with their twitter account at Even if you don't want these free creatures it's important to follow these pages for special upcoming events and give sways sometimes of very powerful DLC packs. These are a critical tool to have for you kit going forward.
This guide is written from the perspective of a top 20 guild leader who helps there players go from completely new to competitive in a few weeks of work.
I need to stress something very important, there are a lot of playing styles and you should consult many guides and as well as talking to real player which should be your main source of info, as your situation will vary from player to player. As that is noted I will start the guide.
Should you ever need support click this gear next to you player rank: There are other options and menu's within this menu:

And within that menu you will find:

From here you can see that you can not only contact support, but it's also adjust sound levels, switch on and off full screen, change your language, you can also find the official Forge of God's Facebook, Twitter, and wikipedia pages.
The First Choice of the game, Your Warlord:
Now there are multiple choices to be made regarding your warlord, Please note:
  • There are more warlord's available to you after the tutorial.
  • The units you get change based upon which warlord you choose.
  • You can change your warlord anytime via the Army Menu and double clicking on your warlord and clicking change.
  • If you change your warlord your fruit and purchased skins will be saved so do not fret.
  • You should focus on synergy over raw power.
  • If you have problems with getting evolution materials for your current Warlord, check requirements for other one and evolve with those, then change back to your previous Warlord
  • You CAN reset your warlord down to rank six but your going to have to spend all the money and evo materials ago, and you will lose any fruit you have invested into that warlord, if you have under-evo'd your warlord it's probably easier to fix with fruit then a complete reset. I have done one myself, and regret it to this day.
Your initial choices are as follows:

Now at anytime you may change your selection by going to the army window, double clicking your Warlord which will open up this menu:

To change your warlord click this buttons:

Here you can change your Warlord:

Now not only can you change your warlord here, and you will notice now there are more warlord opened up to you:

Now with all these choices you should pick a warlord you want to build synergy around rather than raw power. Your warlord can be the key to your army, however you want to evolve them in line with your other warlord, rather than evolving your warlord as fast as possible.
Things that you need to learn as soon as possible:
The Starter Packs:
The first thing that I would like to cover is the starter packs, they aren't required. But if you're serious about the game there a great way to show guilds that you're going to stick around, that you're invested. As a big guild leader when I see someone has purchased a starter pack I am more willing to take a risk on that person if I have the room. I know that might sound cold but it's really hard to tell how new players are going to preform until you have them.

Things to Remember:

Save all your elite units, these are units with gold crosses by there name
30 Daily Free Gems:
If you log on at 2PM EST Day lights saving time. you can get 30 free gems, now if your confused about this time, download Mighty Party and the free gems will be at the exact same time. You will need to click on the daily quests and you have 5 minutes to do so.
You can leave the stage after first step and don't lost meat:
If you load up a stage with the wrong army, you can leave it with no consequences as long as you haven't spent any meat.
Free Creatures and sometimes even DLC is given away on the creator's facebook page
Free creatures are given out every day on their facebook page. It's good to get in the habit of checking there.
You may want to hold off on finishing your stages you might want to wait to you enter a guild with a workshop, and if you are going to purchase a premium subscription you want to do it quickly as there is limited amounts of EXP from stages due to there being a very limited amount of stages and the amount of experience that you gain from doing these stages diminishes each time you do them, you will eventually only have one exp stages left, so the better your workshop and premium level the easier it will be to get those higher ranks later on.
Recruiting Friends has three benefits:
  • Growing the game and it's community
  • For the first 30 players you will get a rare T3 creature and two rare T5 creatures.
  • A free friend slot, this is probably the most important reward of all the possible reward.

Friends and the friends Menu:
Your First Friend:
Starting at level five you can add your first friend, before you do this wait!

The first time you open chat you will notice a lot of people offering 'a free creature' if you add them. What your giving them is a lot more valuable than what you are getting from them including a permanent free friend slot. This will get you a T3 lion. You will get this lion no matter what the other person offers.
You might want to ensure that they have a high level warlord that you can use to help you finish missions. You also want someone that is going to keep you on there friends list for the life of your time on FoG. Your giving them a rare creature and a friend slot after all. If they do agree to keep you, it's important that you use their warlord as often as you can and you send them meat via the friends menu at least once a day.

Friends Etiquette:
Hit this button whenever you can to send your friends daily meat.

Use your friends as often as you can:

The more you use them the more Pal Points you and your friends will accrue and this will allow you to open Pal Crypts, in these there are rank one and two creatures as well as sometimes awesome tier three units. You can either use them immediately to help build up your army, or save them for a for a chance at a rare tournament creature.

Now to get more friends you can either fight someone and be able to do add them after the fight, or if you have a code you can add them via:
Entering codes, Your Friend code, and where to enter your promotional units:

Go to your friends menu and click this button:

Then this menu will pop up:

This is where you enter your promotional code.

And this is where you find your friend code:

Now you can use that code to earn rare t3 units that will help you along the way, the more friends you recruit the more Pal Points and Creatures you can earn.
Rank 10: Guilds, the Most Important Part of the Game for Your Success:
Starting at Rank 10 you can join a guild. A good guild can make or break a player.
Guilds are by far the most important thing, my officers and I spend a good portion of our days educating our players. This education and guidance is pretty critical to your success within the game.

Guild Requirements:
Some Guilds have requirements to get in a guild, common requirements include having over a certain power, having a certain rank. If you don't meet those requirements you can send a message to a guild leader promising you will maintain a certain level of activity, though if they are hitting targets with 4000 ap+ and your 400 AP, it's going to be a bad fit for you and them, and a bad fit for you because what you will be able to do in that guild will be very limited, thus the fit wouldn't be good for you or for them.
Then there is an activity requirement for staying in the guild, this is set by each guild individually, how each guild deals with lack of activity depends on their officers and their leader.
My guild requires a 50 gem tax, do I have to pay?
If you want to stay in that guild you do. This is a pretty common requirement, and it's not hard to get 50 gems per week. Now should you pay that tax? Depends on the guild and what you have to offer, you will always want to talk to really see the best guilds you can get especially if your paying. Don't expect have
Dailies, Trials, and your Castle:

Dailies can be broken down into two different categories, bonuses and evolution materials, first we will describe the first Bonuses:
  • Mystic Dungeon: This stage can completed one time for massive amounts of gold and possible random rewards, make sure to have the workshop buff +% gold per stage to ensure you get the most from this stage.
  • Shadow Castle: This stage drops shadows that you can fuse to your units for massive exp. It can be completed five time per day
  • Gold Mine: This stage can completed fives time for massive amounts of gold, make sure to have the workshop buff +% gold per stage to ensure you get the most from this stage.
  • Training Yard: Gives massive bonuses to EXP for creatures, can be completed five times to make the most out of this stage your going to want to use the various EXP per kill bonuses from the Race buildings in the guild.
And the second category is things that your going to need to complete fusions. There are three types of these creatures and four stages for them:
Evolution Materials:
  • Eggs available Monday/Thursday/Sunday.
  • Toads available Tuesday/Friday/Sunday
  • Oozes available Wednesday/Saturday/Sunday
  • Rare Evolution: Available Sunday Only.

Trials are events that are daily events that require you to use specific types units to finish a stage that gives you a special reward.

Things that you can get to for completing theses special stages include
  • Wood
  • Stone
  • Gold
  • Fruit
  • Shadows
  • Elite Units
  • Items: Food, Shields and Blades of Honor, Health Potions, Chili's ect.
  • Rare Evolution items
  • Exp trials

Your Castle:
This is what each build is and what it does:
  • Citadel: Allows for the upgrading of other buildings.
  • Gold Mine: Produces Gold
  • Saw Mill: Produces Wood for building buildings.
  • Stone Mine: Produces Stone for building buildings.
  • Gem Mine: Gives you daily gems.
  • NOTE: To get the upgrades within each of the following buildings you need honor which will be explained below
  • Alchemist's Shop which provides the following important upgrades:
    - Health Rune Power: Increases health gained by picking up the health rune drop.
    - Defense Rune Power: Increases by picking up the rune drop.
    - Attack Rune Power:
    - Speed Rune Power
    - Regeneration Rune Power
    - Health Potion's Power
    - Iron Sheild's Power
    - Blade of Honor's Power
    - Falcon Wing's Power
    - Vital Fang's Power
  • Pandemonium: Provides Upgrades for Demons.
  • Animal Mansion: Provides Upgrades for Beasts
  • Human Barracks: Provides Upgrades for Humans
  • These buildings provide the following upgrades:
    - Fusion Cost
    - Evolution Cost
    - Fuse EXP Bonus: Increases the amount of exp gained when fusing, period.
    - Mega Fuse
    - Attack in PVP
    - Defense in PvP
    -HP in PVP
    -Those are the most important, it may start up at 2% but still that's 2% permanent advantage in pvp and it quickly adds up, and when your getting 15% on a creature with 30k+ your talking serious numbers here.
You will find that you will quickly run out of various resources very quickly, you can get more from, raids(guild), missions, and bosses(guild).
You need honor to get the upgrades from the race buildings and The Alchemist Shop, honor is acquired in small quantities for PvP streaks, or in a large quantity from the mines guild raid.
How should I focus upgrading my castle and getting my upgrades within the buildings?
In my opinion you should go with The Lumber Mill, The Stone Mine, and even The Gold Mine as fast as possible, you are going to burn through these resources very, very quickly yes, even gold, you will burn through sometimes millions a day, so the faster you get these buildings online generating you passive resources the better. Then I would focus on the race building of the race your focusing on, you obviously want to start with things like attack, defense and HP, but even when those are done the benefits from the other upgrades does add up.

In my opinion for the honor based raced upgrades only if you don't have enough honor for an upgrade it might be worth buying that honor with gems especially for bonuses that effect your army, as this allows you to get to those bonuses that will effect the difficulty of each of your PVP fights faster allowing you to farm the honor for the rest of the upgrades faster and more efficiently. However, this is just my opinion. Your going to have to weigh the pro's and cons for yourself on this matter, it is something I feel worth considering however.

What about the Gem Mine and the Alchemist's Shop?
The Gem Mine is an obvious choice after the race buildings. I don''t really need to explain why, however, the Alchemist's Shop, is very, very subjective. Health potions will help you however you need a lot of them as time goes on and you have units with thousands of health and you have potions that only will cure a fraction of your units health, now you may have a situation where these potions can save you, but due to how little they heal and how few of them you get those situations are going to be few and far between. The runes can be very helpful, especially the regeneration one during guild raids, as well as farming and doing the harder stages for completion's sake.
There are three types of quests:

These quests contain Such as:
  • These quest fefresh 3x a day.
  • Complete various tasks is a set amount of time for rank experience or gems.
  • Typically but not always you can complete 4 of these before the reset for a four gem reward.
  • There also is an epic quest for completing these quests that gives you a Cunning Thief which improves in grade as you complete them.

These quests contain Such as:
  • These quests are various task set about the game to complete any given action for pretty much anything as a reward, I would break these down further but when you complete the intial block you will get two per rank, one of which being 5 gems for getting the rank.

Epic Quests are special quests with HUGE rewards things such as:
  • Now these are the most important with rewards like powerful units and massive ammounts of gems!
  • From a guild leaders perspective you should only be doing PvP if you have finished you GvG or are out of targets.
  • You will get points for the first 10 PVP kills in a day.
  • Each string of three wins in a row will constitute a streak, you will get a small bonus and then if you manage to complete more wins, the quality of your prizes goes up.
  • The maximum steak is 30, after that it will reset.
  • A streak also rewards honor, and yet again the higher your streak. this insanely valuable resource will be covered in the building section.
  • After you defeat an enemy the choices will get harder, to counterbalance this, look at each enemies army and find weak spots, armies that depend on a single unit
  • The amount of points you gain is based upon the AP of your enemy, as your just starting out your simply not going to have the AP to beat someone like me
  • PvP is very good for farming gold.
  • Chilies should be saved for tournaments
  • During tournaments ALL PvP counts towards your total score, whether you attack from the tournament window or your PVP button. In tournaments streaks are worth massive amounts of bonus points.
Notes on PVP vs GVG:This is my opinion
The points that you contribute to GVG are far more valuable if you can do minimal PVP/GVG per week. If you do not contribute to GVG it will likely cause you to have a negative GVG scoe by the end of the week, and that's not only frustrating for your guild leader, but your also punishing your entire guild. Each person doing there part adds up in guild fighting, and if you don't participate without a valid reason you may get kicked, unless you work something out with the guild. If your participating feel free to PVP, but if your not going to contribute when everyone else is, well, it's going to be harder and harder to justify keeping you. If the guild doesn't require GvG than feel free to do as you wish, however to really climb the ladder you need to build up a core group of players who at the very least post positive GvG scores every week. This should be excused if a tournament is going on especially if you know one of your players needs that Tournament.

3 Kill Streak Honor Example:

As you preform kill streaks you will earn different rewards, for every three successive wins, in the PvP menu only. You can earn the following rewards.
  • Varying amounts of Honor
  • Varying amounts of Gold
  • Bonus PvP and Tournament Points
  • Food items
  • Stone Soulstones: Allows summoning of the stone crypts.
  • Shadow Soulstone: Allows the summoning of Shadow crypts, which gives shadows the units that give your units
  • Pal Soulstone: Reduces the cost of the Pal crypt by 50%.
  • Ruby Soulstone: Decreases cost of Ruby Crypts by 25%
  • Amber Soulstone: At high enough kill streaks you can earn a Amber Soulstone which decreases the cost of amber crypts by 25%. This is one reward that is worth going after if you need to purchase an amber crypt.
Starting to Build your Army:
Now you have built up your castle, joined a guild, started to get rewards, built up your castle and you really want to actually start building up your army power. With the amount of time and resource investment each unit takes, I CAN NOT give you what is best for you individually I will describe the processes in which one goes about building up there army. I advise you to find someone who can look at your army and tell you what direction you should go in, I am going to give the example that are either the easiest, or will help the most people: Luckily because of how people go about building there armies there is a single unit that no matter what your playing your going to want as you grow, more on that below:
The basics:
There are two ways to start to build your army by either Farming and Re-birthing
For examples of each I am just going to pick two that can benefit anyone who builds them, even though these might not fit the archetype of army that your building they are good enough on there own where anyone would want them, and an easy example to
For Re-birthing we are going with a unit that basically everyone can use the and the most basic Re-birthing unit as examples:
First we will start off with a creature everyone can use:

Now before you say anything let me tell you that I am pursing this thing for my own army despite it being a male beast and I personally using a army of female humans and demons. Why? Because the sheer amount of very annoying powerful defense units that will act as a wall that your units will charge into, this little guy will act as a strong force to break up that wall. Even if you decide that this unit isn't for you follow along to understand how to build a unit up through re-birthing. The very first thing your going to want to do is figure out what units your going to need in this case, a single cub is achieved my re-birthing 2 rank 4 mushrooms:

Each rank 4 mushroom takes 16 rank 1 mushrooms. This means your going to need to get 32 to make a single cub, and your going to need 32 cubs to bring that unit all the way to the top, yes it is going to take you a very long time to get these and all the evolution ingredients you need to bring it to rank 8, but once you do you will have a single piece of your army basically done till you hit rank 100, and even then the evolution will become a lot easier. And once you have grinded out your

Before I start to explain the process I will show a second example, an easier example.

Simba is the easiest unit to rebirth to completion, especially with the ones given out from the tutorial and the

As you start to build up your stock pile of units you are going to want to start to bring the rank three units with you to level up as you build up more and more units, you will slowly build up your rank three reserves, you will need to turn 64 rank four wolves to rebirth into 32 rank 3 lions. You will turn these 16 rank four lions, and those 16 lions into 8 rank 5s, than those 8 rank 5s into 4 rank 4s, those rank fours into two rank sevens and then a single rank 8 and then you are done. You will have a single rank 8 and that's one unit done.

I personally don't have a rank 8 lion, however, I have completed this process myself to produce this unit:

Now when your upgrading all your re-birth units you can start to pick the unit you want to farm, you can pick a place that drops multiple units to rebirth, or you can choose to pick a place where drops a high quality units to farm. You can also level your units while farming this units. Here are three examples of two units that come from stages that give a lot of EXP, and the third unit is the only farmable t5, or seven star unit in the game.

The farmable units that can be found on a stage with good EXP called the obsidian forest here,
the Necromancer looking units:

And those units are:

Those units will drop on the following stages:


These two units:

You run these stages again and again until a unit drops leveling your units then drop.

There is one unit that can not be gained by re-birthing the only 'free' t5 unit The Dark Knight:

Best farmed at:

Despite it being possible to farm this guy to 10, he is going to still cost you gems to max unless your very lucky with guild crypts, and I do mean
lucky. Your going to need 4 scorpion warriors, and 2, two snake warriors as well as numerous 5 star or t3 units, all of which can be re-birthed as well as two rainbow fusion ingredients. If your playing humans you should come across these easily enough but if your not then it's going to be tough to

You do the stages over and over until the unit of choices drops:

And that 1/100 drop is exactly the reason you have cameras:

Now the smart thing to do would to be get enough units to rebirth until rank 8 and then pick the unit you want to farm and use that stage to level up your units. So this effectively means that you are working on two units at once, so long as you have enough cameras.
Some Quick Notes about sets:
  • Set are dropped by monsters
  • You get a set by killing a monster within the set.
  • Some sets you will not be able to complete for a very long time as they require hard to find rare rank 8 T3 units
  • If you forget these sets, YOU CAN ALWAYS PICK THEM UP AGAIN
  • Sets DO NOT ADD AP

How to invest your gems (Consumables and Crypts):
Now this section is based off the suggestions of several high end players at the end of the day, you should make your own decisions based off of your own needs.
Race Crypts:
Race Crypts are the best way to progress if you know what kind of army your building, example:

This is a demon crypt and as you can see it guarantees that you only get units of the kind that you are looking for, there are Demon, Human, Beast representing the three races, as well as arrow crypts for ranged, as well as an attacker crypt and a crypt for special event type units. These specialty crypts are the best way to guarantee that you grow in the direction that you want too.
Food on sale:

This is one of the best investments if you want to play a lot at one time. It also gets you a chance to finish epic quests, and farm as well as get exp and evolve rebirth monsters.

Donating to your guild:

None at this time.
2 comentarios
Chilo (No Sound) 13 JUN 2018 a las 13:38 
Voyage 9 MAY 2017 a las 16:42 