Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition

Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition

88 lượt đánh giá
Co-Op for Newbies
Bởi Ghostbear
This guide is for the newbie and people who are not sure how to do Bulletstorm multiplayer with groups.

This guide also helps people when communications are limited and your struggling to get points.

This a work in progress based upon in game play. (This guide also exists in the Original Forums)
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Co-Op/Multiplayer, what is it?
The Multiplayer or more accurate the co-op is a match that involves anywhere between 1 - 4 players and face waves of varying enemies.

To advance past each wave needs not kills but skillshot points.
(Or in layman terms: It is not the kills you need, it is HOW you kill them)

During Single Player, you needed skillpoints to unlock abilities and this gives you a rough guide on how the Co-Op works.

At the end of each wave there is a total amount of skillshot points you have gained which can then be spent to gain better abilities, weapons and weapon upgrades.
The Basics of Co-Op
In single player, you are required to do a set action to do a certain skillshot, for instance a Bullet Kick requires you to kick an enemy then as he slows you shoot him while in this slow mode state until he is dead.

In Co-Op players need to share the actions in order to get a bigger Skillshot bonus, so a Team Bullet Kick requires one player to kick the enemy and a different player to shoot the same enemy when the enemy enters the slow motion state. Remember what General Sarrano says:
You work together, you kill together

Seems simple? Not many players understand this which is why most do not make it to the final waves

A Team Skillshot typically needs one player to Kick/Leash/Slide into enemies and another shooting or Kick/Leash/Sliding for most basic skillshots to be done. The Team skill shot window is only available as long as the first hit and slow motion state lasts, if you miss it then the next hit will count as the first again.

Team skillshots have a little caption above the skillshot name so you can tell at a glance when you have pulled one off, the points gain is increased from anywhere between 50-150% more making Team Skillshots a must have if you want a lot of points. Points from Team Skillshots count for everyone who did the skillshot. More points = better gear and upgrades.

A good example is for instance the difference between a Bulletkick and a Team Bulletkick.
A normal Bulletkick awards 25 Points, a Team Bulletkick given 75 points for each player thus gives 150 points towards the required amount, quite a difference between the two do you not think? This is why Team Skillshots are must haves, if you are prepared to do only solo skillshots you are going to let down the team and they will be more inclined not to play with you as a result.
I have seen people get the gist while others have gone off to do their own thing, needless to say these people never get to wave 20 unless they play on their own which can get very boring.

Please note, you must only kick/leash/slide or shoot the enemy once after a teammate, if you do not the skillshot will count as a solo one.

A Co-Op game lasts 20 Waves. The amount needed to reach the next wave increases when the previous wave is completed. This amount increases and decreases depending on the amount of players in the game at that time.
Advanced Skillshots, Combos, Challenges and Last Chance Challenge
Occasionally players want more point for purchasing gear at the end of a wave or have had some bad luck with a few enemy kills and need to get better points, to do this there ways to pull off more advanced types of skillshot, combine more than one skillshot or complete skillshot challenges.

Skillshots are divided into three colours depending upon difficulty of doing them:
Blue = Basic - Simple Actions needed eg Headshot or Bullet Kick.
Yellow = Normal - Something not so easy to do on the fly but not so hard to pull off eg Gag-Reflex or Rear Entry.
Red = Complex - A series of actions needed to pull these off, quite hard to do but the rewards are good eg Gunslinger or X-Ray.
Boss Red = Ultra - Boss colours award more than usual, so getting these should be a priority eg Kick Off or Whiplash

Minimum of two players are required to pull off Team Versions of these skillshots, new skillshots can also be done in Co-Op that were not in Single Player eg two players shoot an enemy at the same time get Double Penetration.

Combos are rewarded when several actions on one enemy are done, the most common is the Team Bossed and Team Double Penetration for example, it is possible to have more, I have seen five on one enemy so far but it is possible to do more.

Challenge Skillshots are made available are roughly 1-5 per wave more challenges the higher the wave. An enemy will glow blue and have a named skillshot above his head if you complete the Team skillshot on this enemy, you gain 500 skillshot points per person in that game (1000 - 2000 points!), it is not possible to have combos if you complete a challenge (usually). Please note it must be a TEAM skillshot, solo ones do not count!

Finally there is the Last Chance Challenge, if your about to lose the round the final Challenge will give you enough points to beat the round. The points if you succeed will sill count as a normal Challenge but the wave will be completed. This only works when its says 'Last Chance' over the enemy head.

There many types of challenge skillshot that will happen, the list below will be relevant for any map:

Bullet Kick | Basic | Kick an Enemy, then shoot him in Mid-Air (can use a charged shot)
Bullet Slide | Basic | Slide into an Enemy, then shoot him in Mid-Air (can use a charged shot)
Trip Wire | Normal | Shoot an Enemy in the legs (or feet) while he is running to trip onto the ground, then kill him with same weapon. (Charged shots work for when he is on the floor)
Mercy | Complex | Shoot an Enemy in the balls then when he kneels shoot or kick his head off. (Shooting might not work with this one and enemies rarely will fake kneeling to get you close, listen for the pain sound before executing the coup de grace)
Slamdunk | Normal | Kill an enemy with 2 shots from a Thumper (For it to work best, make sure once the first thumper goes off use it again when the enemy is floating in the air)
Trapshooting | Normal | While an enemy is thumped kill him with any weapon other than red barrels (Bullet based weapons are best, Penetrator does not work for this skillshot)
Kick Off | Ultra | Kill a miniboss by removing his helmet when stunned then stun him again and kick his head off
Whiplash | Ultra | Kill a miniboss by removing his helmet when stunned then stun him again and leash his head off
Shocker | Complex | Kill an enemy by propeling him in anyway into something that sparks electricity
Pricked | Complex | Kill an enemy by propeling him in anyway into a cactus or other spiked plant
Voodoo Doll | Complex | Kill an enemy by propeling him in anyway into spikes or barbed wire (like pricked except non living spikes)
Double Penetration | Normal | Two (or more) players shoot an enemy at the same time with Rifles (it is possible to do it with the Pistol and shotgun although careful with the shotgun as Topless can happen if your too close)
Tug-o-War | Normal | Two (or more) players leash the same target at the same time (a nightmare to pull off if communication is non-existant)
Das Boot | Normal | Kill an enemy just by kicking him to death, players must kick him one at a time (Power upgrades helps with getting this one but careful as it might complicate other skillshots)

Use only the PMC or the Screamer for these, the PMC charged shot is the only charged shot that will count. While there are other weapons that can be used for the above, I would ask for any achievement runs to stick to just the PMC as it makes it more straight forward to understand. When you play more than that, then you can get fancy.

In addition will be the map skillshots the number active per map varies from 1 to all that are used.

For instance Villa uses one while Dead Rock uses all three of its map skillshots

All the skillshots can be found here:

Dropkits and the Buying Options
Dropkits are made available at the beginning of each wave, it is there for a set duration before the wave truly starts, multiple dropkits are deployed around the map and they can be accessed all at the same time players do not need to queue to buy things.

To access a dropkit you must do the action like the single player of leashing it.

From there you can upgrade:

Defence (Amount of damage you can take before going down)
Speed (Your movement speed and sliding duration)
Power (Kicking damage, slow motion state duration and blood symphony duration)

Unlock Thumper Access
Leash Recharge (In the Co-Op your leash recharges everytime it grabs an enemy or object takes serveral seconds)
Thumper Capacity

And a choice of weapons (No Sniper)
Also you may only have one other weapon besides your Rifle, however if you have bought the weapon in that game you do not have to re-buy it in the same game.

You can upgrade the weapons once they are unlocked (2000 skillshot points to unlock)

Each weapon will have 3 upgrades of:
Ammo Capacity (Increase Ammo Held, Clip Size if it is not the Penetrator or Boneduster and Weapon Charge Capacity)
Speed (Reloading time and Fire Rate)
Power (Damage your weapon does and explosive radius if it explodes. The Penetrator gets a Drill Speed upgrade)

Ammo is also bought here, you can either: buy per clip, fill your ammo up to max using what skillpoints you have (if any) and buy weapon charges.

Please note if you Disconnect from a match either by a network/computer issues or by clicking exit and re-enter the same game, all your buying progress will be wiped and the game will treat you as if your a new player.
Tips for Co-Op
When communication is limited try and use the recommended skillshots:
Sadist (Flailgun)
Pump Action (Boneduster)
Piledriver (Boneduster)
Twisted (Penetrator)

Keep an eye out for anyone leashing or kicking even if they are not doing it on purpose you can try going for a Bullet Kick/Slide or a Yoink.

When going for a double penetration, Tap the fire button! Don't unload your clip in the enemy. This gives your team mates a chance to hit them and allows the team to get more points. Avoid headshots as they can void a skillshot!

Minibosses that are in armour are tough to put down, Charged shots from a Boneduster or normal shots from a Flailgun are good things to have when this happens, a well aimed Charged Rifle shot on the red pack on his back will also work.

IF you get to wave 15, watch out for the Driller (Glows blue from powered armour). He is BAD news. If you take a hit from his ammo, you will be down in one or two hits depending on your defence upgrades. The best way to handle him is a charged shot and\or stay in cover out of his line of sight and hope the cavalry arrives soon unless you can handle him yourself, while the blue field is on keep your distance (While the blue field is turned on he is also immune to being thumped). Flailgun works well to get the blue field off, Boneduster is a bad choice for points. (Further more, the blue field counts as a Shocker skillshot while the field is turned on) If you have a good eye with your PMC, aim for the blue globe on his belt.

The blue globe on the Driller can be specifically targeted via your rifle normal shots and charged shots, Flailgun also works, Boneduster sometimes works and sometimes does not so don't rely upon it especially for challenges.

Try not to kill challenges when you see them. Sometimes it is good to try and save them till your in a good spot. Good luck if you have people that have never heard of 'Teamwork' or think kills are what is needed to win.

When using your boneduster or kick, try to not buy power upgrades as this extends the life of your victims if things go wrong.

When using the Boneduster, try not to get too close as it might result in a Headshot, Topless or Legless and they do not count as Team Skillshots.

If you hear someone use Blood Symphony while in a team, it usually means things are bad going or they have not heard of Team Skillshots. (Using the ability is ok until you hit wave 10 at which point you need those combos!) Please don't use Blood Symphony all the time as combos if done properly can out point it. That said it can also be use to get armour off bosses quickly if you are careful, just slide into them once.

Creeps can only be slided before any skillshots can be done the other two ways to get them are a little risky depending on your team and where they are. Making them stagger after a rifle shot makes them able to be leashed for a second or two while thumping them also work (careful about ceilings and other environmental hazards). Flailgun also works if your team mates know your using one.

If your team actually knows what it is doing, then take your time.

If points are plentiful then try to upgrade Leash Recharge as much as possible.

Ideally try to pickup the Thumper around waves 6 - 8 as this is when the Slamdunk Challenges starts to appear.

Unless you have a good reason, avoid buying charged shots for any weapon except the Rifle as skillshots for charged weapon are hard to pull off if your finding it hard going.

Noticed players not able to do Kick-Off, you must get the helmet off first before trying to kick.
Miniboss>stun>leash>stun>kick the head. Works best used this way. (Kicking the helmet does not seem to work) With some experimentation we have found the hitboxes for this skillshot to be a bit quirky, don't get in his face but rather stand a small distance back and kick from there. (if there are bits of his armour around the kicks will default to targeting them other than the head and the hitbox itself seems very small)


Also Whiplash some players don't understand, have seen people go down to constant leashing a miniboss. Works like above. Miniboss>stun>leash>stun>leash the head. You got to wait for the stun.


Miniboss stuns look like they hunched over weapon barrels facing the ground (the driller kneels while the blue field is on) and his head and bum start to flash. Head is used for Kick-Off and Whiplash, Bum is used for Fire in the Hole. (Note for the Driller while the field is turned on all three skillshots cannot be done until it is removed)


Please remember if you are trying for the team versions of these you must share the actions, seen plenty of players not doing so and wonder why the challenges for these do not work. If your are the one to stun you must let the other person make the kill! Likewise for any kicking/leashing you must wait for the stun! To maximise the skillshots above, avoid headshots!

Thumping a stunned mini boss does not yield extra points, however if he was stunned by a thumper already it will count as a Touchdown when he is thumped in this manner.

Some map skillshots can be triggered just by shooting at them such as Golden Shower or Dung, do this this to save some time!

Das Boot is always a confusing one to do, there are a few ways ways to do this skillshot
1. Kick at the same time like Tug-o-War
2. Use a wall to kick against
3. Use a big open space
(Remember to kick once per person)

Remember your leash takes time to recharge between uses so any skillshots while using one in the first few rounds will be slow going. Using the leash on minibosses does not trigger the recharge however so Taking helmets and heads off should be quick!

If you don't know what actions are needed for a challenge skillshot, look them up! The 'N' key can be used to quickly lookup what you need to do, many newbies just kill them without knowing that some of these skillshots can be done without equipment like the thumper.
Advanced Tips for Co-op
This section is for players who know each other and communicate well, this section does not work well with brand new players or want to do their own thing.

Weapon choice: Before you start playing on the map choose which weapons you are going to use, this is so there are no overlaps and people can make the most of the weapon combos to maximise points.

Nominate who will do certain actions toward the skillshots concerning Mini-bosses, new players will get stuck in while pros will keep to their allocated tasks thus these skillshots will be done 99% of the time.

Save your charged shots for challenges and minibosses, ditto for the thumper.

Creeps and Flare gunners award more when they are are leashed, Flailguns and PMC staggers work well to achieve this.

Avoid two touches where possible unless you need to move the target to where you need him or you are first to touch to begin with.

Sliding helps to control where enemies might go as this technique limits the direction and distance they are in the air.

While some skillshots can be very fancy like Smart Mine they can be outpointed by a simple combo, bear this in mind.

Try to use weapon combos with the map skillshots, Dead Rock works well with this, but other maps also work.

If your taking lots of damage then move around, get behind cover or thump them to get them out of the way.

A thumper used once will stun a miniboss without killing him (as long as the mini boss is not stunned before hand), this can be useful if your trying for a Kick Off or Whiplash. If a skillshot does not seem to work with a minboss because of his position, kick his rear to reset his position before trying again. DO NOT SHOOT THE HEAD!

Some map skillshots can interfere with combos like the Villa's Dung, avoid where possible and set off it off before the enemies are in range to minimise 'accidentally' using it.

Never use blood symphony, if your using it, then you do not know the value of combos. If possible to avoid hitting the wrong key use the move before the round starts or simply un-assign/re-map the key! That said it can be useful on your own as long as it is used for a point like a solo run.

Das Boot works very well if one player has upgraded their personal power to max as the skillshot comes from the kicking damage.

Knowledge of the map is good to have, certain spots work really well for environmental skillshots with other areas you might have trouble.

Headshots with a Flailgun on minibosses will automatically remove the helmet, a kick or leash after will reward the skillshot rather than waiting for the next stun, minbosses that are in armour are not stunned by this technique but saves you some ammo.

If ammo is low when taking on minibosses in armour, you can always kick the cannonball back at them, keep your distance though as they can explode, well timed kicks on the cannonball for smaller enemies can yield Kick of Dooms.

Another way to remove the red pack when facing a minibosses front is to target above the left shoulder which has a red globe peeking above it with a PMC or a Screamer.

Often Flailbombers will be the target of a challenge, use the leash to avoid damage if you need them in a specific spot, ideally nominate who will do the leashing before the game starts so no accidental Tug-o-Wars happen avoid kicks and use slide as it causes less damage.

Driller blue globes can be easily taken out with Rifle Charged shots. Aim at his front while the charged shot is ready and wait for him to raise his arms revealing the globe but just before he shoots a drill. You can also target the globe from underneath the armpits with needing the arms to be raised. This technique will also stun the Driller.
Skillshot stacking combos
Combos are key to getting large point rewards when working as a team, however there is weapon specific 'stacking' combos that can also give a lot more to both the solo player and for teams.
It is very hard to pull off and most of the time it only happens when the opportunity presents itself for team skillshots, solo ones can be 'arranged' but only certain weapons can maximise these points.

What is a stacking combo? this type of skillshot gains more points per victim to one shot, for example the PMC has a skillshot called 'X-Ray' where you need to kill 2+ enemies with a single charged shot, the typical amount for this is two enemies but more can be killed if they are close enough to do so which can be rare. In this case an X-Ray will give 100 points x enemies killed per enemy, this is hard to explain but really this means killing two enemies yields 200 per enemy, 3 enemies 300, 4 enemies 400 and so on at initial glance this does not seem like much until you factor in times the enemies again making: 2 400, 3 900 & 4 1600, now you can see the difference, also other combos can be added in if you meet the requirements.

There are two types of stacking skillshot that vary from weapon to weapon; Line & Area.

Line means the weapon fires in a straight line which can limit some shots to two or three enemies at best. Usual award multiplier = 100

Area covers most things in a spread in front of you this can catch the most but the point multiplier tends to be low. Usual award multiplier = 50

The following weapons and their stacking skillshots:

X-Ray | Line

Gang Bang | Area
Chain Reaction | Area
French Revolution | Line

Burn | Area
Acid Rain | Area
Slugfest | Area

Boom | Area
Meat Fountain | Line
Sledgehammer | Line

Shishkabab | Line (this can jink around a little so the line does not need to be straight like the others)
Wingman | Line

There is also Non-weapon stacking combos
Bombshell | Area
Enviromental | Area
Flyswatter | Area
Multiplayer Achievements soloable
These achievements can only be found in Anarchy but all can be done on your own, co-op with more people can help in some cases like Barber.

Environment Master
Perform every Anarchy environmental Skillshot

Simple to do, here are the required skillshots, they do not need to be done in any order and can be done over multiple games (since they feature on different maps).

Nom Nom Nom, Not in Kansas, Blood Fountain, Royal Flush, Make a Wish, Meat spin, Flattery, Midnight Express, Blood Bath, Ground Chuck, Man Crush & Fish Chow

They can be found on these maps.
Dead Rock, Waterworks, Grand Central, Turbine, Power Plant & Junkyard

You do not need to complete all 20 waves for these. One wave is enough.

In the Rock Quarry map kill an enemy using a Mine Cart, Oven, Fan, Smasher and Lava Cart in one wave

Simple to do, find each map related skillshot and kill the enemy using it. The smasher is on the manufacturing track to your right when you start the round and all the others are at the bottom.

Beat 'em down
Kill every enemy in a wave using only the Teleportation in the Ulysses map

This can be frustrating as one or more enemies can sometimes fail to register the kills. Use one of the first three rounds, leave time between kills and keep calm when using kick or leash, if you are in a bad spot wait until it is a good spot.

Heart Attack
Kill a Boss using the Hot Dog cart in the Hotel Elysium map

This achievement requires you to stay on the main floor next to the main windows or down below with the fans until your first miniboss shows up (minibosses starting spawning at wave 5+), kill the remaining enemies then lure the miniboss over to the upper elevators next to the cart, don't let the cart get into his field of fire. Stun him and kick the Hot Dog cart into him to kill him.

In the Sewer map Kill 5 enemies in 1 wave by setting them on fire then extinguishing them

The enemies do not need to be done all at the same time but do need to be all done in 1 wave, there is a stream of green water directly opposite of the flaming pipes, after you have set the enemies on fire from these pipes you then need to dunk said flaming enemies into this green channel to 'Extinguish' them. They must die in the water (prompts of 'Fish Food' will appear alongside 'Hot Flashes' to indicate you have correctly done it).
There is a metal beam on the roof of this channel, try to aim enemies towards this to ricochet into the water as if the body takes too long in the air, it might expire before it hits the water. While you could use a Boneduster to make it quick it also tends to have mixed results.......

Kill an enemy by thumping them into a helicopter in the Mini City map

A thumper on it's own does not have to be used for this one although it can be done, using a Penetrator can make this one very easy, thump into the sky and use a charged Penetrator to guide the victim into the general direction of the helicopters path. You can even take pot shots with the regular drill if the angle is good from the ground.

Bell End
Kill 5 enemies at the same time using "Dung" in the Villa map

Exactly what it says, wait until you have five plus enemies around the bell, then shoot/leash the bell.

Like A Boss
Defeat a miniboss in Anarchy mode

Find a Miniboss that usually holds a Minigun, Bouncer or Penetrator and kill them in whatever fashion you like. Minibosses start spawning at Wave 5+.

Achieve level 30 in Anarchy mode

2-3 games needed to get this one, levels can be gained a little quicker with more people and less boring.
Anarchy Master & Team Player Achievements
Those looking for assistance with these achievements can join the discord for Bulletstorm and other Co-Op games. Weekends tend to work best but if there are other times you want to try, please leave your preferred time and current timezone you are in so we can see what we can do. This chat can also be used for those just wanting some casual fun, although I would ask if you could get those team skillshots and not do you own thing (its a co-op mode for a reason!) and some players do not like Blood Symphony to be used, so please bear in mind.
(If the invite does not work please leave a comment and I'll refresh the link)
If you are using a mic, please use the fix below so you will not get echos in your playback sound.


Anyone joining the discord that want to play or needs help, ASK! We do not possess telepathy, we are here to help, but we can only help those willing to help themselves, if you stay quiet then likely nothing will happen. You do not need to use voice if you know generally what to do.

Before the below are to be done I should stress that you should play the single player first, this is not Call of Duty on steroids, you kill with skill on Bulletstorm. Playing the single player will teach you how to do this.

Anarchy Master
This achievement requires 3-4 people on any map. However it is possible to do it with only 2 but only on the Maps Dead Rock & Grand Central, it is possible on other maps but these are the easiest if you are fairly new to the game.

The achievement is only possible on wave 19 & 20 as they gives the most amount of enemies and challenges.

For Dead Rock both players stand on opposite sides of the whirlwind, one upon the metal gantry and the other next to the giant skull jaw, the trick with this map is to leash enemies through the whirlwind after your team mate has kicked/slid/leash into them.

For Grand Central the Fountain is used, players stand on opposite sides right next to the brim, the trick is the same as dead rock only that it is much easier to do. (try not to kick/slide them towards the fountain as this can void the trick, side on or away works)

Bear in mind the leash takes a while to recharge before you get upgrades for it, so space your kills at first, sliding into enemies can help to limit where they go without them going flying off into a hazard.

To maximise points both players need to use the Flailgun and use the skillshot 'Team Sadist'.

Upgrade leash recharge as quickly as possible and buy the Flailgun round waves 2-4.

Grab the thumper around waves 6-8 and avoid personal power upgrades (as this can lead to complications with challenges).

Once the above has been done, upgrade the rest to your hearts content, if done right you should be re-stocking on just ammo from wave 12-14.

For minibosses use the 'Team Whiplash' skillshot unless they have the 'Team Kick-Off' challenge on them, Touchdown & Heatwave give less points so please avoid.

Try to complete challenges when you see them, if there is two of you it will gain you 1000 points so it is worth getting them done! If there is more players on the map you gain 500 points per player for a successful challenge (1000 - 2000 points!)

Three things to bear in mind;
1) if you know you going to not have the points on wave 20 just allow yourselves to die so you can retry the wave. for good indicators, if there is two of you 20k+ each, 3 of you 14-15k+ and 4 10k+ (You should try and give yourself some leeway and check with your co-op partners that you have the required totals, just because one person has the required amount does not mean they all have it, the achievement will trigger when the required amount is reached). Getting to wave 20 can take 40 minutes minimum to about 1 hour 30 minutes on average providing no waves are retried.
2) private games are advisable, a single player dropping in that has no idea what is going on or does their own thing can wreck the points being gathered, this can stall the round at best or will not reach the required amount and win the round at worse. If such a player comes in fairly early it is also possible that the game could last a long time, been in matches for over 3 hours due to these newbies/lone wolves with no end in sight.
3) There is a glitch I have been made aware of that concerns Bullet Kick & Bullet Slide for challenges when some players will see kick and others will see slide, check with host which one is applicable for that time.

Team Player
Team Player is fairly easy to do and can be done in 1-2 games as long as those challenges are completed without failing too many of them. Check the above section for what challenges you might expect, Das Boot, Mercy & Tripwire can be the hardest to complete so be patient, it might be an idea to arrange with your partner what actions are to be done so that no accidents can happen.

For both achievements above, DO NOT use Blood Symphony, while the points are good they only are given to one player, if the strategy is used above, it will out point Blood Symphony very easily. (also despite what the loading tips screen might say, Blood Symphony is not a team skillshot, it has been tested many times without success, whoever put that tip in was talking out of their arse)
Blood Symphony, Lag and Final Words
Killing a certain amount of enemies will charge an ability known as 'Blood Symphony', when skillshots are hard to come by or you are on your own, this is a good way to quickly gain Skillshot points, however you cannot gain Team Skillshots while using you Kick/Leash/Slide as this does something different while Blood Symphony is active.

Kick/Leash/Slide into enemies while in this state will cause enemies to blow up in a gory fashion rewarding 250 points per kill, however shooting can still be used for Team Skillshots and Solo Skillshots. Please note when your on your own this is pretty good to have, when in a team please avoid using after waves 8 -10 the points you gain are not enough, you need to hit those team combo skillshots to make it past the wave as they give more points!

On occasion Lag can be an issue between clients from a little stutter to down right un-playable warping, Team Skillshots are almost impossible to do for the latter, it is recommended to exit the lobby and try again if you can to find a better game, sometimes inviting friends to host your own games is a better option to avoid Lag.

Communication is key to this game (unless you know what you are doing) use friends where possible or try to inform people what to do for skillshots.

Anything I missed, not spelt correctly or needs adding? Put it in the comments for me to update
71 bình luận
Ghostbear  [tác giả] 25 Thg06, 2021 @ 2:01am 
@Seagoblin, none that I know of, I don't know why you would want to, if you want to play on your own just use the Private Game option. For the two achievements that need a partner having a hack will not help in that regard since a bot is not that creative unless you are willing to use a cheat program.
SeaGoblin 25 Thg06, 2021 @ 1:25am 
anyone know if there is a hack that just makes the game think you are in co-op with other ppl? i hate playing with actual humans. i know borderlands games have hacks to make the game think you are in a coop game
Ghostbear  [tác giả] 25 Thg04, 2021 @ 4:34am 
Also found that sliding causes less damage than an actual kick, very useful to use against Flailbombers on challenges.
Ghostbear  [tác giả] 25 Thg04, 2021 @ 4:23am 
We think we have got Kick Off nailed down as to why the skillshot is hard to pull off, updated the tips for it.
Ghostbear  [tác giả] 24 Thg01, 2021 @ 7:54am 
And for those who were wondering, I did partake in that blame game which is why I urge people to communicate, it goes both ways.
Ghostbear  [tác giả] 24 Thg01, 2021 @ 7:52am 
A glitch I have been made aware of this weekend, it has been going on for sometime but players prefer the blame game rather than say it was different on their screen. Check with host so you know which one it is for Challenges concerning Bullet Kick and Bullet Slide.
Ghostbear  [tác giả] 27 Thg11, 2020 @ 12:11pm 
I should also stress that if people cannot control themselves with stunning and killing minibosses is to let the more level headed partner make the stuns. Had a couple of players this week which after getting the knack of Team Skillshots, seem to instantly forget when a miniboss turned up....
Ghostbear  [tác giả] 27 Thg11, 2020 @ 12:08pm 
Added to Anarchy Master score per person total after a mishap earlier this week which led to one person on 20k and the other on 18k. It was not a great connection online but all the same it is good to check with your partner before you throw co-op out of the window for the last few kills....
Ghostbear  [tác giả] 15 Thg11, 2020 @ 2:59am 
Have now stopped using the Steam chat, you can reach me through friends and discord only now.
Ghostbear  [tác giả] 27 Thg09, 2020 @ 3:18am 
Added a few guides and edited the Russian one.