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Ado's Khorne reskin
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2 avr. 2017 à 3h56
18 sept. 2017 à 4h27
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Ado's Khorne reskin


Yess another chaos reskin! like we need more right!? WRONG! this is a Khorne ONLY reskin for the fellow slaughterers out there. Purely cosmetic no stat changes and have made it as compatible as possible and is save friendly.

- Most Chaos units have been retextured and reskinned too apease the Blood god
- Only special units have SPECIAL weapons chosen and knights no longer have glowing weapons
- SWORDS! for the warriors and chosen shield varients for more weapon variety
- Lords, heroes and sorcerers have all been retextured
- AWESOME shield decals!

Important note: only subscribe to one of my chaos reskin mods as they aren't combatible together but you should be able to change at any time as it is save friendly :) also the marauders in my reskins arent god specific as they would overwrite the norsca faction marauders. They have been retextured though! (see image)

Followers of Grandfather Nurgle

Followers of the Lord of change Tzeentch

Followers of the Perverse God Slaanesh

You can help my mods by donating a 'thumbs up' ;D

Future plans (not in order)
- Reskin mod of malal (not sure is malal is canon but i love the army scheme)
- officers
- unit cards
- new units (god specific)
- Work on monster troops

images are using sweetfx which i recommend to everyone! inspired from dryrain's screenies
88 commentaires
Adopotato  [créateur] 12 févr. 2018 à 15h37 
Adopotato  [créateur] 29 oct. 2017 à 19h37 
Yeah will be separate man :) check out a mod on the worship called "long lines" he did the original version in wh1 :)
Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus 29 oct. 2017 à 8h39 
Ado, will the unit pack be seperate to the reskin mod for ME? Personally i'm just looking forward to this reskin in ME. My Khorne boys need their red lol.
Also i'm guess you will be bringing all your mods from TWW1 into TWW2, better battle lines and the better skins for werewolfs when norsica is added into ME?
Love your work, it makes my TW experience 1million times more enjoyable
Wolf 28 oct. 2017 à 14h18 
Cheers man, i'll look forward to it.
Adopotato  [créateur] 28 oct. 2017 à 14h15 
Have a slight problem with that, the texture files in wh2 a slightly different :( I'm thinking of doing unit packs for each of the gods, that'll include marauders as well.....this will give me a chance to do much better textures :)
Wolf 28 oct. 2017 à 14h03 
Any chance of an update for Mortal Empires? Really missing my Khorne bays in the total world domination........? Kill! Maim! Burn!
Adopotato  [créateur] 26 oct. 2017 à 20h36 
hey guys :) i plan on doing unit packs which add warriors and marauders of each specific god :) that way you can plug them in alongside vanilla ones and have access to all of them in the same game :) ill add poison damage to nurgle, frenzy/beserk to khorne, and havent decided the other two yet ...perhaps add a missile resistance for tzeentch and some snare ability to slaanesh :) will buff units stats accordingly :) any one got some ideas while im going?
Adopotato  [créateur] 18 sept. 2017 à 4h32 
updated :)
Epyon (AnimeToxic) 10 sept. 2017 à 18h04 
aww man :(
Adopotato  [créateur] 10 sept. 2017 à 14h54 
In the future perhaps :) just doing a few other other projects now :)