Killing Floor 2

Killing Floor 2

238 valoraciones
Killing Floor 2 - previewing weapon skins.
Por simple cat
A simple guide on how to try out every camo in the game.
The Guide
1. Navigate to this table, pick up desired weapon skin and copy (CTRL+C) its MIC path:

You can use the search function (CTRL+F) but keep in mind that this list contains internal weapon names (SG 500 Pump-Action = MB500, Eviscerator = Sawblade etc.) so you better search by the skin name itself.

2. Start KF2 in solo, activate the cheats ("enablecheats") and get yourself a weapon you would like to test skin for. You can use "doshme 999999" and "opentradermenu" commands to make it easier.

3. Type this in console while holding tested weapon:
SetWeaponSkin 0 <MIC path>

Use the paste function (CTRL+V) so you would not have to input the string manually.

For example:
SetWeaponSkin 0 WEP_SkinSet09_MAT.horzineelitegreen_kriss.HorzineEliteGreen_Kriss_1P_Mint_MIC

Some weapons use different materials for their parts (e.g. Bone Crusher's mace and shield, optics on certain weapons etc.). You have to input the command for every part individually. Note that you also have to change Material Index value each time you add a skin for the new body part. For example, Bone Crusher has separate skins for its mace and shield and Deepstrike Crossbow has separate skins for its body and scope. Use these examples:

SetWeaponSkin 0 WEP_SkinSet08_MAT.batcat_maceshield.Batcat_Mace_1P_Mint_MIC SetWeaponSkin 1 WEP_SkinSet08_MAT.batcat_maceshield.Batcat_Shield_1P_Mint_MIC

SetWeaponSkin 0 WEP_SkinSet09_MAT.deepstrike_crossbow.Deepstrike_Crossbow_1P_Mint_MIC SetWeaponSkin 1 WEP_SkinSet09_MAT.deepstrike_crossbow.Deepstrike_Crossbow_Scope_1P_Mint_MIC

You can apply every skin on every weapon, however only matching skins are guaranteed to have a fitting look on the weapon.


Current Version
Current version is 1.150.
81 comentarios
Siti Isabella Wulansari 22 SEP 2023 a las 7:31 p. m. 
Thank you very much, simple chat. :steamthumbsup: :Fleshpound:
simple cat  [autor] 22 SEP 2023 a las 1:56 p. m. 
Updated with Halloween 2023 skins.
simple cat  [autor] 12 MAY 2023 a las 11:00 a. m. 
Updated with Summer 2023 skins.
Siti Isabella Wulansari 29 DIC 2022 a las 9:21 p. m. 
Thanks a lot, I was spent lot for showcasing weapons skin. With this one, i don't need spend anymore.

I will try this later at some point time.
simple cat  [autor] 19 NOV 2022 a las 5:36 p. m. 
Updated with Xmas 2022 skins.
deer in pain 30 OCT 2022 a las 6:49 p. m. 
Thanks a lot, it really does the job
simple cat  [autor] 30 OCT 2022 a las 10:39 a. m. 
I've made a new one, tested it and it looks like it's working, but not for all of them

download and place this file to
Steam\steamapps\common\killingfloor2\KFGame\BrewedPC (there are other .u files there)
delete it when no longer needed

in console:

open kf-farmhouse?game=testmod.game_survival_test (or any other map with "kf-" prefix, like kf-burningparis, or of your choice)

SetWeaponSkin (same command, and parameters as before)

ThirdPerson, FreeCam or FirstPerson

code is a simple string replacement of "_1p_" to "_3p_" so if such string does not present on MIC in spreadsheet then it won't work (nearly all guns have it though). For instance that ain't gonna work with Doshinegun, Piranha or Corrupter Carbine since 1st and 3rd person skins of these named differently. There's probably more effecient way to do it, but i'm not gonna look into it, sorry.
deer in pain 29 OCT 2022 a las 5:48 p. m. 
Thanks! While I'm here, I wanted to ask you if you know any way to preview in 3rd person. I still have the old testmod you created for that, but sadly doesn't work anymore.
simple cat  [autor] 29 OCT 2022 a las 5:43 p. m. 
My pleasure and good catch, the line's corrected.
deer in pain 29 OCT 2022 a las 5:32 p. m. 
Thank you for always keeping this updated.

Neon RGB Flamethrower is showing Neon RGB Hemogoblin instead (v1.065).