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By Armoryk
A guide to Tinboy levels 8-60 with more than 120 pictures!

Simple arrow = Button 1
Rope arrow = Button 2
Bomb = Button 3, explosive arrow

Level 8
Attach a rope to the first tile's lower corner, fall, use a rope on the second tile, then on the third top tile. Target this last tile, shoot ropes and jump in order to approach it. Finally, a bomb on the second tile's side.
Level 9
Push the cube to the edge, target it near its upper corner, shoot a simple arrow and use a rope arrow on the tile to cross ahead.
Level 10
Launch a rope on the floor (move to the left to counter the cube's force) and then a bomb to be dragged to the platform.
Level 11
Shoot a bomb at the left conveyor and jump on the cube.
Level 12
A rope on the white protrusion and 1-2 bombs on the white wall to be thrust upwards (press Right while on air). Then jump to move ahead.
Level 13
After falling down, gently set a rope and a bomb to be transported over the chasm.
Level 14
Hurl a rope at the cube by targeting the ceiling (see screenshot 1) and swing - jump.
Level 15
Shoot a simple arrow at the vertical tile's upper corner and a bomb at the horizontal's lower corner. Then gently place an arrow on the cube's left side.

Level 16
From the edge shoot a rope arrow at the second tile's middle, fall and keep shooting simple arrows until that the cube drops on that edge and finally apply gently a bomb and then fast a rope to be carried next to the exit.
Level 17
Shoot a rope through the top opening and a bomb through the lower one, fall after the explosion.
Level 18
Gently set a rope arrow on the ground between vertical and horizontal tiles and then quickly set a bomb on horizontal tile, jump and sprint right to the opening. The bomb will push the rope arrow to the vertical tile and if you did it correctly the knight shall reach the exit.

Level 19
After using a bomb to reach the top, launch a rope as shown in screenshot 1, fall, swing and jump to finish the level.
Level 20
Attach a rope to cube through opening by climbing up or directly from the entrance. Use bombs on lower cube to entangle the attached cube. Remove the rope, go up and reattach it GENTLY to cube, then carry the latter and drop it down. Mount it to collect stuff and leave the area.

Level 21
Shoot a rope arrow and a bomb at the cube and when next to the exit swing and jump there (if 2 arrows are not enough, push the cube using simple arrows).

Level 22
After placing 2 simple arrows to partially cover the gap, keep launching bombs at the tile's left side to free the cube and if it gets entangled, just shoot a lateral bomb.
Level 23
Approach the right cube, pull it down using a rope, climb and by targeting the floor set a bomb. While in the air, press Jump and Right button to touch the exit.
Level 24
Shoot a simple arrow at the cube's top corner and then by targeting the floor set a bomb in the corner. As you are in the air, press Jump and Right buttons 2-3 times to overcome the obstacle.
Level 25
Attach a rope to the flying machine, jump next to cube and then GENTLY place on its left side a rope arrow and then a bomb in order to be thrown to the other side.

Level 26
Attach a rope arrow and a bomb to the flying machine. While in the air jump a few times rightward to land on the exit's platform.
Level 27
In this level you need to alternate the ropes from one cube to the other. Do so by targeting the ceiling, shoot but BEFORE it hits the cube swing (twice preferably) to the direction of the arrow. Follow this procedure until you reach the exit.
Level 28
Move a little to the left, attach a rope to the cube, set 1-3 bombs on the conveyor and while in air jump to land on the exit's platform.

Level 29
Shoot fast 3-4 bombs at the battery and one rope and 1-2 bombs at the activated elevator. Push the big cube down using arrows.
Level 30
Create a "staircase" of simple arrows on left white wall, attach a simple arrow on white cube, use rope arrow on battery, move it and then place a bomb in the corner to be catapulted.

Quickly get down and jump on the cube's arrow to finish level.
Level 31
Push the second rectangle leftward and then the first rectangle on the second, push both and next to the wall form a mini staircase by pushing the upper rectangle. There hurl a rope arrow to the battery and run down before it reaches its target and jump back on the step. Shoot arrows at the upper rectangle's left top side until all of it is on the other rectangle and finally a few more hits on its right side and both will be usable again as steps.
Level 32
Set 1 or 2 bombs on the tile, jump at the exact moment it or they detonate(s) and while on the air keep pressing like nuts the Jump and Right buttons to land on the top.

NOTE: if the Tinboy gets entangled as shown in the third pic, hurl a bomb at the tile, jump on the protrusion to be thrust on the top.

Level 33
Gently use rope on battery to bring it down and use a bomb thereon to find yourself up.

Move the battery from above using (what else?) arrows and throw a rope arrow exactly as shown in the picture. Jump to finish.
Level 34
Drop battery down and set a bomb thereon to jump rightward, where you push the machine to the very edge and then thrust battery to its socket. Upon the machine's activation, attach a rope to its lower side and while hanging from it make the rope disappear (press W twice fast). During your fall to the abyss, QUICKLY and at the correct moment hurl another rope (see screenshot). Finally, shoot bombs at machine (CAUTION: in case of unsuccessful attempts don’t forget to renew your rope, 'cause bombs gradually destroy them) and swing to finish the level.

Level 35
Drop 1 or 2 bombs on white tile and then quickly launch one more on the upper right tile, as shown. That last bomb will help you overcome the fan and finally swing and jump to leave.
NOTE: like in level 32, 1 bomb is enough to overcome the obstacle, but you need to keep pressing the Jump and Right buttons.
Level 36
Drop an arrow in the opening and after targeting the ceiling's left corner, shoot a bomb to thrust battery to its socket, jump using a bomb and place the Tinboy at the edge with his feet in the air. Shoot 1-2 bombs at the lateral tile and jump on bombs the moment they detonate.

Level 37
Shoot a rope arrow and a bomb at the cube and quickly place yourself under the exit.
Level 38
Attach a rope to the isolated cube and by setting bombs on the left cube, entangle the isolated one. Catapult the knight up using a bomb and then GENTLY place one final bomb on the entangled cube.

Level 39
Step on the cube, shoot a rope arrow on it and pull it next to the opening to shoot 1-2 bombs. After the detonation, set 1 bomb on cube to reach the platform above.
Level 40
Launch a bomb on the white tile as seen in the first screenshot to thrust the cube leftward. Jump to the cube's location (bombs on left cube), shoot a few arrows at the cube to push it a little and one more arrow to the upper blade. While it is rotating, step behind the cube and launch it in order for it to land on the exit's area and finally get there by jumping on the rotor and by 1-2 more fast jumps.
Level 41
Push the cube to the fan and the battery to its socket and from the corner shoot an arrow rope and a bomb at the distant cube. Run leftward to be thrust to the exit.
Level 42
Attach a rope arrow to the upper tile's right corner and a simple one at the left tile's lower corner. Jump and when the rope is at rest set a bomb on the other tile's right part. The cube will be launched near the entrance; swing leftward using bombs on tiles until you land on the simple arrow. Use cube to complete this trial.
Level 43
Bring the Tinboy to the position shown in this image and keep throwing bombs until one is attached to upper tile.
Level 44
Hurl a simple arrow at the white wall, form a "ladder" of arrows and from there hurl gently another simple arrow at the moving platform's left edge to balance it. Jump to the upper platform, push and drop the cube and catapult it leftward using one last arrow.
Level 45
Shoot an arrow rope on cube and haul it exactly under the second opening. Catapult the knight by using 1-2 bombs on cube and from the left edge of the isolated gray cube attach a rope to white cube (target ceiling and flank shots will eventually hit the cube). Walk off the gray cube to exit and to the next level.
Level 46
After attaching a bomb to the battery from the entrance by targeting the floor near it sprint to the platform before it rises. Then hurl a bomb to the vertical tile by targeting the ceiling (see 2nd screenshot).
Level 47
Gently and exactly as shown in the 1st picture attach a bomb to the cube to finish this level.
Level 48
Employ a rope arrow and bomb on white cube to thrust the grayish one rightward, then remove rope, thrust the white one to the same direction and keep launching bombs thereon until the grayish one is brought to the exit-entrance area.

Level 49
A level with a bugged cube. Set 1-2 bombs on tile to reach the platform and keep jumping next to exit until you complete this area.

Level 50
Bring the battery in vertical position by stepping on it, attaching a rope and pulling it, then push it to the right and shoot a bomb at the rightmost white cube and quickly push again the battery to the arrow's edge. The detonation will thrust it to its socket and finally use bombs on white surface to touch the exit.
Level 51
Use the little cube to move to the higher platform and attach a rope arrow to it as shown in the 1st picture. Push cube to the edge and from the entrance shoot a simple arrow. The little cube will oscillate towards the isolated platform and as soon as it is above that platform, press FAST W or Space bar to release it. IMPORTANT: don’t let the cube's force carry you away from the entrance, stay there by pressing the Right button.

Plant 1-2 bombs at the big cube's base and jump to be thrown up and repeat this action on the small cube's surface to end this area. Beware of the bombs' thrusting power!

Level 52
Hurl a bomb at the tile and sprint in order to have the cube fall on you. Then attach a rope arrow and a bomb. 1-2 more bombs on the cube will be required to touch the exit.
Level 53
Bring the cube to the position shown in the picture, drop it (press Up twice) and then VERY FAST attach thereto one more rope. If the rope was cast at the right distance you will be able to carry it and use it to exit this level.

Level 54
Bring the knight to the vertical tile and as you approach the cubes by swinging (keep pressing left and right) throw a rope on the lower right cube.
Level 55
As you jump to the left and are above the abyss, hurl a rope. Then a bit of swinging will be required to exit.

Level 56
Bring plank to the position shown in the screenshot and as you jump from the left edge shoot a rope at the plank. Then drop down and by throwing ropes and jumping upwards approach the plank, swing to exit to advance to next level.

Level 57
After pulling the cube to the opening, set GENTLY and FAST two bombs on it and jump when the first one detonates to land above. Sprint leftward to let the second detonation skyrocket you.
Level 58
Haul the cube and push it off the edge and when your rope and cube have stopped oscillating, drop cube down on the small platform. Gently set a bomb on ground and make sure your arrow's tip touches cube's left side (see screenshot). Stick a long rope to the now distant cube to reach the exit (once again swinging may be needed).

Level 59
By setting a bomb on cube jump above to then get down, pull the cube towards you, remove rope and launch 2-4 bombs behind it by targeting the ceiling and hurl that cube to them by launching a bomb on it. Do so until that the cube is thrust to the exit's area.

NOTE: if it lands on the platform's right square, pull it down with a rope.
Level 60
First hurl a bomb at the white tile and then as soon as it detonates stick a rope arrow to the little cube. Keep bombarding the tile & pulling the cube until that the latter is freed from the rectangle's weight. Slowly and gently pull it to the edge, jump on the arrow - platform and apply a bomb on the cube's surface to complete this last trial.

+SG+ Schladde 12 Mar, 2021 @ 1:23pm 
Lvl 14:
- go left and shoot (while jumping) bomb through small gap at the ceil
- when block jumps up shoot bomb or other arrow to push it out
+SG+ Schladde 6 Mar, 2021 @ 1:23pm 
collect all chips @ Lvl 10:
- rope on floor and pull block to left (repeat till block is at the left edge)
- slow bomb arrow (or normal arrow with speed) to pull yourself on the platform (or at least to the edge) while the block also stays there
- push block wit arrows to the right side and rope from the left on (do not enter door)
- jump left to hang down at second chip (could neet some jumps in the air to get under the platform)
- swing as high as possible to the right and rope to wall (jump while swinging to swing higher)
- rope (security rope) from edge of abyss to top of wall
- climb to middle of wall and bomb to third chip
- go up the wall slow rope (security rope) to block on platform
- bomb from wall to platform

Note: security ropes prevent from bombing to abyss
atvaly 12 Nov, 2020 @ 10:51pm 
thanks! game finished.
but collecting 180 chips is unrealistic for me
cruel game :steamsad:
Armoryk  [author] 15 Jul, 2017 @ 5:25am 
привет! nice to hear that my guide served you well
Palacio 14 Jul, 2017 @ 2:41pm 
Благодаря тебе я прошел все и собрал все. :AwesomeBorn: