Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

91 人が評価
作者: g2
Spray control, headshots or even b-hopping are all valid practice targets when you enter CS:GO deathmatch, but failing to pick one for your training regimen is the worst thing you can do according to Spencer “Hiko” Martin.
English Version
Spray control, headshots or even b-hopping are all valid practice targets when you enter CS:GO deathmatch, but failing to pick one for your training regimen is the worst thing you can do according to Spencer “Hiko” Martin.

We’ve got former Team Liquid clutchmaster Hiko to show us how he plans his practices to gain the most out of deathmatch, because running around and having fun isn’t the name of the game when hard work is needed.

Spencer shows us his own personal Hiko Challenge, which he uses to practice key skills with the AK, M4, P2000, and Glock – the bread and butter of CS:GO’s best weapons. Starting with spraying down targets, aiming for body shots without releasing the trigger, Hiko begins with the hardest way to kill, which he says is the easiest to warm up with.

After 50 kills from spray downs, he moves onto burst fire headshots, quickly snapping from target to target, then after another 50 kills onto the single-shot one-taps. Once he’s focused on all three firing methods, he combines them into a Superspeed round, aiming to get 50 kills using any means as fast as possible. Having mastered the AK, he moves onto the M4 and repeats.

Pistols are obviously all about those one-tap headshots, so no spray control for those. But for each automatic weapon Hiko times how long 50 kills takes for each firing method, and the Superspeed round, to total up at the end and note down to compare at the end of training sessions. As the time drops, you’re getting better.

You should train there -
Russian version
Привет! Сегодня с вами Хико, и я запускаю новый челлендж "Улучши свой AIM". Конечно самый интересный способ играть, это просто играть матчмейкинг и фанится, но у этого способа нет перспктивы, и я предлагаю вам улучшить свою наводку по моей системе, ее вы видите ниже : Spray - Зажим.
Burst - 2-4 патрона.
Tap - 1 патрон.
Super Speed - фраги любым способом, но очень быстро.

Тренируясь таким способом 3 месяца, вы можете подняться с Gold Nova 1 до LEM. Но так же не забывайте практиковаться в матчмейкинге около 3-4 часов.
Тренируйтесь на этой карте -
51 件のコメント
janzoN 2023年11月6日 1時24分 
Toffuu 2020年1月30日 0時08分 
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Заходим на pvpro .com(убираем пробел)
Используем Refcode: KrySTaL100
Получаем 10000 монет и покупаем скины
Krop 2019年8月15日 22時53分 
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TR : Listedekilerden birini seç ve profilime yaz,Aynısını ben de senin profiline yazacağım!
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PL : wybierz jedno i wklej w komentarzu na mój profil a ja zrobie to samo jak tylko będe online
+rep nice clutcher
+Rep Nice Aim💜
+rep Only Headshot
+rep Adamın Dibçiği
+rep Fenasın Başa Belasın Kardeşim
+rep Seviliyorsun
+rep Good AK-47 Recoil
+rep Good AK-47 SPREY !
+rep Awp King
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+rep Friendly Person
+rep Headmachine
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KURECI ONDRAS 2019年3月4日 6時59分 
[𝕃𝕍𝕂]₦ÎҜÎ 2019年2月27日 13時13分 
RUS: Выберите что то одно из этого списка и напишите в моём профиле, отвечу тем же!
ENG: Choose the one that's on the list and write in my profile, I will answer the same! <3
PL: Wybierz jeden z komentarzy ponizej i zamiesc w moim profilu, odwdziecze sie tym samym !
TR:Bir tanesini seç ve profilime yaz , aynısını sana yazacağım !
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. 2019年2月26日 11時10分 
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ENG: Choose the one that's on the list and write in my profile, I will answer the same! <3
PL: Wybierz jeden z komentarzy ponizej i zamiesc w moim profilu, odwdziecze sie tym samym !
TR:Bir tanesini seç ve profilime yaz , aynısını sana yazacağım !
+rep Good Player
+rep Ak-47 Good
+rep Cool friend
+rep Krall
+rep Very Good
+rep nice teammate
+rep ez gg
+rep AWP King
+rep Great Man
+rep awesome guy
+rep you are the best
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+rep pro player
aleksi 2019年2月26日 0時34分 
van hegen 2019年2月25日 11時16分 
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jeuxyz 2019年2月25日 5時31分 
RUS: Выберите что то одно из этого списка и напишите в моём профиле, отвечу тем же!
ENG: Choose the one that's on the list and write in my profile, I will answer the same! <3
PL: Wybierz jeden z komentarzy ponizej i zamiesc w moim profilu, odwdziecze sie tym samym !
TR:Bir tanesini seç ve profilime yaz , aynısını sana yazacağım !
+rep Good Player
+rep Ak-47 Good
+rep Krall
+rep Very Good
+rep ez gg
+rep AWP King
+rep nice aim
+rep one tap good
+rep you are the best
+rep Nice Player