Team Fortress 2
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The Guide For Trickstabbing
От Hurricanetwister24 и 1 сътрудника
This guide is about different kinds of trickstabs for spy, how to do it, etc.
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Different Kinds of Trickstabs
There are a lot of kinds of trickstabbing. There are 3 most common kinds of trickstabs. The first is the stair stab.
The stair stab is when you are going up the ramp and the enemy is following you, then you jump and crouch backwards, when you pass the enemies head, press W and when it shows the backstab then stab the enemies, but its not as easy as it sounds.
The corner stab is when an enemy follows you to a corner, then you hold d to go back and fool the enemy, then you backstab them.
The matador stab is the hardest. For this to succeed, you need to fool the enemy that your going one way then go back to stab them. Simply speaking, you're juking them then backstabbing them.
Just remember that trickstabs are used for getting out of tricky situations, not for fanciness.
Credits and Ending
Thanks for looking at my first guide, hope you enjoy trickstabbing people! Credits: HurricaneTwister24{wrote the things} Mikathebrave{looking for grammar mistakes}If you want to add us to be our friends, feel free to add us and play with us! See ya!
2 коментара
banban  [автор] 8 май 2017 в 3:50 
you guys already know its going out of tricky situations, can you see this "TRICKSTABS" "trick"
banban  [автор] 10 март 2017 в 23:45 