Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

122 Bewertungen
Anywhere RBP Park 1x1
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Assets: Park
899.187 KB
2. März 2017 um 9:16
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Anywhere RBP Park 1x1

In 1 Kollektion von stmSantana
Sitting feature and Anywhere assets (stmSantana)
16 Inhalte
RBP = Round Brick Planter
This park is a asset for placing my bench prop directly in-game, Without using asset editor.

Required prop
Round Brick Planter (Bench) prop

(Step1) Place it 1cell from the road.
(Step2) Move it! within 4cell of the road.
(RecommendMod) Fine Road Anarchy, Move It!, No Seagulls

  • You can place this asset on blank space (on ground).
  • If you place this asset on RCI zones, that zone change to “De-zoing” zone and buildings will be demolished.
    (If you DON'T want to demolish, Use "Disable Zone Check" MOD)
    (Ploppable RICO...?)
  • To place this asset on other buildings/parks, use “Fine Road Anarchy” MOD and “Move It!” MOD.
  • Use "More Beautification" and "Prop & Tree Anarchy" mods to overlay other props and trees in this planter.
  • For Not displaying "Missing road connection" icons, First place on the roadside (1cell wide),
    If you want to place this asset away from the roadside, Please move it with "Move It!" mod after place it on the roadside.
    (*Nobody comes outside 4 zone cells width*)


  • このアセットは給水塔や鉄塔のように空いている場所(地面)に置くことができます。
  • アセットをRCI区画に置くと、住宅や商業といった区画設定が解除されてしまいそこの建物は解体されます。
  • このアセットを他の公園や建物(RCI以外のユニーク施設や駅等)に重ねて置くには、 “Fine Road Anarchy” MOD や “Move It!” MODを使って下さい。
  • "More Beautification" や "Prop & Tree Anarchy" mod を使えば、このプランターに他のプロップや樹を重ねて置くことができます。(Prop/Tree snappingは効かないと思います)
  • 「道路に接続されていません」アイコンを出さない為に、最初に道沿いの1セル以内の区画にアセットを設置して下さい。
    道路から離れた場所に置きたい場合は、道路沿いに設置した後に「Move it!」MODで移動すればアイコンが出ません。

My workshop
My Screen Shots
4 Kommentare
matheus.mas94 23. Mai 2017 um 23:56 
This is so great! Please make some contemporary benches/planters if u can...
stmSantana  [Autor] 2. März 2017 um 21:26 
It is to hide the icon.

I tried "BuildingInfo+PlacementMode m_placementMode" "OnGround" . (by TPB's Guide) (Thanks Modtoos!)
So this park is placeable anywhere.
Unfortunately, in order for me to disable park's "missing road connection" icons, It is necessary to enter '0' value in 'Tourists' properties of asset editor.
However, The value of 0 sets the guests of this park to 0.
That is, nobody sits this park. It makes this park worthless.
Therefore, I entered '10' to the Tourists properties.
I got ugly icons instead of getting a guest at the park :steamfacepalm:

Fortunately,If first place this on the roadside and then "move it!", the icon will not be displayed. (Probably...... I tested it only a few times)
If you know other good information, please let me know...
BloodyPenguin 2. März 2017 um 19:49 
Why place on the roadside and then move it? You can just set placement style 'on surface' or 'on ground'
FourteenChief 2. März 2017 um 11:40 
Well done. Really nice idea.