Fog of War
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Welcome to Fog of War
Lassital tarafından
A synopsis of classes, keybinds, tactics and more, designed to get you in the action competitively.
This is by no means complete, and over the next week should hopefully be fairly comprehensive.
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Wecome to the Eastern Battalion, comrade! The fighting has been something fierce and we are glad to have a man of your caliber transfered to our division. Lets get you your new uniform and get you some live field training!

Due to large balance changes recently, sections are outdated and should be taken with that in mind.
Weapons and Class Overview

  • Company Commander
    • Spawns with a SMG, nades (frag and smoke), and a Specialized Truck
    • Has the ability to use Binoculars and set orders
    • Thier truck can be deployed outside of capture zones and provide a Forward Operating Base (FOB) that allows infantry (other than cooks) spawn on it and get right in the action
    • Second Platoon's CC's truck will be the GAZ or Kubelwagen
  • Platoon Leader
    • Spawns with a Semi-auto Rifle and nades (frags and smoke)
    • Has the ability to use Binoculars and set orders
  • Infantry
    • Basic of Soldiers with only a Bolt-Action Rifle and frag grenades
    • Comes with an Ammo Backpack
  • Cook
    • Most basic of Soldiers with only a Bolt-Action Rifle
    • FREE!
  • Medic
    • Soldier comes with a Bolt-Action Rifle, frag grenades, and smoke grenades
    • Comes with a Medkit Backpack
  • Machine Gunner
    • Machine-Gun and nades
    • Comes with an Ammo Backpack
    • Not well suited to assaulting positions
  • Assault Infantry
    • Comes with a High-powered "SMG" and Impact HEAT grenades
      • StG 44(Mp44) is suited to close to mid-range engagements (5-70m)
      • PPSh 41 is suited to close to close-mid range engagments (0-45m)
  • Marksman
    • A Bolt-Action Rifle and smoke grenades
    • Rifle has a scope for slightly easier ranged shots
  • Elite Marksman
    • A Semi-Auto Rifle and smoke grenades
    • Rifle has a scope for slightly easier ranged shots
  • Driver
    • Most basic of Soldiers with only a Bolt-Action Rifle and frag grenades
    • Comes with a Cargo Truck capable of
      transporting large amounts of troops at once for a large sum of 'Score'


Bolt-Action Rifle
The Bolt is a simple and reliable way to take unsuspecting enemies out. With a 5 round clip and a fairly low bullet velocity, patience is required to use it. It also has allot of sway while strafing making it virtually impossible to use in close-quarters. Therefore, if you need to peek around a corner to tag an enemy, leaning will be be the most effective for accuraccy and cover. It does about 80 damage on a hit.

Semi-Automatic Rifle
Very similar to the handling of a Bolt-Action. However with a higher rate of fire and a 10 round clip, perfect aim is less of an issue. Sending down bursts with this is very effective.

Machine Guns
With the capability of stopping an entire attack, planning is required to use them effectively. While they can be fairly accurate even at long range and have a large volume of fire, they are unable to fire effectively from other than the bipod or prone. While you can kill by hipfiring, it is nigh-impossible to aim from the hip and you are almost just as likely to make an outline around the enemy as you are to hit them.
You can set up your bipod by rightclicking next to a surface that touches the bipod.
It can also shoot through the walls of log-wood garages.

StG 44
With the firepower of a Machine Gun and the handling of a rifle, its a gun that can handle nearly any situation.

If the Sturmgewehr focuses on doing eveything well, the PPSh focuses on outdoing everything in close range. It has a high firerate and is sufficiently accurate enough to take out even some mid range targets.

Anti-Tank Rifle
A five round semi-auto rifle that will kill anyone instantly. Like the Machine guns, it can only be fired from a bi-pod or prone. It has the added benefit of being able to shoot through walls.

See "Mortars" under the Backpacks section
Backpacks and Utility
Backpacks come with many Classes and can help you, or your team in many ways. The compass, map and Binoculars help fill out many of your needs for both spotting friendlies, enemies, and relaying actionable information.

(press 5 to drop)

Ammo Backpack
With Infantry and Machine Gunners, you will have a backpack containing spare ammo for all weapons. You can either guve this to someone who has been active for a while or use it yourself. Drop and consume.

Medic Backpack
A single use pack that can be used to revive a recently downed teammate or to heal them(or yourself) fully.

Mortar Backpacks
The Mortar comes in two seperate parts that must be combined to provide a functioning mortar. This means that a single soldier is unable to use a mortar. The Mortar Gunner will carry a mortar tube and the Mortar Commander will carry the stand for it. Due to how the mortar is designed, the Commander is highly recomended to take his binoculars and provide firing orders and ranges for the gunner.


Compass: V
Allows you to have your team quickly locate spotted enemy positions.
If your Class is an officer, it will also have 3 additional buttons marked inside allowing you to give the orders to:
  • Move to
  • Mortar Here
  • Fire on Position
They can be selected by using the scroll wheel.

Map: M
Provides a simple map of the area. It also shows friendly troops. This helps immensly on log range shots where difference in uniforms in almost impossible to see

Binoculars: B
While it provides little direct utility other than seeing slightly farther, it can be combined with the compase to set orders accurately. It also allows you to spot enemies much easier than with not. Only officers are issued with binoculars.

Zoom(while aiming down sights): Shift
Pressing Shift while aiming down sights will provide a small amount of zoom for longer range shots. This however does not exceed the magnification of the Binoculars, nor does it stack with binoculars.
The Forward Operating Base (FOB)
The FOB is one of the most crucial resources to both sides. As it allows your troops to get into the objective within a few seconds it is necesarry to position it so that your troops can both get to the objective quickly, and that they can move freely behind cover so to avoid detection as long as possible, and avoid being spawncamped.

On the otherside, if you sense that the enemy are arriving at the point quickly, coming from one side in particular, or just many in general consider that they have an FOB set up. If you think you have a general location for it, search and destroy immediately or use your compass and relay the information to your team.

Assaults or defenses that have thier FOB's destroyed often crumble within a minute or two. It takes 2 Frag grenades(G) detonated next to it, or 1 anti-tank grenade(3) to destroy them.

If you are setting up the FOB, remember that another can be set up at the same time with the last one set up being the primary spawn. If more than one is set up, this allows you to have a back up incase your FOB closest to the point is destroyed.

Note: During very low population times, having an FOB nearby the cap-zone is much more entertaining as you can get in more firefights. Perhaps, during these times, use your discresion to LEAVE the FOB up and let them move into the point naturally. You may "lose", but having fun is certianly a win!
Servers and Population
Due to Fog of War being in early access, with little PR, and furthermore behide a modest paywall, the overall population of FoW is fairly limitted. As such, usually only one or two servers will have enough players on at a time for a highly enjoyable experience. This means that we all may have higher pings than prefered (to some this may be dealbreaking, but such is the way with a great deal many of EA games).
See the Players in the Last 7 Days here.[]
While it may not seem like much, it should be more than sufficient at its current amount (though more will be nice too)

With they fairly small population, I highly recommend that you try to maintain an awareness of the opposing teams thoughts. Dominating a match will likely not be fun those being squashed and lead to them possiblly quitting (which makes the game less enjoyable for you). Spawncamping also is something I highly highly recomend against. Furthermore, feel free to switch between teams to help achieve some sort of balance as currrently its all on the players to balance the match; manually helping balance teams makes matches more fun and entertaining for everyone involved.
Coming Soon...
Additions that are yet to be added:
Finishing the class list
Adding a section on tank/artillery/mortars
Recommended tactics
Requested sections
Screenshots so its not simply a wall of text
A basic rundown of vehicles/hitching and other common keybinds

Apologies for taking longer than intended to write this. I have been particularly busy in RL this week and have had very little time for gameing let alone forums/this guide. I will try to work on it a little at a time though.
9 Yorum
Not Martian 1 Nis 2021 @ 11:57 
the game is rather dead last time i played it was me and my friend and 1 random joining and then leaving right after
Вoн Aмэбa 27 Ara 2019 @ 9:26 
but i don't see any server with peoples
Zedic 2 Nis 2018 @ 2:26 
How do I set up a Forward Operating Base? What button do I press as the Company Commander?
Beast 26 Mar 2017 @ 9:58 
GJ! but i have problem i change keys of jump and sprint and now they dosnt works, and i cant jump or sprint...
Restore to defaults dosnt work, please help me...
Lassital  [yaratıcı] 7 Mar 2017 @ 11:09 
Thank you all for your support :steamhappy: It means allot. I'll likely be updating it in smaller amounts frequently rather than all at once like I had initially intended.

@dt4lifelove If you need help with an issue, I recommend posting in the forums were we can go into more detail
SolidSativa 3 Mar 2017 @ 15:15 
Good job
Chibiman 1 Mar 2017 @ 16:29 
Really nice guide . this should get pinned on the forum too
SRS_HCM 1 Mar 2017 @ 14:40 
Spam Hands 1 Mar 2017 @ 11:59 
Thanks for creating an English guide; it is much needed.