Guts and Glory

Guts and Glory

Nedostatek hodnocení
Earls Construction LTD [ Super Detailed Level]
Přidat do oblíbených
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Vehicle Class: Class B
Velikost souboru
10.779 MB
22. úno. 2017 v 12.15
Poznámky ke změnám (1) – zobrazit

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Earls Construction LTD [ Super Detailed Level]

Earls Construction LTD Map is a first of its kind offering players the oppotunity to skip an area they deem as to hard to complete by following the green waypoints, Players can skip up to 70% which means this map offers a good chance of rookie and experienced players to complete it.

Numurous hours have been put into detailing, Level layout, terraforming and testing.
Earls Construction LTD has the worlds worst safety rating.. In this exclusive interview with Earl we asked him a few questions.

Interviewer: " Earl what will you do to improve your current safety rating of 0.2 / 5?"
Earl: "F*** off"

Interviewer: "Why would anyone hire your company to do construction work?"
Earl: "How many times get the f*** off my property!"