Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

54 人が評価
(TTC) Downsview Park Station (Metro/Train Interchange)
4.855 MB
2017年1月21日 15時39分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

(TTC) Downsview Park Station (Metro/Train Interchange)

JSF-1 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Toronto Collection
176 アイテム
Downsview Park Station is a new intermodel station being built in Toronto Ontario, Canada. The station features a Metro station and a train station.

ADVISORY: The game only semi recognizes the train platform as a train station. You can only use the train platform if it is connected to a train route. The game will not send trains to the station naturally.

Cost to build: $20,000
Upkeek: $2,000
Size: 5x14
3 件のコメント
Terence from beyondKOL 2023年4月24日 7時59分 
Hi, this asset no longer loads as of the current update. It would be helpful if you made the asset compatible with the latest update. Thanks
DJ Kondzio 2023年2月3日 16時40分 
Could you please update this mod because it crashes me? "Custom Assets: 847483888.Downsview Park Station_Data: Sub building BuildingInfo missing"
templeofdoom 2017年1月23日 15時12分 
Can you provide the model/texture stats that were used on this asset? Looks good and thanks in advance.